Re: Mooji cult: summary, ressources and reports from people who left the cult
Date: September 15, 2019 07:43PM
Following the money trail: 3 postings
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Maria Lena ()
Date: September 12, 2019 03:12AM
For a long time I was following Mooji. Fortunately I was never in Sahaja. My contact with him was in silent retreats in Zmar, online and one in Lisbon. I suspected something was happening, when one day after seeing a Satsang online in Rishikesh, this 2019, the most faithful people in my sangha suggested making a video where everyone would say how good it had been to them to meet Mooji. They did not explain why they wanted to make the video and I started to suspect. So I decided to search the internet for what was happening. I found all the information and I decided to write them. I copy the messages. The most important message who came from one of the team is missing, I coudn't find it. But the others are complete. I hope you understand my English and wish it serves to people here.
Good Morning
Sorry for my English because it is not my mother tongue. Wish you understand my mail.
I have needed some time to digest the disgust I had when reading Be Scofield's story about Mooji, time I've spent looking for more information on the subject to be objective. Information that I have found and from which I put the links below.
From 2013 I trusted Mooji, some things seemed strange to me, like kissing the feet, putting his shoes, his bodyguards, the songs praising him, this Mooji Ki Jai!, but I tried to understand his explanations: like it is normal to kiss feet in India, the guards are to protect him, the adoration shown by the devotees it is normal, it is also normal to give everything to the Guru until the last cell of the body.
So, I still let myself be hypnotized by his words and I had some openings of heart, that now I can see they were in my imagination. From 2013 I considered him my teacher and therefore I contributed economically in what I could: Satsangs, online retreats and money for Sahaja,
That's why I feel cheated because the Mooji that I knew, on stage, is not the one behind. He has light and shadow as we all have and he is not awake, nor is he recognized disciple of Ramana or Papaji.
My feeling is that I bought something in poor condition, like when you buy from Amazon and the product does not work out well. In this case worse because it sells something that is very intimate, sells awakening and plays with your heart, love and affection.
So, I would like to get my money back, not from the meals or the stay in Zmar, but from the presumed teachings in Satsang. You can find all my invoices in my Cleeng account.
I also ask you please to unsubscribe my mail in your listings.
I hope you are well and thank you for connecting with us.
Most of our team are currently travelling back from Rishikesh and once they are back, I will get back to you in regards to your request.
In the meantime, I have unsubscribed you from our email mailing list.
Thank you for your patience and I will be in touch again soon.
With love,
Donate at
Registered Charity No: 1144016
Registered in England and Wales
After that mail I received another e mail questioning me, e mail that I can’t find now. So, I can’t copy. But I copy my answer.
Dear …
Thanks for your long answer.
As you can deduce, not only have I read the Be Scofield article, I have been reviewing each of the entries in the Cult Education Forum, 180 at the moment.
I do not have the feeling that they are unsubstantiated and slanderous. You can read them quietly because there are many. At this moment 108 pages.
I also trust the criteria of Rick Archer of the Buddha at the Gas Pump program that has withdrawn interviews with Mooji and Massaro.
I also know of the threats of the attorneys to Henry Jolicoeur to have his video questions removed from the internet. All that is published in the Forum. I also wonder why someone enlightened has to hire lawyers to take legal action. I cannot imagine Jesus hiring anyone.
I would like to finish that I also have deep pain in my heart for all those who have suffered being close to Mooji, specially his ex-wife Radha, with all my respect for those, as you, who are living there for many years.
I still wish to be unsubscribed from everything. And yes, I would appreciate if I could have part of my money refunded, it would be good for me energetically.
I feel that I do not want to collaborate in maintaining specialized law firms in the internet.
And with this e mail I end up with our contact, I would like from now on if you contact will be only about the issue of the return of part of my money. If you cannot, you do not even need to write to me.
Wish you understand my English, it is done by Google Translator.
Wishing you all the best.
Following your request. A refund will be made for your donations, the details of these donations are detailed below:
21st Feb, 2015 - €30
2nd March, 2015 - €30
24th Feb, 2017 - £25 - ID: 32U84057D7761354D
18th Mar, 2017 - £25 - ID: 8L1037680S601524L
21st Nov, 2017 - £20 - ID: 5XE694408V5209055
3rd Jun, 2018 - €25 - ID: 9FF69323HN8179159
In loving service,
Money new
Posted by: Maria Lena ()
Date: September 14, 2019 05:21PM
I copy here, only for general information, the money I give to Cleeng the platform for live TV that M. uses for his online satsangs and Sahaja Express.
Zmar may 2015 Online Silent Retreat 186,33 €
Sahaja Express monthly subscription 29,06 € July 2015
Monte Sahaja retreat July 28 190,07 €
Zmar September 2015 online 183,90 €
London online November 2015 129,61 €
2016 Zmar online May 170,59 €
First Monte Sahaja online 2016 117,77 €
Second Monte Sahaja online 2016 117,77 €
Zmar online September 2016 113,99 €
Lisbon online April 2017 77,77 €
Zmar 2017 May online 117,28 €
Monte Sahaja online July 2017 123,12 €
Monte Sahaja online August 2017 122,32 €
2017 Susc Sahaja Express Dec 23,30 €
2018 Susc Sahaja Expres January 23,50 €
August 2018 Netherlands online 91,67 €
June 2018 Monte Sahaja online 126,50 €
I was also looking at the charity and I could see that they have an auditor from Kingston Smith LLP. The person who did in 28/9/2018 was Mahmood Ramji. It was nominated for English Asian Business Award.
I don't know if it's possible to ask for another audit.
There is also one thing to keep in mind that it is Brexit, the birth of the Association in Portugal I think goes along that line, as the Foundation will become extra community in October. I don't know if in Portugal the control of the Charities are as exhaustive as in Britain.
Thank you for your contributions, they have opened my eyes and I would like that open the eyes to many more. And thanks for removing the trolls.
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: September 15, 2019 05:31AM
Maria Lena,
Sadly, it seems like you spent 1,921.25 euros on Satsung over 3 years, which is a of of money by anyone's standards.
I think Mooji has around 200,000 followers worldwide (possibly a few less- thanks to this forum) so even if only, say, 1.5% of them are spending up on online Satsung rather then watching the free material-
That's 3,000 followers multiplied by 1,921.25 euros (if Maria Lena is an average spender - which is difficult to say) = 5,763,750 euros over three years!
That's over 5 million euros! (tax free, don't forget) That is before donations and the money raised by selling the pretty pictures of Mooji's feet in the gift-shop and online. Interesting.
Maria Lena, can you please post a link to the 2018 financial files of the Mooji Organisation?