Two Responses --
One to 'C. J. Allowance',
Twisted Thinker Who Could Be JAMES SWARTZ
and another to
A Message from Sundari to Sliming WorldTwo posts above, a person who calls him/herself Allowance, who might be James Swartz (the "circle jerk" allusion would seem quite good proof), uses (no surprise) reasoning that is hard to understand.
In the past I've mentioned I log in infrequently just to make sure the James Swartz topic is still on page one of the Cult Ed Forum Message List. Allowance doesn't understand that placement has NOTHING to do with number of viewers. Whether viewed by one or a thousand, the newest posts always go on top. Lot's of new posts means the James Swartz topic moves down the page rapidly. When that happens, I write a post, or perhaps someone else does, and it's back at the top.
The number of Viewers? That's different. I wrote posts here on Oct 08, Oct 30, Nov 29, Dec 28, Jan 03, and Jan 09, mostly in response to messages I'd received
and, as mentioned above,to keep the James Swartz topic on page one. Recently, each post has received an average of
300 plus views.
Most certainly, the numbers of writers of posts about James Swartz has dropped off. As I pointed out in my recent posts, thankfully many of them have healed. They've resolved their anger and feelings of betrayal at having been fooled by the dismal spiritual fraud (and pedophile rapist) James Swartz, and have moved on.
I continue to write, though. Once a month, or more if friends e-mail me things like what is below. Why? It's not as necessary now, I know. James Swartz is now a name that has an asterick attached. He's 'the controversial James Swartz.' He's 'the accused rapist James Swartz." He's the person who furrows peoples' foreheads when they hear his name.
But newbies still exist. They need to be warned. And I also promised Heather that I would never abandon the campaign to reveal her truth and all it brought forth.
Plus, as mentioned above, in the last six months
each post on the James Swartz topic has gotten over 300 views. Three hundred people read about James Swartz and his crimes (for which he has never presented a defense, since he has none) every time a new post comes.
How many defend him? Recently, zero. None. Unless Allowance is not James or Sundari. What do you think?
However, onward to this message's primary reason for being written.
---------------------------------A friend forwarded a Sliming World message to me. I took away, as could be expected, some unhappy impressions. Part of the message is copied below, but first three of my take-aways from it:
-- Sundari claims to teach in a "technical, scriptural format as we always do."
What scriptures? James Swartz is a proved mangler and mis-translator of sacred scriptures. He's written "translations" which omit things that show his own teachings to be bogus.
And, technical? Technical? Yes, that's really how spirituality should be "assimilated."
-- Sundari's taking the lead more and more because James continues to falter falter physically and mentally. This is a mixed blessing. Sundari's shown herself to be a different type of egocentric, angry spiritual teacher than James, perhaps preferable only because she's not a proved pedophile rapist.
-- There is mention of the Baxters -- "who are both psychologists, their professional knowledge will be of great help in this regard," the topic being
"the jiva identity i.e. duality, or mithya." Psychology is psychology. Advaita is Advaita. Persons with psychological difficulties are among the hardest students a true teacher every has. Many spiritual teachers, in my experience, will recommend a person with problems seek treatment before trying to move deeper into non-duality.
To make psychological counseling part of your core teaching to me brings the reaction of "What the Hell? Are you serious?"
Part of Advaita is to let go of the tyranny of the mind.
But a damaged or disturbed mind is exponentially harder to let go of.
And there are aspects to Advaita that, as every 'advanced' student knows, can take very strange and dangerous turns in a damaged or unbalanced mind.
So, psychologists? Really?
Except, actually, probably better to hear from the Baxters, whatever they do or say, than from James Swartz and Sundari.
Here's the excerpt I just commented on. I wonder how you'll see it.
Sliming World Message from the Bride of Swartz and Swartz himself (maybe).
Dear Friends,
As announced in our previous Newsletter, we have introduced a new two pronged method to our online teaching, with the intention of facilitating the assimilation of Vedanta. We will teach one format where Ramji and I, as well as on occasion other Shiningworld teachers, will impart the non-dual teachings in a more technical, scriptural format, as we usually do. The other approach will be for all the Shiningworld teachers to join in to help inquirers, whether beginners or advanced, with issues pertaining to the jiva identity, i.e., duality, or mithya. As John and Lisa Baxter are both psychologists, their professional knowledge will be of great help in this regard.
All right. That's it for this post to the James Swartz topic in this Message List on the Cult Education Forum.
Enjoy your circles, 'Allowance'.
Being in Swartz-world, it's likely the most fun you ever have.