New from Sliming World:
Swartz's Staff, and Profits, Deserting Him?
James "Criminal Jim" Swartz and Spouse,
Despite the Proceeds from their alleged Rip-offs
of people,
Now Lacking for Volunteer Help
and Begging for Donations.I don't subscribe to the Shining World Newsletter. To me, it is "bullshit covered with whipping cream." It can appear nice, but when you go into it in any depth, you are soon very disappointed, if not outright disgusted.
However, two friends saw fit to send me a link to the newest (March 2020) version.
It seemed to be the usual Swartz-ian combination of some actual valid spiritual insight mixed with his distortions, prejudices, and self-glorification, except for two parts which were contained in a section called "An Appeal."
As one friend wrote,
"Apparently the word is out. People are realizing that James Swartz is what Heather has said he is--a fraud, a liar, a conman, and, the more they get to know him, 'yeah, he probably did rape her when she was fourteen.' Therefore, Swartz is lacking volunteers (Krishna forbid he pay anyone) to run his website, and he and his wife are hurting for money. Part of this could be because they've needed to cancel his profitable teaching visits to England, Germany, and the Netherlands, and might have to cancel Spain. It's also obvious that, due to the coronavirus and, hopefully, people getting smarter, that few if any are going to the (fraudulently attained) Spanish ashram."The coronavirus is a terrible thing. However, that it is negatively effecting James Swartz and the spreading of his vomitous teachings is one happy side effect.
Below is the "Appeal" from Swartz.
Shining World Newsletter -- "James Swartz needs help"
UNFORTUNATELY, TWO FACTORS impact unfavourably on our ability to continue to disseminate the peerless teachings of Vedanta: Covid-19 and my inability to maintain the website. We have been particularly blessed by volunteers so far, but volunteers have their own lives and are not always available to do timely work. Because I can’t add new content, sales of books and videos on the website are not sufficient. Additionally, there will be no income from seminar donations for the foreseeable future. We sold our flat in South Africa to pay off our Listening...Reflecting...Assimilating.The Essence of Enlightenment: Vedanta, the Science of Consciousness by James Swartz.5.
mortgage, but the South African rand is tanking as we speak, and if the global financial situation continues its downward slide, it is doubtful that we will be able to pay off the mortgage in full. We have enough savings to pay our daily bills, so the situation is not dire, and of course eventually things will turn around and go back to normal. In any case, whereas I’m always reluctant to ask, ShiningWorld needs help, so please donate.
True Vedanta is indeed not to be surpassed, but Swartz has never taught it and doesn't know it. A careful reading of this Subject on this Forum proves that he's lied about his spiritual history, his "awakening," and most other parts of his (sordid, and self-confessed criminal) life. That he has no seminar income for the foreseeable future, and that his 'volunteers' have fled the sinking ship, is, to me, justice (others would say 'karma' or 'payback').
As for Swartz's words in the final sentence, "ShiningWorld needs help", well, yes. Absolutely. But not financial help. James Swartz has "needed help" psychiatrically since at least the 1970's. Sadly, it is likely he'll never get it.
Good luck to everyone with the coronavirus and the societal and economic shock waves that come with it (well, almost everyone...).