A J Miller update
Date: June 10, 2018 10:57AM
I have been keeping close tabs on this guy since 2012 recently a video documentary was done on him and when the reporter finished and then cut the film to process on utube miller got very paranoid and cut off all ties with this guy . the video was done with Millers permission but when he seen it he flew into a fit of rage saying he was manipulated into making it . the so mild mannered miller also openly stated that he has no compound and almost convinced the reporter as they put on a song and dance show just like they did with Jones and you can clearly see something is really wrong with the expression of the people espically the men if you want to see the video I would be happy to send a link .this was so like the coverup jones did .
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2018 11:04AM by Yankeegirldownunder.