Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: walternordin ()
Date: January 02, 2019 02:58PM

My name is Walter and I have been involved in the Balanced View ( organization for 8 years before realizing it turned into a cult and I miraculously managed to leave.

Balanced View is in my experience a potentially damaging organization created by Candice O'Denver and based in Bolinas California, with many followers in Europe and Australia, probably more than in the US. I esteem the number of followers in 600-800, although the official propaganda claims hundreds of thousands

I consider myself a cult survivor and once reasonably recovered from the shock of leaving, I decided to contribute to the safety of the people involved and to prevent new people from being brainwashed, by creating a blog where ex members can publish their stories and various investigations on the controversial financial and organizational aspects are also available. Have a look at

Balanced View's body of spiritual teachings and practices were taken from Alcoholic Anonymous 12 steps and from Tibetan Dzogchen Buddhism for a long while without any acknowledgement.

After an initial success with the name of Great Freedom in the early 2000 where many young and cool people joined in from Europe and Australia creating a really compelling creative community, the founder twisted the organization towards devotion to herself as the main tool of liberation and enlightenment.

She presents herself as the carrier of powerful transmission powers, infinite love and unerring wisdom. The organization is led by her and other 4 people who are actually in complete psychological submission to the teacher although they pride themselves to be a democratic grassroot movement.

To the eye of a non involved person, Candice O'Denver clearly presents few narcistic treats and shows a significant level of delusional disorder which leads her to claim results and scientific discoveries that are obviously unfounded. She is currently claiming for example to have invented an Artificial Intelligence technology which is orders of magnitude superior to the state of the art of the industry.

Followers are pushed to donate to support the 'Candice's Vision' and the many projects presented as revolutionary and systematically failing for lack of substance and competence. Some end up in debts or in difficult financial situations to be able to pay for donations and courses fees.

Candice's vision is a sort of prophecy that sees Balanced View taking over the governance of the world ensuring lasting peace on the planet and sees herself and her teachings as the only way to solve world's problems.

Dependency on the community and the personal teachers is encouraged as a way to choose a nurturing environment and avoid the indulgences of the profane world. Followers are encouraged not to share their emotions with friends and family but only with their personal trainers. Restricting one's social life to the members of the community is seen as an ideal life style.

Candice explicitly tags "leaving Balanced View" as getting lost in one's doubts and spiritual weakness and giving oneself a hell future.

Exaggerated claims are made in the field of mental health, saying that Balanced View is able to cure all mental and emotional instabilities. Some people are kept out of professional help while the ideological love received from the fold gives them the relief and the illusion of recovery. When people leave they may face a very harsh reality.

In the years a support group has been created on Facebook and it has helped many people, including myself, to start taking distance from the programming of the system.

I hope these few notes and the blog can help people to be aware of the risks this organization can pose to themselves, their friends and dear ones.

With regards.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2019 03:03PM by walternordin.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 02, 2019 10:28PM

What Walter has written


Dependency on the community and the personal teachers is encouraged as a way to choose a nurturing environment and avoid the indulgences of the profane world. Followers are encouraged not to share their emotions with friends and family but only with their personal trainers. Restricting one's social life to the members of the community is seen as an ideal life style.

is echoed by a comment someone made during a discussion of radio program music:


Avatar Fri. 3/25/16 7:55am the Canterbury wood-elf:

@Micah Later today I'm going to be meeting up with my friend who got caught up in Candice O'Denver's "Balanced View". Haven't seen her for ages (when she was just starting to get seriously into it). Now it's the central focus of her life. Any advice on how to deal with the topic? (avoid it? be totally straightforward and honest? just ask and listen?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member ? Fri. 3/25/16 7:56am micah:

Michah: yea canterbury its best to be neutral and ask as many questions as you can..i mean, thats what Id do

Candice O'Denver criticisms



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Is Candice O'Denver's Balanced View/Great Freedom a sect or a cult ...
Jun 18, 2013 - Recently however, I've discovered Candice O'Denver's project ... Your criticism is not very well reasoned, just a bald assertion of your view.

No “Great Freedom” in Balanced View – Mia – A Balanced View on ...
Aug 30, 2017 - The founder, Candice O'Denver, seemed to be speaking with incredible clarity and wisdom and offered not only what seemed to be a simple ...

Balanced View Candice O'Denver: Ending Jealousy Forever - 7.07.13
Balanced View
YouTube - Jul 23, 2013

Balanced View bans Alex Slocombe
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YouTube - Jun 6, 2013

Balanced View Candice O'Denver: Three Declarations Confirming ...
Balanced View
YouTube - Jan 3, 2013

Balanced View Candice O'Denver: Spontaneous Reality - Right Here ...
Balanced View
YouTube - Jan 26, 2015
Web results

Candice O'Denver is the midwife... - Chi-Ting Apocalypse | Facebook
Candice O'Denver is the midwife responsible for birthing the monstrous Bentinho Massaro who started out as an eenie weenie spiritual aspirant in her...

Balance View and the Great Freedom, anyone aware of this group ...
Apr 14, 2014 - 3 posts - ?2 authors
Is Candice O'Denver's Balanced View/Great Freedom a sect or a cult? .... Your criticism is not very well reasoned, just a bald assertion of your ...

Candice O'Denver Founder | Balanced View | About
Candice O'Denver, Founder Lama Candice LINEAGE Candice Rinpoche has extensive empowerments, transmissions and permission to teach Dzogchen.

Uniquely in Each of Us with Candice O'Denver - Beyond Awakening
Aug 27, 2014 - Candice O'Denver's “Balanced View” teachings on identity and intelligence are .... But first, let me acknowledge your experience and critique.

Iconic Phrase 'SHORT MOMENTS, MANY TIMES' Copyrighted? - Page 2 ...
[] › ... › Bodhisattvacarya › Tibetan Buddhism
Apr 2, 2013 - So, really, it only matters if a lawsuit is filed by Candice O'Denver and .... O'Denver has been faced with considerable criticism from several well ...

The Great Freedom Teachings of Candice O'Denver - Saieditor
Mar 17, 2008 - OF CANDICE O'DENVER. Summarized by Jay Devison. As someone who has spent more than 20 years on the spiritual path, met many Saints ..

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2019 10:42PM by corboy.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 02, 2019 10:30PM

swissanalyst wrote a comment on the CEI message board here:



According to this, Bentinho Massaro learned his cult-craft from a person named Candice O'Denver:


This Candice O'Denver in turn learned the tricks of the trade from the Tibetan Buddhists, who are masters of the art, as revealed in Christine Chandler's Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism:


Bentinho Massaro criticisms - Google search


Concerns expressed about Bentinho Massaro - discussions on CEI.


Bentinho Massaro and Candice O'Denver

Candice O'Denver and Bentinho Massaro here:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2019 10:33PM by corboy.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: benyamin ()
Date: January 29, 2021 01:13PM

I will share with you my blog where I bear witness about what I've found out in BV and its spiritual orientation, which is from the occult and I count it as a hazard for young people who believe in the benevolent nature of buddhist practice and teachings.


Most folks, though they have some clarity and insights on its business model, do not see the danger of the founder's and company leader's involvement in A.I. technology, her knowledge in quantum computing, the origin of the internet, her father's development of the barcode and clone bodies to become available in the near future by the very elite she belongs to and grew up with.

People are so still caught up in buddhist practices and continue them, accepting further the mind control and Orwellian "new-speak" of a cult like described by Steven Hassan in his books, or by Robert J. Lifton in his criteria of thought reform.

You can also watch an interview with Margaret Singer, she describes perfectly what a real cult member goes through, after they leave and the process of recovery from the thought reform.


Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: Leslie Read ()
Date: January 08, 2022 06:58AM

As a ‘holder of information’ regarding the lies and deceptions of certain spiritual teachers: Nome, Russell Smith and Candace O’Denver, aka Candice Rinpoche… I have been subject to deeply controlling sddhas (occult powers) in order to keep the lies and deceptions of those spiritual teachers from becoming public knowledge.

The letter/recording at the end of this post goes into *detail* regarding some of the occult controls over this life and, ultimately, 4-generations of my family. While this is a deeply vulnerable move I know of no other way to accurately illustrate what has largely been regarded as an unprovable area…yet an area in ‘spirituality’ that is hugely mis-understood or, even, dismissed as unreal.

In the words of Andrew Harvey in an interview with Yoga Journal (July/August 1995)
"It is my belief that 90 percent of the so-called masters in the modern world are not enlightened at all but are in fact occult magicians. The occult magician will use his or her occult powers to ensnare the devotee in a posture of adoration by feeding them visionary experiences, which may seem to open things up for the devotee but actually keeps one dependent on the guru. It's a kind of drug pushing as dangerous on the spiritual level as cocaine or heroin is on the physical. Because people don't know the difference between the divine and the occult, nor how accurately the occult can mimic the divine, nor how easily occult powers can be cultivated by the unscrupulous and ambitious. They take these powers and experiences to be unmistakeable signs of divine presence and go on worshipping as divine these people who have, in fact, shown that they are neither good, nor kind, nor humble, nor generous."

The following letter to the ASI (Association of Spiritual Integrity) describes a bit of the harm over the course of this past decade. I was told to ‘just walk away’… :
The short recording at the end of this letter details the occult controls over 4-generations of my family.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: Leslie Read ()
Date: January 08, 2022 07:03AM

Thank you for this thread. I was involved with the two brothers: Nome and Russell Smith who, together with Candace, started Balanced View.

I, inadvertently, became the ‘holder’ for their lies.

The letter/recording at the end of this post goes into *detail* regarding some of the occult controls over this life and, ultimately, 4-generations of my family used by those teachers to keep their deceptions from becoming public knowledge. While this is a deeply vulnerable move I know of no other way to accurately illustrate what has largely been regarded as an unprovable area…yet an area in ‘spirituality’ that is hugely mis-understood or, even, dismissed as unreal.

The following letter to the ASI (Association of Spiritual Integrity…essentially a ’storefront’) describes a bit of the harm over the course of this past decade. I was told to ‘just walk away’… :
The short recording at the end of this letter details the occult controls over 4-generations of my family.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: facet ()
Date: January 23, 2022 02:53AM

She is currently claiming for example to have invented an Artificial Intelligence technology which is orders of magnitude superior to the state of the art of the industry.

Any information on what that technology might be? For instance and algorithm? Wearable / implantable tech? it has to be questioned also that since Candace was the writer of such thesis paper “metaspace”, then is her “cloning” of beings likely to be that of everyday virtual avatars created (more often these days than less)? This story had been circulating around some conspiracy theorists for some years. It would be interesting if it had indeed sprouted from this woman’s work.

In the case of the occult, here from the etymology section on Wikipedia:

The occult (from the Latin word occultus "clandestine, hidden, secret") is "knowledge of the hidden".[2] In common usage, occult refers to "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable",[3] usually referred to as science.

Occult means knowledge.

You either know the workings of something, or you do not. People who know the workings of some things, use the lack of knowledge in others to spook them out and control them through fear, even the word occult becomes a frightening term. It simply means, knowledge. In the Wikipedia page you can see that it is stated further:

The term is sometimes taken to mean knowledge that "is meant only for certain people" or that "must be kept hidden"

It was used as a kind of “special information for special people” which would have been mightily attractive to those who felt that they were a few (or many) steps above others in the hierarchy of their minds... freemasonry was a poster child for this framework.

In prehistoric times many of us would have been scared of something like the wind blowing an object across the street, an invisible, unknown force, but when the knowledge of what is going on has been provided and understood, that “force” is no longer so terrifying.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: benyamin ()
Date: February 02, 2022 05:37AM

I don’t believe you have deserved to be taught what you are asking for. This is not for exchanging the benefits of the cult but to report about its harm and dangers. The „knowledge“ of the occult is still looking into darkness but I believe that the light that is shed on the cult of Balanced View through survivor testimonies is of more worth than the dark rabbit hole that devours people’s souls without them noticing it.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: Leslie Read ()
Date: February 03, 2022 01:54AM

Yes. Thank you Walter...what you say is entirely true. I am from the brother organization to GF/BV. I spent over 20 years with SAT (The Society of Abidance in Truth, in Santa Cruz, CA), Together with Nome and his brother Russell Smith they worked with Candace to establish GF/BV.

As a ‘holder of information’ regarding the lies and deceptions of certain spiritual teachers: Nome, Russell Smith and Candace O’Denver, aka Candice Rinpoche… I have been subject to deeply controlling sddhas (occult powers) in order to keep the lies and deceptions of those spiritual teachers from becoming public knowledge.

The letter/recording at the end of this post goes into *detail* regarding some of the occult controls over this life and, ultimately, 4-generations of my family. While this is a deeply vulnerable move I know of no other way to accurately illustrate what has largely been regarded as an unprovable area…yet an area in ‘spirituality’ that is hugely mis-understood or, even, dismissed as unreal.

In the words of Andrew Harvey in an interview with Yoga Journal (July/August 1995)
"It is my belief that 90 percent of the so-called masters in the modern world are not enlightened at all but are in fact occult magicians. The occult magician will use his or her occult powers to ensnare the devotee in a posture of adoration by feeding them visionary experiences, which may seem to open things up for the devotee but actually keeps one dependent on the guru. It's a kind of drug pushing as dangerous on the spiritual level as cocaine or heroin is on the physical. Because people don't know the difference between the divine and the occult, nor how accurately the occult can mimic the divine, nor how easily occult powers can be cultivated by the unscrupulous and ambitious. They take these powers and experiences to be unmistakeable signs of divine presence and go on worshipping as divine these people who have, in fact, shown that they are neither good, nor kind, nor humble, nor generous."


The following letter to the ASI (Association of Spiritual Integrity) describes a bit of the harm over the course of this past decade. I was told to ‘just walk away’… :
The short recording at the end of this letter details the occult controls over 4-generations of my family.

Re: Candice O'Denver and Balanced View
Posted by: JohnConst ()
Date: February 28, 2022 03:54AM

balanced view now uses the name/website 'short moments' ( and candice uses the name 'ziji rinpoche' and recently wrote and published a book under that name called 'when surfing a tsunami', they also operate under 'open intelligence and love' (

i've followed this cult education forum as an ex-member of bv and haven't seen anyone posting about this, so sharing here to prevent others from being 'road kill' like leslie mentioned in another post about underlying deception and mutual coverup in the nondual communities and teachings. i have no personal experience catching anyone in lies like that, but the last couple years there was another wave of members leaving as happens now and then. candice promoted and celebrated crooked untrustworthy world leaders and encouraged everyone go along with getting vaccines and trusting the government/cdc/WHO no matter how many times official info flip flopped. lots of ppl found this disturbing including myself, being advised and influenced to go along with things that very obviously are not right or at least dont share the whole picture. in the beginning this organization felt like the opposite of that: real discernment and self-responsibility. something changed somewhere. or they are sociopaths and everything that seemed genuine and from the heart was just part of a grand deception. i really can't tell anymore, and leave with extremely tattered intuition, as that is frowned upon to trust in the organization (you always trust the guru and your trainer only)

most disturbing is a mantra that haunts me still where we were emailed a short written mantra to recite again and again where it starts out "i give all my energy to candice o'denver..." now seeing it was maybe some occult spell i didn't know i was participating in, similar to the coercive tactics going on in our world now where she can say 'well YOU said it, i didn't make you...' after years of indoctrination that everything is the guru, nothing matters but the guru, she is most important, merge your mind with her and be better than you could ever be on your is a sad mess to exit if you trusted these people with everything you had. blessings to anyone exiting this kind of mind control.

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