Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: March 06, 2024 10:58PM

Just read this Message List
from the Beginning...

Sometimes I forget.

This Message list about the crimes and corruption of JAMES SWARTZ is actually quite an incredible one.
It does an amazingly accurate job of truthfully depicting the actions of the truly despicable foulness that is James Swartz.

Seeing 'Valma' post above brought a smile. She was the fourth person to ever Post on this Message List. That was almost five years ago, in May of 2019.

Partly due to Valma's message I went back and read this lists' first pages. There are over seventy pages now, with over 740 Posts and going on 160,000 views. But, in fact, the many contributors to the first ten pages said it all.

Along with Valma and myself, these contributors included many posts from: clearvision, Sahara71, ziziz, corboy, earthquake, bellajack, BeTrue, rick archer, and Heather (MynameisHeather) herself.

These eleven folks presented enough first-hand, in-person, Swartz said it, wrote it, did it evidence that by the time the reader is done just with these ten pages there is only one conclusion -- James Swartz is a fraud, a criminal, and unfit to be a spiritual teacher of any type.

Now, could he teach criminals how to be better 'con men'? Not the good ones, but the beginners and the amateurs? Absolutely.

Much appreciation to the many who've posted here over the years. Re-reading this Message List, I trust, gives Heather a feeling of support and being heard, which is worth all the time and energy it's taken for all of us, I'm sure.

Plus, the Posts here have warned many potential victims of the evil dangers of association with James Swartz, which was Heather's primary goal from the beginning.

Thank goodness for that, and that she has succeeded so well.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: April 04, 2024 02:46AM

Could this really have happened?



An apparently heartfelt message arrived two days ago. It claimed to be from JAMES SWARTZ.

Alleged Message from James Swartz
I am dying. My mind is no longer sharp. My body is a creaky husk of what it used to be. My primal glandular urges have subsided.

Some would say it is too long in coming. However, I'm fortunate to have lived this long so I could make amends.

To Heather I can only apologize. I did everything she said, and more. I drugged her, raped her, mind-fucked her -- and did the same to her friend, too. My unstable first wife was unhinged by these rapes and my other crimes, and by me forcing her to help, so I deserted her to suffer and die alone.

Recently I haven't been able to sleep. Hints have come to me in my few peaceful moments of what I have always been missing but yearned for, and those have tortured me.

I realize now that my life has been a waste. I've lied, cheated, and stolen, raped and misled, and seen persons as suckers to be used, since they weren't able to take the teachings like I did.

I conveniently interpreted the teachings as an invitation to lie, cheat, steal, and abuse because "If the Consciousness didn't wish it to happen, it couldn't." I excused my crimes as being 'God's will,' and used that reasoning to do whatever I felt I could get away with.

Yes. That was my life. Do whatever I felt I could get away with. And if challenged, to lie, accuse, and attack.

To all the people I've known, and especially to all of my students, my apologies. Not all of what I taught was false, but it was all slanted. The louder I became, the more you can guess I was on shaky ground.

And my books are excrement. No seeker should read any of them.

I am disbanding 'Shining World' and I worry that my wife, who has enjoyed the fruits of our deceptions, will leave me.

However, I am old, and dying, and can no longer stand the life of lies. Let my last few days, at least, be honest ones.

Yes, this message was almost too good to be true.

In fact, it was. Actually, a good friend sent it to me, having done her best to make it look real.

The message above, allegedly from James Swartz, was actually just an April Fool's joke.

And for a moment I almost believed it. Heck, I wanted to.
It seemed that for the first time James Swartz was telling the truth about himself and his sordid life.

But I should have known better.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: July 23, 2024 05:46AM

James Swartz must feel terrible,
Physically and Mentally --
He would feel bad Spiritually, too
Except he's not in touch with that...

I haven't written here for three months.

Seems to be no reason.

Whether it's physically come to pass or not for James himself, all the evidence is that any energy from or about, or interest in anything connected with James Swartz, has died off.

It's easy to imagine him drooling away in a corner, grunting rather than being able to pronounce whole words, and depending upon adult diapers not to make a mess. This seems not to be far from reality, based upon reports from the few who see him any more.

For the many he's abused in his sixty-plus years of adult life, this could be a happy matter to know about.

Such is the way of things...

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: October 20, 2024 01:56PM

It appears that
Missed Out.

It seems he could have been a merry Pedophile
(and a quietly accepted one)
At Osho's Ashram in Oregon...

A friend wrote that a new documentary recounts the abuse of children by men at Osho's ashram in Oregon. It was well-known, but not stopped, by the ashram's leadership (namely Sheila).

My friend wrote that the horrible stories told by the (then) children there of abuse reminded him of James Swartz and what he did with Heather and at least one other minor. Sardonically, he mused that Swartz had missed out.

Now, though, according to recent reports, Swartz is apparently a barely ambulatory drooler. This probably ensures that children are safer around him than they used to be...

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: December 07, 2024 02:05AM

Be Wary.
It's not just

Yes, James Swartz is deplorable.

Yes, as this site so fully illustrates, he's succumbed to all five of the traps that stop spiritual attainment in its tracks:

SEX, MONEY, DRUGS, and the desire for POWER and FAME.

But many, many other so called "Spiritual Teachers" are enmeshed in the same snares. This site gives tales of many of them.

Experienced persons on the so-called "spiritual path" are well aware of these dangers. Most of us have fallen prey to a false teacher at one time or another.

Happily, many of us, with a few scars but older and wiser, move to a true teacher.

James Swartz is as false as there could be, but these deceivers come in many packages, many of which are much more appealing than grizzled, old, ornery James Swartz.

So, again, be wary!

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: January 09, 2025 02:32AM

Thank Goodness This Site Is Here!

Thank you (again) Rick Ross!

An Innocent Saved from the evil of


Got a message. In part it read something like:

'Hey, Trav, who was that rapist fake guru you mentioned?
Wasn't it James Swartz?
Friend of mine asked me if he was a good person to study with.
What should I say?"

You can imagine my answer.

To summarize, certainly a big part of my response was to refer them to this Message List and to to read the Heather book.

Every person saved from James Swartz's fake teachings, greed, and (still?) rapaciousness is a victory for Heather and those who support her, as well as for simple justice and what is right.

And hopefully this person will have learned to do a thorough on-line check of any prospective teacher in the future, too.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 11, 2025 02:31AM

A lot of bad gurus and groups manipulate search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that positive reassuring info is readily findable on Google while warnings from former disciples are made harder to find.

A lot of successful recruitment is done through recommendations from people we already trust and from whom we seek advice when we are going through a rough spot.

Worst of all, therapists and body workers we trust may recommend a bad guru because they are sincerely ignorant of what that guru hides from them.

Solution - dig deep. Search for accounts from former disciples. Learn the finances of whatever group or guru you are thinking of studying with.

If anyone calls you negative minded, or laughs at you, that is a bad sign.

Any teacher who encourages followers to laugh at the expense of someone else is already an abuser.

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