Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: February 11, 2021 09:14PM

Allowance Wrote:
> Traveler99 Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> >
James Swartz
> >
> > Confirmed:
> > Liar
> > Back-Stabber
> > False "Teacher"
> > Killer of Neighbors' Pet Dog
> > Abuser of Women and Bully of Men
> > Betrayer of Students' Confidences
> > Student (and Practitioner) of Black Magic
> > (Virtually Confessed) Rapist of Under-Age
> Girl(s)
> > (who were his students)
> > "Cosby, Trump, and Weinstein, all in one
> > package."
> >
> > And more...

> You use the word "confirmed" quite
> lightly.

> >
> > Damn, James, you're famous. Well, Infamous
> might
> > be the more apt word.
> >
> > You've got a whole book written about you by
> > someone else!
> It's a fake book. Read the
> disclaimer at the beginning. It's fiction. Even
> the writer said so. Plus it's an e-book that very
> few people have read.

> You likely dreamed about having a
> > biography of yourself, but probably not this
> one.
> > (Guru? The
> Story
> > of Heather
, which is totally based on
> > Heather's horrible memories of her life from
> 14-16
> > as a younger but already as malicious James
> > Swartz's raped, drugged, and hypnotized
> > "student").
> When you're a guru, you become a
> target. People sometimes like to spread
> lies.

That's a bit hypocritical. I can tell we are entering the twilight zone with you people again...

Though your master took much relish in sending me harassing emails ordered to close the Vedanta social media, and to stop teaching right away, without doing his due diligence. He took much glee in it. The fact ive evidence ive reported what was said about me to the police, and told both countries her name, and Google has begun delisting his defamatory posts in some countries, and he still have them up, shows how much of an idiot he is. He's a simple troll, who doesnt care for factual & contextual truth, he just wants to harm people. But it's an impotent approach. That reminds me...

I mean, he's the kinda teacher blurts out in public satsang (it was recorded); "Me and Sundari don't f*** anymore". He's unbelievable.

> >

> > Also, James, you've got over 550 posts and
> going
> > on 50,000 Views all about you (!) on this site.
> Quite a lot of those views are
> yours. This whole long thread is a series of the
> same people over and over.

> >
> > Aren't you proud that as you fade into impotent
> > senility that you have reached such an
> important
> > place?
> >
> > How does it feel, James?
> I doubt he's reading this. He's
> only fading into what we all fade into. At least
> he knows that he is brahman and has taught untold
> numbers of people the beauty of Vedanta.

He does read this, both him and Isabella SWartz do, as well as a few close groupies. There's no use going further and saying he doesn't as I know for a fact he does.

And he doesn't teach traditional VEdanta. Anyone who has been taught it to a fairly competent level, knows that he doesn't teach it. It's not about the language, it's about content. Even if there is valid content, the fact that there is material that is not, makes the whole thing not traditional Vedanta.
> >
> > Of course, the other teacher you've always
> envied,
> > Mooji, has about five times as many Posts and
> ten
> > times as many Views on his "Topic" on this
> site,
> > but, hell. That should be encouraging. Until
> now,
> > you've never even added up to 10% of Mooji,
> even
> > as flawed as he has been found to be by many in
> > recent years.
> It's not a competition. If you
> were familiar with James' work, you would know his
> views about that. Besides, anyone who has
> seriously given James' books, videos, etc. a
> chance is probably not going to be overly
> interested in Mooji. When you've stumbled upon
> something great, you don't go for something
> mediocre.


oh really? Then why does Swartz put everyone down, keep posting satsangs how glorious he is, and say to teachers like me, i wont be remembered?

> >
> > By the standards of the Relative World you are
> a
> > total Loser. You are worse as a Spiritual
> Teacher
> > than Donald Trump as a businessman or as
> QAnon's
> > "savior." If you are ever remembered in the
> years
> > to come, it will be as a warning, a dark spot,
> an
> > evil thing the likes of which are to be
> avoided.
> He will be remembered fondly by
> hundreds, if not thousands, of people, as if it
> matters.

Even if this is true, what are you thinking that means? It doesn't mean anything. I could tell you the traditional Vedanta view of any popularity as a teacher, but I can't be bothered. Popularity is way off the mark.

> >
> > If there is Karma at work, after all the
> persons
> > you've damaged mentally, emotionally,
> > psychologically, physically, financially, and
> > spiritually, you will leave this earth as the
> > terrible Cassander did after having murdered
> the
> > wife, son, and mother of Alexander the Great.
> He
> > slowly rotted to death, eaten by worms as he
> still
> > lived, which many at the time found very
> > appropriate.
> You wouldn't know that. Also,
> that's an odd reference, seeing how violent
> Alexander was.

If I can interject, it was obviously an implied meaning. Not a literal. Do things have to be so pedantic with you people?

> >
> > If this happens to you, it is still my hope
> that
> > it happens in prison. The Mann Act is still
> well
> > and good, and you are soooo eligible to be
> brought
> > in for the interstate trafficking of underage
> > women for "lewd and immoral" purposes--and
> > thankfully there is no Statute of Limitations
> on
> > this offense. Now, with a new Administration in
> > Washington, D.C., there is a new energy in law
> > enforcement.
> Nobody has taken him to court over
> this. One can only guess that's because it never
> happened. Remember that the little e-book that
> you refer to is fiction, just as it says it
> is.

So what do you say about me? I wasn't reported. I reported the whole stupid thing myself.

> >
> > How nice for almost everyone -- except,
> perhaps,
> > for you, James Swartz. (Do come back to America
> as
> > soon as you can, though. There is more hope,
> now,
> > for you to be met at the airport by agents in
> dark
> > suits.)
> And who would those people be?
> Nobody who has made these horrible accusations
> against James has actually done anything realistic
> to bring justice. Again, probably because nothing
> happened at all. All I've seen is the same old
> people on this same old thread, and the wee
> fictional e-book.

> >
> >

> > Now for a walk in the forest, the deer grazing,
> > used to me so they don't run away. The mountain
> > air is fresh, the streams running strong, and
> it
> > is good to breathe out the foulness that
> thinking
> > and writing of James Swartz brings on...
> I wonder why you are so persistent
> in your false claims about James Swartz. It
> doesn't seem healthy, and it also seems
> slanderous. Why blame someone of crimes you can't
> prove and nobody is even willing to bring to
> court? It is just fantasizing about something
> that will never happen.

It's your last two quotes that got my attention a few days ago. It's been amazing to see you write this to Traveller, when your master has acted exactly as you are complaining about. You advice invalidates your own advice, hahaha. Are you that blind, that you cant see how hypocritical your words are? In regard to me, I told the police the lady's name, I gave her contact details. I explained what is being said about me. And this is after I spoke to her local law enforcement in her country, and I as was advised to report it all locally to me. The typed piece SWartz got, I had also. I gave it the police. And I explain the truth. But do you know what the difference is between what Traveller and I have posted? The proof that im telling the truth exists independently on Facebook itself, and the police are satisfied, as are Facebook, Youtube. Google, blah de blah de blah. I even was in contact with her asking her to be honourable and tell the actual contextual truth. I even emailed her last month again, but she ignores me now. She;s not going to come clean. Can sWartz prove that he has even tried to prove his innocence? I can.

This is another symptom of the cult like control that Shiningworld has. What Shiningworld members do is common in cults. You spiritually by-pass, and give unswerving 'devotion' to the saviour. It's built around this persona of being special. And it doesn't matter what Swartz says in public, I have it writing from many sources, his own writings showing how special he thinks he is. But you are blinded. Look at your silly posting here. Everything you wrote to Traveller is valid for Swartz and me. In fact more so, cause I done numerous successful things about it.

It's not slander, it's libel. I thought you would have known the difference, since you like writing...

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2021 09:24PM by earthquake.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: February 14, 2021 01:00AM

A Person sent a Message--

"Reading this Forum
Almost Makes Me Feel Sorry for James Swartz.
Is he really that Evil,
and that Stupid?
Can't he just shut up and not give you, Earthquake, and the others
so much ammunition to hammer him with?"

Plus, a List!
How does Swartz "fit"?

Very quickly I wrote back to this person, asking, "Do you really feel sorry for James Swartz?"

She replied, "No! Of course not. I said 'almost.' Heather, Devon Adler, all the contributors here, and you have proved he's an utter wretch. He's a Narcissist and Sociopath, and in the relative world, absolutely loathsome."

Then she added, "I just feel bad any being could turn out that way."

After making sure of her feelings, I answered her question.

"Swartz can no more not respond to the truth being shared about him than Donald Trump could resist Tweeting every time his ego got pricked.
"It's just that, as many times as Swartz gets kicked off this forum, he signs up with a new name and tries again."


Next in our electronic conversation this good person sent me a list that she had found on a discussion about ISKCON (the Hare Krishnas) on this site. She wrote, "How many of these apply to Swartz?"

Here's the list:

List of Warning Signs that indicate an unsafe Group/ Leader

1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
8. Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
9. The group/leader is always right.
10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

What do you think? Which of these Warning Signs apply to James Swartz? (Easier question, do any of them NOT apply to Swartz?)

Here are my answers:

1. Swartz is a total authoritarian who claims to be better and know the truth more accurately than anybody else.

2. He is accountable to nobody, and tolerates no meaningful questions or critical inquiry that hint that the questioner is moving beyond his own false teachings.

3. Money? He professes not to care, while being obsessed with "more, more" while getting all he can from whomever he can, and by all means, legal, sex industry, or otherwise.

4. Swartz is totally paranoid about the outside world, as he knows there are real teachers out there and that he is a fake. His biggest fear is for people to see him clearly. Also, deep down he fears "Karma," and that his years of rapine, corruption, falsehoods, and abuse will someday catch up with him--as, since Heather revealed her memories of him, to a large extent they have.

5. Any follower who disputes his teachings or his ways is criticized, ostracized, and shamed publicly to the best of Swartz's ability. (As some have discovered, the only way to leave Swartz "safely" is to quietly withdraw corresponding, attending, and donating, perhaps with the message, "You're great, James, but my family is having a hard time right now, and my job needs me... Sorry.")

6. Many former members have relayed messages of Abuse and many have the same pattern of grievances. This forum largely consists of Posts reflecting exactly that, and there would be many more except that some choose the quieter method (mentioned in 5. on this list) as a way of moving forward. Others move forward just cutting off contact with Swartz, realizing that there is always falsity, corruption, and debauchery in Maya, so let it be and move onward with a real Teacher, a better way.

7. Books and articles documenting the abuses of the Leader. Exactly. This forum, the Heather book, and the articles...

8. Followers can never quite be as good as Fearless Leader, most certainly, because:

9. Fearless Leader James Swartz is NEVER wrong--not on the holy Truths and scriptures on which his knowingness is unsurpassed.

10. In fact, in Shining World he is the final judge of all Truth, all meanings, and... everything!

Damn. In my rankings, Swartz hit 10 for 10 on the "Danger" list.

Would you call that a "Perfect Score,"

an ominous, horrible Warning about any association with this Terrible Shipwreck of a self-proclaimed "Spiritual Teacher,"

or something else?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2021 01:07AM by Traveler99.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Allowance ()
Date: February 16, 2021 04:15PM

Traveler99 Wrote:
James Swartz,
> as "Allowance,"

How about facts for a change? I am not James Swartz.

> Attempts to Disprove
> Traveler's (my) Assertions.
> Let's take a look...

> James Swartz, as "Allowance," tries to counter the
> Assertions in the above post. For the sake of
> exposing the superficiality,the total shallowness,
> of Swartz's analyses, let's go over them one by
> one.
> First Swartz writes:
That is a blatant lie. Swartz did not write that. Why are you doing this? I am not Swartz, so don't call me him. You are doing nothing positive by calling me someone that I am not.

As I mentioned earlier, this story about "Heather" is fiction.
The e-book, not properly published, isn't written by the person it's supposed to be about, and right on the cover it says "Allegation-based 'Fiction'".

> The second claim made by Swartz/ Allowance is:

Please ask yourself why you call me Swartz. This forum is supposed to be about the truth, so how can you call me someone that I'm not?
This is a quote directly from the forum rules: "Don't post false statements, contrived fiction, deliberately misleading statements, obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful and/or threatening comments, which may violate any laws."

You are falsely stating that I am James Swartz. You keep bringing up the e-book of contrived fiction. You are misleading anyone who might read your posts by calling me James Swartz when I'm not and obviously you have absolutely no proof that I am. As far as I know, YOU could be James Swartz.

Don't lie about me please. It's part of the rules here, and just for human decency, I'm asking you not to call me James Swartz.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Allowance ()
Date: February 16, 2021 04:38PM

earthquake Wrote:

> That's a bit hypocritical. I can tell we are
> entering the twilight zone with you people
> again...

Who is "you people"? I speak for myself.
> Though your master took much relish in sending me
> harassing emails ordered to close the Vedanta
> social media, and to stop teaching right away,
> without doing his due diligence. He took much glee
> in it. The fact ive evidence ive reported what was
> said about me to the police, and told both
> countries her name, and Google has begun delisting
> his defamatory posts in some countries, and he
> still have them up, shows how much of an idiot he
> is. He's a simple troll, who doesnt care for
> factual & contextual truth, he just wants to harm
> people. But it's an impotent approach. That
> reminds me...

My only master is Isvara. Don't say that James Swartz is my master, because he isn't. You're not supposed to lie about people on this forum.

> oh really? Then why does Swartz put everyone down,
> keep posting satsangs how glorious he is, and say
> to teachers like me, i wont be remembered?

Why do you say that he puts everyone down? He doesn't. Maybe he said you won't be remembered to emphasize how you're not as important as you think you are.

I wonder how long you and Traveler plan to commiserate about James Swartz, without taking any real action against him. Maybe if I come back here in 5 years you'll still be here recycling the same old things, calling people James Swartz who are not James Swartz, and calling people followers of their "master" James Swartz who aren't.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: February 17, 2021 04:39AM

> earthquake Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > That's a bit hypocritical. I can tell we are
> > entering the twilight zone with you people
> > again...
> Who is "you people"? I speak for
> myself.

> >
> >
> > Though your master took much relish in sending
> me
> > harassing emails ordered to close the Vedanta
> > social media, and to stop teaching right away,
> > without doing his due diligence. He took much
> glee
> > in it. The fact ive evidence ive reported what
> was
> > said about me to the police, and told both
> > countries her name, and Google has begun
> delisting
> > his defamatory posts in some countries, and he
> > still have them up, shows how much of an idiot
> he
> > is. He's a simple troll, who doesnt care for
> > factual & contextual truth, he just wants to
> harm
> > people. But it's an impotent approach. That
> > reminds me...
> My only master is Isvara. Don't
> say that James Swartz is my master, because he
> isn't. You're not supposed to lie about people on
> this forum.

It's interesting that's the only response that you find salient to the action I took.

Then show he is not your master. Show you can think for yourself. He's been caught out publishing lies about me. I can provide the evidence. Since you bring up lies, my question is, do you think it is acceptable that he has published lies about me, a teacher in a traditional Vedanta lineage?

Shiningworld members constantly ignore the lies he tells. The truth matters. Show you're noble.

> > oh really? Then why does Swartz put everyone
> down,
> > keep posting satsangs how glorious he is, and
> say
> > to teachers like me, i wont be remembered?
> Why do you say that
> he puts everyone down? He doesn't.

Let's set aside for the moment how Swartz in his own book, 'mystic by default' speaks about having thoughts of punching women, then seems to be happy enough to have sex them minutes later...

As the book progresses Swartz attempts to slowly build himself up to the level of his own Guru, and beyond. For example, speaking about Swami Chinamyananda:

Swartz/Mystic By Default"

He was a very classy, dignified guy. But, odd as it sounds, I think the intense awareness I focused on him brought up things he was ill prepared to deal with.

I came out of my absorption for a minute and noticed that the Swami was looking at me in an unkind way, as if I had consciously done something to mess with the classroom energy, about which he was very possessive. At the same time I had the sense that he was drawn to me, perhaps momentarily envious? Whatever it was, I understood that I did not belong there any more; I was simply becoming too powerful.

I say ‘momentarily envious’ because I think seeing me like that, more a god than a human being, must have called attention to the negative side of his own situation. His karma as a famous jet-setting mahatma put such heavy demands on his mind that it often pulled him down, making him cranky and irritable, sometimes downright unpleasant.

I did not have to lift a finger and I spoke infrequently. I could fly and soar in the transcendental sky, dissolve into the emptiness and experiment all day long as I saw fit. While he squandered his capital at an alarming rate helping others, I husbanded mine, selfishly investing it in pure meditation. And finally, he had to live with the knowledge that he was nearing the end of his incarnation, whereas I was being reborn into a brand new life.

~ Page 186.

Ill-prepared, possessive, momentarily envious, negative side of his own situation, cranky, irritable, downright unpleasant. Squandered his capital helping others, and some innuendo regarding Swami Chinmaya's life near ending and Swartz' being young. I honestly am laughing out loud at what is being said by a student about one of the most important teachers for centuries As it says in scripture, fools!


The free person, enlightened, won't be bothered about coming to the twilight years of life. What Swartz wrote is so inaccurate, only someone pretending to be that would say such a schoolboy error.

"More a God than a human being", hahaha! Yeeeehaaaaa. Well, if he claims it be, it must be true. Sorry, im in stitches again.

Maybe he said
> you won't be remembered to emphasize how you're
> not as important as you think you are.

Let me give you a Vedanta lesson that is obviously needed. A traditional vedanta teacher does not want to be remembered, nor care less about such things. Only cult-like 'masters' care about being remembered.

Oh how important do I think I am then? One of the Swartz' favourite slogans is; 'the proof is in the pudding'.

1. I do not even take donations for teaching, and gladly live in poverty. Swartz asks for money for his Spanish love nest in the hills in classes. (I keep asking both myself and Swartz' share our financial records for the last 3 years, since he decided to make a 'thing' in regard to money and myself).

2. I keep a very small number of students. Swartz has created a cult-like 'inner circle' around his persona, that is self-evident in class and openly perpetuated by this bulls*** thing his own political views are some sign of Vedanta.

Go on my profile on facebook, check the second post. That publication in a magazine of my own political views, has not impacted my role as a teacher in one of the worlds most respected lineages. Tis my personal business, not to be controlled by others. Only cult-like 'masters' try to control and coerce the democratic views of free citizens through psuedo-spiritual teachings.

3. I never, ever, ever, publicise anything positive that a student says about me, as we do not do such things in traditional Vedanta. Neither do we personally accept praise in private. My own students come on here from time to time, they know the proper way. A student is free to praise, but the teacher never takes that personal. We teachers are not special, nor doing anything special.

Swartz' are in charge of what is posted on their website and they post false or semi-false 'letters' praising how special they are. I have proof-positive they post false letters. The world outside of Shiningworld agree on this, the actions are transparent, ridiculous and show what fools they are.

So, you tell me who is in this teaching thing, and for what? Reality must come into play.

> I wonder how long you and Traveler plan to
> commiserate about James Swartz, without taking any
> real action against him. Maybe if I come back
> here in 5 years you'll still be here recycling the
> same old things, calling people James Swartz who
> are not James Swartz, and calling people followers
> of their "master" James Swartz who aren't.

Why are you wondering? What difference is it to you?

Perhaps it is just me, but an innocent person would do their very best to bring any allegations to the authorities themselves, and also legally challenge whatever way possible. Like I have. Like he hasn't. There is no point in debating someone who has brought allegations (about themselves) to the police of their own accord, while you defend someone who hasnt. Twilight zone time again.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2021 05:08AM by earthquake.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Allowance ()
Date: February 17, 2021 04:12PM

earthquake Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > earthquake Wrote:
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > That's a bit hypocritical. I can tell we are
> > > entering the twilight zone with you people
> > > again...
> >
> > Who is "you people"? I speak
> for
> > myself.

> > >
> > >
> > > Though your master took much relish in
> sending
> > me
> > > harassing emails ordered to close the Vedanta
> > > social media, and to stop teaching right
> away,
> > > without doing his due diligence. He took much
> > glee
> > > in it. The fact ive evidence ive reported
> what
> > was
> > > said about me to the police, and told both
> > > countries her name, and Google has begun
> > delisting
> > > his defamatory posts in some countries, and
> he
> > > still have them up, shows how much of an
> idiot
> > he
> > > is. He's a simple troll, who doesnt care for
> > > factual & contextual truth, he just wants to
> > harm
> > > people. But it's an impotent approach. That
> > > reminds me...
> >
> > My only master is Isvara. Don't
> > say that James Swartz is my master, because he
> > isn't. You're not supposed to lie about people
> on
> > this forum.
> It's interesting that's the only response that you
> find salient to the action I took.
> Then show he is not your master.

How do I show that someone is not my master other than just saying he is not my master? If I accused you of having Hitler as your master, how would you show me that he isn't?

> Show you can think for yourself.

I've written "for myself" here, so that's thinking for myself.

> He's been caught out
> publishing lies about me. I can provide the
> evidence. Since you bring up lies, my question is,
> do you think it is acceptable that he has
> published lies about me, a teacher in a
> traditional Vedanta lineage?

That just comes down to you vs. him. I have no reason to believe you anymore than believe James Swartz. In fact, by the things you've already written in this thread, I am inclined to believe Swartz over you.

> Shiningworld members constantly ignore the lies he
> tells. The truth matters. Show you're noble.

Yes, the truth matters. I don't know which members of Shiningworld ignore what lies he may or may not have told. I hope that if he has lied, that they take that into consideration as anyone would about anyone lying.

How do I show that I'm noble?

Does it count that I call out lies here? Traveler was calling me James Swartz. I'm more noble than that. Does that count?

> >
> > > oh really? Then why does Swartz put everyone
> > down,
> > > keep posting satsangs how glorious he is, and
> > say
> > > to teachers like me, i wont be remembered?
> >
> > Why do you say
> that
> > he puts everyone down? He doesn't.

> Let's set aside for the moment how Swartz in his
> own book, 'mystic by default' speaks about having
> thoughts of punching women, then seems to be happy
> enough to have sex them minutes later...

People have many thoughts. There's a difference between having a thought and acting on it.

> As the book progresses Swartz attempts to slowly
> build himself up to the level of his own Guru, and
> beyond. For example, speaking about Swami
> Chinamyananda:
Swartz/Mystic By Default"
> He was a very classy, dignified guy. But, odd as
> it sounds, I think the intense awareness I focused
> on him brought up things he was ill
> prepared
to deal with.
> I came out of my absorption for a minute and
> noticed that the Swami was looking at me in an
> unkind way, as if I had consciously done something
> to mess with the classroom energy, about which he
> was very possessive. At the same time I had
> the sense that he was drawn to me, perhaps
> momentarily envious? Whatever it was, I
> understood that I did not belong there any more;
> I was simply becoming too powerful.
> I say ‘momentarily envious’ because I think seeing
> me like that, more a god than a human being, must
> have called attention to the negative side of
> his own situation
. His karma as a famous
> jet-setting mahatma put such heavy demands on his
> mind that it often pulled him down, making him
> cranky and irritable, sometimes downright
> unpleasant
> I did not have to lift a finger and I spoke
> infrequently. I could fly and soar in the
> transcendental sky, dissolve into the emptiness
> and experiment all day long as I saw fit. While
> he squandered his capital at an alarming rate
> helping others
, I husbanded mine, selfishly
> investing it in pure meditation. And finally,
> he had to live with the knowledge that he was
> nearing the end of his incarnation
, whereas I
> was being reborn into a brand new life.
> ~ Page 186.
> Ill-prepared, possessive, momentarily envious,
> negative side of his own situation, cranky,
> irritable, downright unpleasant. Squandered his
> capital helping others, and some innuendo
> regarding Swami Chinmaya's life near ending and
> Swartz' being young. I honestly am laughing out
> loud at what is being said by a student about one
> of the most important teachers for centuries As it
> says in scripture, fools!
> lmao!
> The free person, enlightened, won't be bothered
> about coming to the twilight years of life. What
> Swartz wrote is so inaccurate, only someone
> pretending to be that would say such a schoolboy
> error.

It doesn't bother me. I think you should stop trying to dig for things to get mad at James Swartz about. Perhaps you're jealous that he had such a close relationship with Swami Chinmayananda. You seem to think that both Swami Chinmayananda and James should be superhuman or something.

> "More a God than a human being", hahaha!
> Yeeeehaaaaa. Well, if he claims it be, it must be
> true. Sorry, im in stitches again.

You are easily amused. Instead of laughing about what you find to be silly, how about bringing him to justice, if you really believe he has raped someone.
> Maybe he said
> > you won't be remembered to emphasize how you're
> > not as important as you think you are.
> Let me give you a Vedanta lesson that is obviously
> needed. A traditional vedanta teacher does not
> want to be remembered, nor care less about such
> things. Only cult-like 'masters' care about being
> remembered.

How ironic that you think you know what Vedanta lessons others need to learn. Anyway, I'm pretty sure James doesn't care about being remembered. He understands that James is just a jiva. Jivas come and go.

> Oh how important do I think I am then? One of the
> Swartz' favourite slogans is; 'the proof is in the
> pudding'.
> 1. I do not even take donations for teaching, and
> gladly live in poverty.

Well, it is clear who you are, as your name has been noted by others, and you've admitted who you are here, other than the nickname "earthquake". It appears that you don't need to take donations, because you simply "borrow" money from others and don't pay it back. Do you deny those allegations? Have you paid everyone back that you borrowed money from?
You say you live in "poverty", but that's a relative word. You live in a first world nation that has social assistance, and it appears you have money for travel, drinking, etc. Or is it perhaps that you're just lazy and don't want to work? Perhaps you are like Arjuna, who instead of manning up to fight the battle he was meant to fight, wanted to run away to Rishikesh.

> Swartz asks for money for
> his Spanish love nest in the hills in classes. (I
> keep asking both myself and Swartz' share our
> financial records for the last 3 years, since he
> decided to make a 'thing' in regard to money and
> myself).

That's his business. "Asking" is different from borrowing and not paying back.
> 2. I keep a very small number of students.

That might because there aren't too many people that want to be your student. From past messages in this thread, it is apparent that you were trying to get as many members in your group as possible, encouraging people to "like" your posts, etc. You wanted to attract new members.

> Swartz
> has created a cult-like 'inner circle' around his
> persona, that is self-evident in class and openly
> perpetuated by this bulls*** thing his own
> political views are some sign of Vedanta.

I can see how a lot of people would like him. His books and satsangs are excellent. People are allowed to have political views that you don't hold. Why get triggered by it?
> Go on my profile on facebook, check the second
> post. That publication in a magazine of my own
> political views, has not impacted my role as a
> teacher in one of the worlds most respected
> lineages. Tis my personal business, not to be
> controlled by others. Only cult-like 'masters' try
> to control and coerce the democratic views of free
> citizens through psuedo-spiritual teachings.

I've read and listened to a lot of what James Swartz has said, but I've never seen any controlling and coercing political views. In fact, that statement seems ridiculous to me.

> 3. I never, ever, ever, publicise anything
> positive that a student says about me, as we do
> not do such things in traditional Vedanta. Neither
> do we personally accept praise in private. My own
> students come on here from time to time, they know
> the proper way. A student is free to praise, but
> the teacher never takes that personal. We teachers
> are not special, nor doing anything special.

You are familiar with James, so you must notice that he constantly says that the teaching is not his, that he shouldn't get credit for Vedanta. You must be aware enough of his life story to know that he was a very financially successful businessman, but gave that up to live the simple life. For a while he was even living out in a cabin in the woods.
> Swartz' are in charge of what is posted on their
> r website and they post false or semi-false
> 'letters' praising how special they are. I have
> proof-positive they post false letters. The world
> outside of Shiningworld agree on this, the actions
> are transparent, ridiculous and show what fools
> they are.
> So, you tell me who is in this teaching thing, and
> for what? Reality must come into play.
> >
> > I wonder how long you and Traveler plan to
> > commiserate about James Swartz, without taking
> any
> > real action against him. Maybe if I come back
> > here in 5 years you'll still be here recycling
> the
> > same old things, calling people James Swartz
> who
> > are not James Swartz, and calling people
> followers
> > of their "master" James Swartz who
> aren't.[/color]
> Why are you wondering? What difference is it to
> you?

Meh. You can keep on going. I don't appreciate lies though. I don't appreciate the dramatic fashion in which Traveler sets up his posts, then proceeds to call people James Swartz, despite not knowing who they are. It's just kind of sad that you two talk back and forth here all the time upset about a teacher that has done so much for so many people. The "all talk and no action" thing is kind of boring. If you really believed he was a rapist, I think you should take him to court. That's just my opinion though. I can't actually imagine anyone doing that because I simply don't believe that he did that. The book that the claims come from states on the front cover that it is fiction.
> Perhaps it is just me, but an innocent person
> would do their very best to bring any allegations
> to the authorities themselves, and also
> legally challenge whatever way possible. Like I
> have. Like he hasn't. There is no
> point in debating someone who has brought
> allegations (about themselves) to the police of
> their own accord, while you defend someone who
> hasnt. Twilight zone time again.

Well, if you're innocent of something, there isn't really a reason to go out of your way to prove so. Maybe it's important to you to clear your name of some of the allegations against you because you already had a bad name.

If you keep on bringing up allegations against someone, that might be a sign that you are guilty of something. There are several allegations out there against you. For example, you have sent nude photos of yourself to members of your Vedanta Facebook group. You have "borrowed" money from some of those members and not paid them back. You have been renounced by a swami of the lineage that you associate with. Another swami that you claimed to be your guru stated that he didn't know you.

Maybe because of all of these allegations against yourself, you feel it necessary to project onto James Swartz.

Anyway, it's likely that nobody has what it takes to take Swartz to court over allegations. I can only guess that's because they are not true. If they were true, I would be more than happy to see this taken to court and see James pay the price. Dharma is important. Om.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: February 17, 2021 04:59PM

> How do I show that someone is not
> my master other than just saying he is not my
> master? If I accused you of having Hitler as your
> master, how would you show me that he
> isn't?

Your analogy doesn't make sense. Hitler is dead, and I haven't been on here even remotely speaking about him, never mind supporting him, nor by-passing things he did.

Stay focused.

> > He's been caught out
> > publishing lies about me. I can provide the
> > evidence. Since you bring up lies, my question
> is,
> > do you think it is acceptable that he has
> > published lies about me, a teacher in a
> > traditional Vedanta lineage?
> That just comes down to you vs.
> him. I have no reason to believe you anymore than
> believe James Swartz. In fact, by the things
> you've already written in this thread, I am
> inclined to believe Swartz over you.

That is why I have said I can provide evidence that he has posted lies about me. Generally one lie, particularly a major lie that can be proven is enough to debunk. I have shared excerpts of private emails that show he has lied about me multiple times on Shiningworld. I will provide you with the actual emails that show he had directly, actually & contextually lied about me. You dont' seem to understand what certain words in sentences mean.

> >
> > Shiningworld members constantly ignore the lies
> he
> > tells. The truth matters. Show you're noble.
> Yes, the truth matters. I don't
> know which members of Shiningworld ignore what
> lies he may or may not have told. I hope that if
> he has lied, that they take that into
> consideration as anyone would about anyone lying.
> How do I show that I'm noble?
> Does it count that I call out lies here? Traveler
> was calling me James Swartz. I'm more noble than
> that. Does that count?

That is not contextual discussion between you and I. Stop side-manoeuvring away from the point I have made. I show evidence Swartz has specifically, literally, lied about me on salient things. And I want to see your response.

> >
> > Let's set aside for the moment how Swartz in
> his
> > own book, 'mystic by default' speaks about
> having
> > thoughts of punching women, then seems to be
> happy
> > enough to have sex them minutes later...
> People have many thoughts. There's
> a difference between having a thought and acting
> on it.

Hmm, in all my years, I cant recall having thoughts of punching a woman in the face, and instead, being content with having sex with her. You can disregard his own words if you want, but its' not normal. I expected you to by-pass it.

> >
> > As the book progresses Swartz attempts to
> slowly
> > build himself up to the level of his own Guru,
> and
> > beyond. For example, speaking about Swami
> > Chinamyananda:
> >
> >
Swartz/Mystic By Default"
> >
> > He was a very classy, dignified guy. But, odd
> as
> > it sounds, I think the intense awareness I
> focused
> > on him brought up things he was ill
> > prepared
to deal with.
> >
> > I came out of my absorption for a minute and
> > noticed that the Swami was looking at me in an
> > unkind way, as if I had consciously done
> something
> > to mess with the classroom energy, about which
> he
> > was very possessive. At the same time I
> had
> > the sense that he was drawn to me, perhaps
> > momentarily envious? Whatever it was, I
> > understood that I did not belong there any
> more;
> > I was simply becoming too powerful.
> >
> > I say ‘momentarily envious’ because I think
> seeing
> > me like that, more a god than a human being,
> must
> > have called attention to the negative side
> of
> > his own situation
. His karma as a famous
> > jet-setting mahatma put such heavy demands on
> his
> > mind that it often pulled him down, making him
> > cranky and irritable, sometimes downright
> > unpleasant
> >
> > I did not have to lift a finger and I spoke
> > infrequently. I could fly and soar in the
> > transcendental sky, dissolve into the emptiness
> > and experiment all day long as I saw fit.
> While
> > he squandered his capital at an alarming rate
> > helping others
, I husbanded mine, selfishly
> > investing it in pure meditation. And finally,
> > he had to live with the knowledge that he
> was
> > nearing the end of his incarnation
, whereas
> I
> > was being reborn into a brand new life.
> >
> > ~ Page 186.
> >
> > Ill-prepared, possessive, momentarily envious,
> > negative side of his own situation, cranky,
> > irritable, downright unpleasant. Squandered his
> > capital helping others, and some innuendo
> > regarding Swami Chinmaya's life near ending and
> > Swartz' being young. I honestly am laughing out
> > loud at what is being said by a student about
> one
> > of the most important teachers for centuries As
> it
> > says in scripture, fools!
> >
> > lmao!
> >
> >
> > The free person, enlightened, won't be bothered
> > about coming to the twilight years of life.
> What
> > Swartz wrote is so inaccurate, only someone
> > pretending to be that would say such a
> schoolboy
> > error.
> It doesn't bother me. I think you
> should stop trying to dig for things to get mad at
> James Swartz about. Perhaps you're jealous that
> he had such a close relationship with Swami
> Chinmayananda. You seem to think that both Swami
> Chinmayananda and James should be superhuman or
> something.

You asked for examples of Swartz putting people down. I start with his own Guru. You by-pass that, makes it stupid even asking me who then, doesnt it?

Jealous? How childish of you. Swami Chinmaya was dead before I came to Vedanta. And his relationship with Swartz wasn't that special. Why do you think the Chinamya Mission isn't interested in endorsing Shiningworld....

> >
> > "More a God than a human being", hahaha!
> > Yeeeehaaaaa. Well, if he claims it be, it must
> be
> > true. Sorry, im in stitches again.
> You are easily amused. Instead of
> laughing about what you find to be silly, how
> about bringing him to justice, if you really
> believe he has raped someone.

Again, that's not my business. Stop trying to deflect. He's factual & literally showing a god complex here. I expected you to also by-pass this.

> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Maybe he said
> > > you won't be remembered to emphasize how
> you're
> > > not as important as you think you are.
> >
> > Let me give you a Vedanta lesson that is
> obviously
> > needed. A traditional vedanta teacher does not
> > want to be remembered, nor care less about such
> > things. Only cult-like 'masters' care about
> being
> > remembered.
> How ironic that you think you know
> what Vedanta lessons others need to learn.
> Anyway, I'm pretty sure James doesn't care about
> being remembered. He understands that James is
> just a jiva. Jivas come and go.

You don't understand how teaching Vedanta works, do you. It's an oral tradition. A teacher knows by what is being said to them. It's why I reply the way I do at times.

> >
> > Oh how important do I think I am then? One of
> the
> > Swartz' favourite slogans is; 'the proof is in
> the
> > pudding'.
> >
> > 1. I do not even take donations for teaching,
> and
> > gladly live in poverty.
> Well, it is clear who you are, as
> your name has been noted by others, and you've
> admitted who you are here, other than the nickname
> "earthquake". It appears that you don't need to
> take donations, because you simply "borrow" money
> from others and don't pay it back. Do you deny
> those allegations? Have you paid everyone back
> that you borrowed money from?
> You say you live in "poverty", but that's a
> a relative word. You live in a first world nation
> that has social assistance, and it appears you
> have money for travel, drinking, etc. Or is it
> perhaps that you're just lazy and don't want to
> work? Perhaps you are like Arjuna, who instead of
> manning up to fight the battle he was meant to
> fight, wanted to run away to Rishikesh.

I borrowed money five times in three years. One I have just paid back, another two know that it is imminent. I'm happy to share my financial records. Yes, I also get help from the local villagers as well here. I'm grateful of that. It's took my some time to be able to get in a position to even begin to pay some back. I know for a fact, my borrowing those few times, is vastly different than your masters financial records. There's a reason I keep on about those.

> > Swartz asks for money for
> > his Spanish love nest in the hills in classes.
> (I
> > keep asking both myself and Swartz' share our
> > financial records for the last 3 years, since
> he
> > decided to make a 'thing' in regard to money
> and
> > myself).
> That's his business. "Asking" is
> different from borrowing and not paying
> back.

> >
> > 2. I keep a very small number of students.
> That might because there aren't too
> many people that want to be your student. From
> past messages in this thread, it is apparent that
> you were trying to get as many members in your
> group as possible, encouraging people to "like"
> your posts, etc. You wanted to attract new
> members.

Aww bless you, you haven't got a clue. Attracting new members, after discussion with my lineage. I removed over 550 members only a few months ago. Your information is wrong. Hardly a sign of wanting new members.

> > Swartz
> > has created a cult-like 'inner circle' around
> his
> > persona, that is self-evident in class and
> openly
> > perpetuated by this bulls*** thing his own
> > political views are some sign of Vedanta.
> I can see how a lot of people would
> like him. His books and satsangs are excellent.
> People are allowed to have political views that
> you don't hold. Why get triggered by it?

> >
> > Go on my profile on facebook, check the second
> > post. That publication in a magazine of my own
> > political views, has not impacted my role as a
> > teacher in one of the worlds most respected
> > lineages. Tis my personal business, not to be
> > controlled by others. Only cult-like 'masters'
> try
> > to control and coerce the democratic views of
> free
> > citizens through psuedo-spiritual teachings.
> I've read and listened to a lot of
> what James Swartz has said, but I've never seen
> any controlling and coercing political views. In
> fact, that statement seems ridiculous to
> me.

Really, hahaha. They've just fired a teacher recently over this. He has the same views politically as me. And they've posted how can you teach or be enlightened and have those views. My lineage aint got issues. Only the almighty Swartz do. I expected you to by-pass this also.

> >
> > Perhaps it is just me, but an innocent person
> > would do their very best to bring any
> allegations
> > to the authorities themselves, and also
> > legally challenge whatever way possible. Like I
> > have. Like he hasn't. There is no
> > point in debating someone who has brought
> > allegations (about themselves) to the police of
> > their own accord, while you defend someone who
> > hasnt. Twilight zone time again.
> Well, if you're innocent of
> something, there isn't really a reason to go out
> of your way to prove so. Maybe it's important to
> you to clear your name of some of the allegations
> against you because you already had a bad name.
> If you keep on bringing up allegations against
> someone, that might be a sign that you are guilty
> of something. There are several allegations out
> there against you. For example, you have sent
> nude photos of yourself to members of your Vedanta
> Facebook group. You have "borrowed" money from
> some of those members and not paid them back. You
> have been renounced by a swami of the lineage that
> you associate with. Another swami that you
> claimed to be your guru stated that he didn't know
> you.
> Maybe because of all of these allegations against
> yourself, you feel it necessary to project onto
> James Swartz.


I've let the police know everything that was said about me, I had to because of what I was reporting. Since no action has been took against me anywhere after my reporting, there's a big implication there.

Regarding Swami. Private message me who said this and in what context. I've already explained the head Ashram in India has gave me permission to teach months ago. I've also already explained that SWami are on public video endorsing their students to come to my classes. That is that.

Im in a rush. Let's carry this on in a bit. But please, directly interact with me. if you simply make claims and don't interact with my responses and yet make more claims, that is trolling.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2021 05:07PM by earthquake.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Allowance ()
Date: February 17, 2021 07:35PM

earthquake Wrote:
> >
> > How do I show that someone is
> not
> > my master other than just saying he is not my
> > master? If I accused you of having Hitler as
> your
> > master, how would you show me that he
> > isn't?
> Your analogy doesn't make sense. Hitler is dead,
> and I haven't been on here even remotely speaking
> about him, never mind supporting him, nor
> by-passing things he did.
> Stay focused.

It seems like you need to stay focused. I never said Hitler was alive, never said that you spoke about him, and never said that you supported him. You asked me to show that James Swartz is not my master. How do I prove something not to be the case?

Don't distract from what I've brought up here. I have been very specific and simple. Let's keep it that way.

> >
> >
> > > He's been caught out
> > > publishing lies about me. I can provide the
> > > evidence. Since you bring up lies, my
> question
> > is,
> > > do you think it is acceptable that he has
> > > published lies about me, a teacher in a
> > > traditional Vedanta lineage?
> >
> > That just comes down to you vs.
> > him. I have no reason to believe you anymore
> than
> > believe James Swartz. In fact, by the things
> > you've already written in this thread, I am
> > inclined to believe Swartz over you.

> That is why I have said I can provide evidence
> that he has posted lies about me. Generally one
> lie, particularly a major lie that can be proven
> is enough to debunk. I have shared excerpts of
> private emails that show he has lied about me
> multiple times on Shiningworld. I will provide you
> with the actual emails that show he had directly,
> actually & contextually lied about me. You dont'
> seem to understand what certain words in sentences
> mean.

I don't need to hear you go on and on again as I don't trust you.

> > >
> > > Shiningworld members constantly ignore the
> lies
> > he
> > > tells. The truth matters. Show you're noble.
> >
> > Yes, the truth matters. I don't
> > know which members of Shiningworld ignore what
> > lies he may or may not have told. I hope that
> if
> > he has lied, that they take that into
> > consideration as anyone would about anyone
> lying.
> >
> > How do I show that I'm noble?
> >
> > Does it count that I call out lies here?
> Traveler
> > was calling me James Swartz. I'm more noble
> than
> > that. Does that count?

> That is not contextual discussion between you and
> I. Stop side-manoeuvring away from the point I
> have made. I show evidence Swartz has
> specifically, literally, lied about me on salient
> things. And I want to see your response.

Maybe he has lied about you. Maybe he hasn't. I don't know if you are consciously or unconsciously trying to distract away from my fairly simple and specific points or not. This isn't all about you and your sob story.
> > >
> > > Let's set aside for the moment how Swartz in
> > his
> > > own book, 'mystic by default' speaks about
> > having
> > > thoughts of punching women, then seems to be
> > happy
> > > enough to have sex them minutes later...
> >
> > People have many thoughts.
> There's
> > a difference between having a thought and
> acting
> > on it.
> Hmm, in all my years, I cant recall having
> thoughts of punching a woman in the face, and
> instead, being content with having sex with her.
> You can disregard his own words if you want, but
> its' not normal. I expected you to by-pass it.

That's good, but you do have a violent past, and there is no real indication that it is just your past. James has had sex in the past. Sometimes humans do that.
> >
> > >
> > > As the book progresses Swartz attempts to
> > slowly
> > > build himself up to the level of his own
> Guru,
> > and
> > > beyond. For example, speaking about Swami
> > > Chinamyananda:
> > >
> > >
Swartz/Mystic By Default"
> > >
> > > He was a very classy, dignified guy. But, odd
> > as
> > > it sounds, I think the intense awareness I
> > focused
> > > on him brought up things he was ill
> > > prepared
to deal with.
> > >
> > > I came out of my absorption for a minute and
> > > noticed that the Swami was looking at me in
> an
> > > unkind way, as if I had consciously done
> > something
> > > to mess with the classroom energy, about
> which
> > he
> > > was very possessive. At the same time
> I
> > had
> > > the sense that he was drawn to me, perhaps
> > > momentarily envious? Whatever it was,
> I
> > > understood that I did not belong there any
> > more;
> > > I was simply becoming too powerful.
> > >
> > > I say ‘momentarily envious’ because I think
> > seeing
> > > me like that, more a god than a human being,
> > must
> > > have called attention to the negative side
> > of
> > > his own situation
. His karma as a famous
> > > jet-setting mahatma put such heavy demands on
> > his
> > > mind that it often pulled him down, making
> him
> > > cranky and irritable, sometimes downright
> > > unpleasant
> > >
> > > I did not have to lift a finger and I spoke
> > > infrequently. I could fly and soar in the
> > > transcendental sky, dissolve into the
> emptiness
> > > and experiment all day long as I saw fit.
> > While
> > > he squandered his capital at an alarming rate
> > > helping others
, I husbanded mine,
> selfishly
> > > investing it in pure meditation. And finally,
> > > he had to live with the knowledge that he
> > was
> > > nearing the end of his incarnation
> whereas
> > I
> > > was being reborn into a brand new life.
> > >
> > > ~ Page 186.
> > >
> > > Ill-prepared, possessive, momentarily
> envious,
> > > negative side of his own situation, cranky,
> > > irritable, downright unpleasant. Squandered
> his
> > > capital helping others, and some innuendo
> > > regarding Swami Chinmaya's life near ending
> and
> > > Swartz' being young. I honestly am laughing
> out
> > > loud at what is being said by a student about
> > one
> > > of the most important teachers for centuries
> As
> > it
> > > says in scripture, fools!
> > >
> > > lmao!
> > >
> > >
> > > The free person, enlightened, won't be
> bothered
> > > about coming to the twilight years of life.
> > What
> > > Swartz wrote is so inaccurate, only someone
> > > pretending to be that would say such a
> > schoolboy
> > > error.
> >
> > It doesn't bother me. I think
> you
> > should stop trying to dig for things to get mad
> at
> > James Swartz about. Perhaps you're jealous
> that
> > he had such a close relationship with Swami
> > Chinmayananda. You seem to think that both
> Swami
> > Chinmayananda and James should be superhuman or
> > something.

> You asked for examples of Swartz putting people
> down. I start with his own Guru. You by-pass that,
> makes it stupid even asking me who then, doesnt
> it?

James has shown nothing but deep respect for Swami Chinmayananda. Big deal if he was expressing some thoughts that he had flash through his mind.

> Jealous? How childish of you. Swami Chinmaya was
> dead before I came to Vedanta. And his
> relationship with Swartz wasn't that special. Why
> do you think the Chinamya Mission isn't interested
> in endorsing Shiningworld....

You're distracting again. People can be jealous of other people's experiences regardless of the time frame. For example, I could be jealous of someone going to a Shakespeare play in the 1600s.

Why would the Chinmaya Mission endorse Shiningworld? Whoever said it did? I didn't make that claim. I've never heard anyone make that claim. I don't think James has ever said that the Chinmaya Mission has endorsed Shiningworld. You're getting off topic again. You can try to bury my original simple points all you want, but it shows.

> >
> > >
> > > "More a God than a human being", hahaha!
> > > Yeeeehaaaaa. Well, if he claims it be, it
> must
> > be
> > > true. Sorry, im in stitches again.
> >
> > You are easily amused. Instead
> of
> > laughing about what you find to be silly, how
> > about bringing him to justice, if you really
> > believe he has raped someone.

> Again, that's not my business. Stop trying to
> deflect. He's factual & literally showing a god
> complex here. I expected you to also by-pass this.

So says the person who thinks that I need to learn certain Vedanta lessons.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Maybe he said
> > > > you won't be remembered to emphasize how
> > you're
> > > > not as important as you think you are.
> >
> > >
> > > Let me give you a Vedanta lesson that is
> > obviously
> > > needed. A traditional vedanta teacher does
> not
> > > want to be remembered, nor care less about
> such
> > > things. Only cult-like 'masters' care about
> > being
> > > remembered.
> >
> > How ironic that you think you
> know
> > what Vedanta lessons others need to learn.
> > Anyway, I'm pretty sure James doesn't care
> about
> > being remembered. He understands that James is
> > just a jiva. Jivas come and go.

> You don't understand how teaching Vedanta works,
> do you. It's an oral tradition. A teacher knows by
> what is being said to them. It's why I reply the
> way I do at times.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Oh how important do I think I am then? One of
> > the
> > > Swartz' favourite slogans is; 'the proof is
> in
> > the
> > > pudding'.
> > >
> > > 1. I do not even take donations for teaching,
> > and
> > > gladly live in poverty.
> >
> > Well, it is clear who you are,
> as
> > your name has been noted by others, and you've
> > admitted who you are here, other than the
> nickname
> > "earthquake". It appears that you don't need
> to
> > take donations, because you simply "borrow"
> money
> > from others and don't pay it back. Do you deny
> > those allegations? Have you paid everyone back
> > that you borrowed money from?
> > You say you live in "poverty", but that's a
> > a relative word. You live in a first world
> nation
> > that has social assistance, and it appears you
> > have money for travel, drinking, etc. Or is it
> > perhaps that you're just lazy and don't want to
> > work? Perhaps you are like Arjuna, who instead
> of
> > manning up to fight the battle he was meant to
> > fight, wanted to run away to Rishikesh.

> I borrowed money five times in three years. One I
> have just paid back, another two know that it is
> imminent. I'm happy to share my financial records.
> Yes, I also get help from the local villagers as
> well here. I'm grateful of that. It's took my some
> time to be able to get in a position to even begin
> to pay some back. I know for a fact, my borrowing
> those few times, is vastly different than your
> masters financial records. There's a reason I keep
> on about those.

That doesn't sound so good. You owe 4 out of 5 people the money.

What about the allegations that you pressured your group members into paying you because as a Vedanta teacher you were owed the money? Apparently you had told them that you didn't want any donations, but then you turned on them and tried to guilt-trip them into paying you money for your teaching, even though you sought out them as students, rather than them seeking you.

You are calling James my master again. I say he's not. What to do? How do you prove something that doesn't exist? It's like you're asking me to prove that there is no gagaboogai. How do I prove that?
> >
> > > Swartz asks for money for
> > > his Spanish love nest in the hills in
> classes.
> > (I
> > > keep asking both myself and Swartz' share our
> > > financial records for the last 3 years, since
> > he
> > > decided to make a 'thing' in regard to money
> > and
> > > myself).
> >
> > That's his business. "Asking"
> is
> > different from borrowing and not paying
> > back.

> > >
> > > 2. I keep a very small number of students.
> >
> > That might because there aren't
> too
> > many people that want to be your student. From
> > past messages in this thread, it is apparent
> that
> > you were trying to get as many members in your
> > group as possible, encouraging people to "like"
> > your posts, etc. You wanted to attract new
> > members.

> Aww bless you, you haven't got a clue. Attracting
> new members, after discussion with my lineage. I
> removed over 550 members only a few months ago.
> Your information is wrong. Hardly a sign of
> wanting new members.

Right. So, I'm talking about before that. Those 550+ members didn't just come out of nowhere. People say that you were purposely trying to get new members. I think you've even written here that you wanted to boost numbers in your group, so didn't even care who they were. Didn't you say that the woman that you were being sexually inappropriate with and "borrowed" money from wasn't a real student of yours, that she was just in the group to get the numbers higher?

> >
> > > Swartz
> > > has created a cult-like 'inner circle' around
> > his
> > > persona, that is self-evident in class and
> > openly
> > > perpetuated by this bulls*** thing his own
> > > political views are some sign of Vedanta.
> >
> > I can see how a lot of people
> would
> > like him. His books and satsangs are
> excellent.
> > People are allowed to have political views that
> > you don't hold. Why get triggered by
> it?

> > >
> > > Go on my profile on facebook, check the
> second
> > > post. That publication in a magazine of my
> own
> > > political views, has not impacted my role as
> a
> > > teacher in one of the worlds most respected
> > > lineages. Tis my personal business, not to be
> > > controlled by others. Only cult-like
> 'masters'
> > try
> > > to control and coerce the democratic views of
> > free
> > > citizens through psuedo-spiritual teachings.
> >
> > I've read and listened to a lot
> of
> > what James Swartz has said, but I've never seen
> > any controlling and coercing political views.
> In
> > fact, that statement seems ridiculous to
> > me.

> Really, hahaha. They've just fired a teacher
> recently over this. He has the same views
> politically as me. And they've posted how can you
> teach or be enlightened and have those views. My
> lineage aint got issues. Only the almighty Swartz
> do. I expected you to by-pass this also.

Perhaps his particular views were not in line with Vedanta. Anyway, James obviously has the right to let go teachers he doesn't think are appropriate. Who are you to say who should stay in Shiningworld and who shouldn't?
> > >
> > > Perhaps it is just me, but an innocent person
> > > would do their very best to bring any
> > allegations
> > > to the authorities themselves, and
> also
> > > legally challenge whatever way possible. Like
> I
> > > have. Like he hasn't. There is
> no
> > > point in debating someone who has brought
> > > allegations (about themselves) to the police
> of
> > > their own accord, while you defend someone
> who
> > > hasnt. Twilight zone time again.
> >
> > Well, if you're innocent of
> > something, there isn't really a reason to go
> out
> > of your way to prove so. Maybe it's important
> to
> > you to clear your name of some of the
> allegations
> > against you because you already had a bad name.
> >
> > If you keep on bringing up allegations against
> > someone, that might be a sign that you are
> guilty
> > of something. There are several allegations
> out
> > there against you. For example, you have sent
> > nude photos of yourself to members of your
> Vedanta
> > Facebook group. You have "borrowed" money from
> > some of those members and not paid them back.
> You
> > have been renounced by a swami of the lineage
> that
> > you associate with. Another swami that you
> > claimed to be your guru stated that he didn't
> know
> > you.
> >
> > Maybe because of all of these allegations
> against
> > yourself, you feel it necessary to project onto
> > James Swartz.
> >
> >
> >
> I've let the police know everything that was said
> about me, I had to because of what I was
> reporting. Since no action has been took against
> me anywhere after my reporting, there's a big
> implication there.
> Regarding Swami. Private message me who said this
> and in what context. I've already explained the
> head Ashram in India has gave me permission to
> teach months ago. I've also already explained that
> SWami are on public video endorsing their students
> to come to my classes. That is that.
> Im in a rush. Let's carry this on in a bit. But
> please, directly interact with me. if you simply
> make claims and don't interact with my responses
> and yet make more claims, that is trolling.

Swami Turiya Chaitanya renounced you on your Facebook group. He was doing a few lessons for members of your group, then left.

You're not going to talk your way out of these issues.

Keep it simple. Stop trying to distract. I only had 3 points with you:

1. You refered to me as "you people", as if I am part of some group, which I am not.

2. You said that James Swartz is my master, and he's not.

3. You said that James puts everyone down. He elevates many people. He has shown incredible respect for, and has turned many people on to, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Dayananda, and others.

So don't go on and on about how you've talked to the police. I have no interest in that. Don't go on and on about how James has said something bad about you. So have others, and you've said plenty of bad things about James.

Enough already. If James has hurt you so badly, then sue him.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: February 18, 2021 04:14AM

A Few Quick Notes on the
"Earthquake -- Allowance 'Debate'" (above)
regarding the Truth about the sad case of
the pathetic James Swartz

Regarding the voluminous Posts going back and forth between Earthquake and Allowance above, I'd like to make a few points:

--- Allowance, you claim not to be James Swartz. It would be surprising if you're not, or if he's not at your side egging you on, or editing things before you send them, since there is a lot of truth to the old adage, "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a duck." Might I be mistaken regarding you being James Swartz? Perhaps, but if not then you are his wife, or a "student" so embroiled in his web of lies that you do indeed "quack like the Swartz" and your writing, "looks like the Swartz."

Also, if you're not Swartz, I can see why my mistake would upset you. Except for the fact that you seem to think him a blessed saint worthy of following and emulation, anybody else, upon hearing of his life and crimes, would be horrified to be mistaken for him.

--- Regarding Swami Chinmayananda, who Swartz claims as a teacher despite the fact that he's disavowed by that master's lineage, it is fascinating that Swartz writes (this must be an example of what Allowance calls Swartz paying 'incredible respect' to his alleged teacher) that the old swami was, as the old man approached his physical end, perhaps jealous of Swartz, who was young and increasing in power while the master faded. Swartz writes: "I think the intense awareness I focused on him brought up things he was ill prepared to deal with."

Swartz, I believe, almost got that right. A Swami as adept as Swami Chinmayananda could well have looked at Swartz, gotten a sense for the dark energy that lurked within the young Swartz, and felt horrified and unhappy about the thought of dealing with such foulness. (In other true teachers I have seen this reaction more than a few times- they are beings of such peace that, unless confronted directly by evil, they avoid it like a ship going around an iceberg. Sometimes this works, and at other times there can be tragedies. In Swartz's case, the tragedy was long-term--and Chinmayananda might well have foreseen it. No wonder he seemed disconcerted by looking at Swartz.)

--- Court for Swartz? Despite the Swartz/ Allowance fixation on seeming to dare Earthquake, me, or anyone else to take him to court, I need to let Earthquake and the others speak for themselves.

As for me, I've been putting Swartz on public trial for a few years.
When I first heard Heather's story, together with a group of friends I began to research James Swartz. First I became convinced that he was a Fake Teacher and a Rapist, a Spiritual Hypocrite and a Bullying Abuser, and more that is just as terrible, Then I set my mind to letting anyone in the world who might be interested to have the opportunity to learn these facts about James Swartz. People could read the evidence and the accounts, and then decide the validity of the charges for themselves. It was simply my task, largely in honor of Heather, to make them available.

Revealing the horrific truths regarding James Swartz included talking my friend Devon Adler into writing the "allegation-based-fiction" book "Guru? The Story of Heather" which was totally based on Heather's accusations against James Swartz, and was revealed to be such as soon as Heather was okay with it. It included the early articles about Swartz as the initial research came in. These reports revealed him to be the liar, rapist, bully, fake teacher, sexual abuser, and everything else that we have now, to our satisfaction, proved him to be.

The "Frosting on the Cake" regarding the Public Trial of James Swartz is this Topic on this website. Thank goodness for the Cult Education Forum (and thank you, Rick Ross!). There are now over 51,500 Views and over 560 Posts here.

So, "Court for Swartz"? James, you've been on trial in the Court of Public Opinion since Heather first went public.
Now, the Truth about you is out there for anybody to see.

And, with the help of this forum, it will stay available for what few years you have left, and beyond.

As you well know, James, you've already lost. Physically, Mentally, and in Reputation (not that this was ever that significant), you are fading. Like Rush Limbaugh's gibberings of lies and hate, you too are on your way out.

Will you be like the old Concentration Camp personnel now being charged as they are in their nineties? Maybe. If you make it too much longer I would hope so. Heather deserves news of you handcuffed and facing a judge, but even if this doesn't happen, at least she now has the book, and even beyond that knows that over 55,000 views, and counting, of the Truth about you have taken place on this site.

There is some justice after all, even in Samsara.

Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Dis-illusioned ()
Date: February 18, 2021 08:11PM


I’m having a quiet morning and have just received an unexpected newsletter from Sundari land in my inbox. I was reminded of this forum. I came to have a quick look and lo and behold, there’s been more happening!

I couldn’t wade through it all. But something stood out to me as a I browsed the latest reams and reams of posts.

What I’m wondering is:

If this person calling themselves “Allowance” isn’t James or Sundari, how the hell would they know every last detail about you, and the various claims James has made against you?

Who in their right mind, on a mature path to peace and Self-Knowledge, would bother to make note of every last random detail James has said about you? Who on earth would be interested, other than yourself and him?

It ludicrous really.

Why would ANYONE (other than yourself and the Swartz’s) care? Why would they bother coming on here, and rambling on about it all? If this forum is so irrelevant, as they claim, then why bother? It makes NO sense to me at all.

That in itself, confirms to me that this person, calling themself “Allowance” has to be James or Sundari.

The only other person who even knows about this forum and the saga between you and them, is Glenda. If it’s her, I wonder why she would go to such lengths to say nothing even remotely useful or interesting?

Unlikely, but vaguely possible.

In my mind, this logic leaves it to being one of the Swartz’s.


Yet again, I shake my head in disbelief, that I ever fell for their ruse.

Someone one said “by their fruits you shall know them.” Looks like he was on target.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2021 08:19PM by Dis-illusioned.

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