"Christian Encounter"
Posted by: IanMac ()
Date: August 23, 2019 08:33PM

I would like to make people here aware of a group called, "Christian Encounter Ministries". Basically this is a religious cult masquerading as a private high school to help troubled teens. It's is similar to "Christian Exodus" which is already on the list.

CEM has been around since the late 1970's and is indoctrinating high school age children into the group using their extremely conservative interpretation of the bible. https://www.christianencounter.org/

I was a student there in the early 1980s and am still working through the psychological and spiritual damage that I incurred during my time there.

When I began to question the inconsistencies/hipocracy and the flexibility in their biblical interpretation I was brought into the center of a large group and informed that "god could use me better elsewhere". I was not given the freedom to speak or respond in any way, I was intimidated into leaving that minute and forbidden to speak to anyone before leaving.

Please beware of this group, they are still functioning and using these "at risk" teenagers to raise money so that the faculty can remain insulated from normal society, gratifying their pious egos at the expense of impressionable kids.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2019 08:37PM by IanMac.

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