False Prophecies of the House of Yahweh
Posted by: Exposer ()
Date: February 08, 2006 04:49AM

I e-mailed this to Mr. Ross but no one wrote back. So I thought I would post it here. I was hoping it would of gone on his web site.



Excerpts are written by Pastor Yisrayl Hawkins and May all Credit be given to him!

Yisrayl Hawkins wrote in "The Mark of the Beast" Book Vol. 2 in 1986 on p. 81. "The killing starts with the two witnesses who witness against lawlessness…in the Middle of these last seven years.
Rev.11:1,2- tells us the TEMPLE will be rebuilt…"

In the Book "The Two Witnesses" in 1991 on p. 112- Hawkins proclaims, "When we SEE The Lord of heaven ACTIVE in the Rebuilt Temple-it will be taking place "IN THE MIDST" of this seven year Period!

Continuing on p. 115- In the "MIDST" of this "WEEK"-The Lord of Heaven will be WORSHIPED in the Rebuilt Temple!

p. 170- We saw "how" Michayl "STANDS UP" IN THE MIDST OF THIS SEVEN YEAR PERIOD-There is WAR IN HEAVEN, in which Michayl and malakim are successful: Satan and his angels are CAST OUT OF HEAVEN as you may read in Rev. 12:7-9."

"Devil Worship The Shocking Facts" Book- 9/1992 p. 561-
"Do YOU UNDERSTAND this? When we SEE the Lord of Heaven ACTIVE in the rebuilt temple-it will be taking place "IN THE MIDST" of this SEVEN YEAR Period!"

"The Second Book of Yisrayl" 2005 p. 338- 7/30/94 sermon tape
"We are in the last generation… p. 339- No, there's not a scripture in the whole bible that says that Jupiter is Satan's throne… No, I can't bring you a scripture, and say that this is definitely the war in heaven…"

"The Second Book of Yisrayl" 2005 - p. 364- 11/05/94 sermon tape
"The wars have begun in heaven, and we have but a few years left to prove ourselves to Yahweh."

It's 2006 now and 20 years later pass the middle of the Great tribulation. Where is that temple?

Yisrayl Hawkins now claims we are in the last 3 1/2 years starting April 13th 2004.

Sermon tape dated 6/12/2004- Y. Hawkins says, "We are about two in a half months into the last 3 in a half years of the great tribulation."

"The Prophetic Word Magazine" on p. 16 9/10-2004.

Don't neglect this vital information!

Time Lines of the Seven Year Agreement:

September 13, 1993- 7 year Oslo Agreement signed by Bill Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin and Yassir Arafat on White House lawn. Dan.9:27.

July 16, 1994- War in heaven started. (Michayl Stands Up) Comet Shoemaker-Levy struck Jupiter for six straight days. Rev.12:7.

(A little over nine months later, in the beginning of the first 3 1/2 years this war in heaven occurred, NOT in the midst.)

April 1997- Satan is cast to the earth in the midst of Tribulation. Rev.12:7-9…This marked the start of the 10 years given to Satan by the court of heaven to bring peace, as told to the pope in 1988.

July 2007- Hillel's 10 years ends.

For some reason Y. Hawkins thinks that from 1988-2007 is 10 years.

Newsletter dated 6/1995- "We know, based upon history and all of the archaeological discoveries and proofs, that mankind was placed on earth in 4004 b.c.e. If we add the year 1996 to this number, we can plainly see that we are NEARING THE END of the 6,000 YEAR PERIOD allotted mankind."

Newsletter dated 11/1995- "I prophesied months ago that a spectacular event would take place in heaven and will draw WORLD-WIDE attention to the heavens and will cause most of the world to turn to the WORSHIP OF THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN. This spectacular event is now in progress and will increase in popularity until March and April 1997."

"Unveiling Satan Her True Identity Revealed" Book- 1995 p. 99-
"When the first three and one half years are completed, the LAST HALF of the Great Tribulation BEGINS. The Feast of Tabernacles, September 22, 1994, marked the end of three and one half years since the death of my brother Yaaqob, the first witness killed by the Beastly System… p. 349- Scientists have also correctly concluded, according to Living World History, by Wallbank and Schrier, p. 22, that civilization began about 4,000 B.C.E. (that's almost 6,000 years ago)."

Newsletter dated 6/1996- "Biblical prophecy shows that man's governments will continue to exist for approximately four more years…Scriptures state that during the next four years mankind will experience the GREATEST TRIBULATION of their entire history, and that four-fifths of the earth's population will be destroyed by the nuclear war that will be fought between the nations of this world!…
Destruction is sure and time is short! Yes, my dear friends as I stated on HARD COPY, in only FOUR SHORT YEARS, the governments of man will fall…"

Newsletter dated 9/1996- "Mr. President…Look at the results of your efforts thus far, this nation is collapsing…before it's all over one-third of the earth's population will be dead.

I am not telling you this because I think you will believe it. If you read this letter at all, you will probably think of me as just another Christian quack, and probably get at the least a disgusted chuckle from it.

I write this letter to you because my job as a prophet of Yahweh is to warn you, your government and the governmental leaders of all nations, that the methods of your governments will bring GREAT DESTRUCTION upon the earth WITHIN THE NEXT FOUR YEARS. That's right, there are only about four more years left…
This is not sheer speculation, this is prophecy!"

Newsletter dated 1/1997- "You need to start reading these books now! We only have four years left and these four years will be filled with tribulation. MILLIONS WILL DIE in the next four years."

Newsletter dated 2/1997- To all World Leaders…But do not destroy this letter. File it away, and when these things come to pass, remember that I wrote you, WARNING you of these prophecies…You will start seeing these things take place in 1997. And they will be fulfilled in the next four years."

Newsletter dated 4/1997- "Think of it, if we start to utilize the information in these books today, we could SAVE OVER FOUR BILLION LIVES in the next three and one-half years!"

Newsletter dated 5/1997- "Until this point numerous "apparitions" have been seen and heard. I have no doubt they were real.

Beginning mid-spring of 1997, much more than apparitions will be seen. STARLING EVENTS will be taking place in heaven… All men and women will witness these occurrences firsthand, beginning this very year, 1997. What meaning do these events, heavenly beings, and their SPACE CRAFTS, etc. have to mankind?"

Newsletter dated 6/1997- "I urge you to please acquire the above mentioned books. They are the only books on earth that will inform you of the true prophecies, contained in your bible, of what is coming during the next three and one-half years…"

Newsletter dated 7/1997- "The prophet Daniyl was inspired to write that this "Peace Treaty" will end in destruction. Passover, 1997, marked the middle of this seven year prophesied treaty. Therefore, we have only three and one-half years left of this seven year period that will end with destruction."

Newsletter dated 9/1997- "My Dear Friends, The world as we know it will end in approximately three years, according to the prophecies in your bible."

Newsletter dated 11/1997- "Although the Religious Imposters have lied for years, saying the end is at hand-now that prophecy shows we WILL HAVE NUCLEAR WARS in the NEXT THREE YEARS, and these wars will be so great that four-fifths of mankind will be wiped out, and the sun will be darkened."

Newsletter dated 12/1997- "According to prophecy we only have three more years of work left before the end comes."

"There is Someone out there" Book- 1997 on page E, "We all recognize that we are extremely blessed to be a part of Yahweh's Last Days work during this great Nuclear age. We look forward to the end of the next four years, and the showdown that we must face with Lucifer, ending in the year 2000…

p. 255- The Gods also know the Prophecies showing that the House of Yahweh will be delivered to Israyl in the Midst of the seven year peace plan by Israyl on September 13, 1993…

p. 371- The exact time that Prophecy says she will be CAST TO EARTH, is the EXACT TIME that the woman in the reported apparitions says she will make her PHYSICAL APPEARANCE ON EARTH and start the work of bringing all of her children into the Catholic Church. On September 18, 1988 she declared that she had been given TEN YEARS…"

Newsletter dated 1/1998- "These books also disclose why the world will be ALMOST TOTALLY DESTROYED and four-fifths of mankind killed in the next three years."

Newsletter dated 2/1998- "The destruction of the world in the next three years is sure, yet the religions leading our world will not repent…
The kingdom of Yahweh will take possession of the earth in about three years…"

The Prophetic Word Mag. dated 6/1998 p.24- "Another holocaust is coming in the next three years wherein all religions will turn in hatred against Yahweh's prophesied work for these last days…"

Newsletter dated 7/1998- "The destruction, prophesied in your bible in absolute detail, which will destroy a large majority of the earth's population, will come to pass in the next two and one-half years…

The next two and one-half years will be FILLED WITH DESTRUCTION…I beg you to please obtain this information now! There are ONLY TWO AND ONE-HALF YEARS LEFT BEFORE THE END! "

Newsletter dated 11/1998- "Millions are prophesied to die in the next two years, in fulfillment of bible prophecy, because of what the Catholic Church plans to bring about."

Newsletter dated 12/1998- "According to Daniyl's prophecy this destruction will take place in the next two years."

"The End" Book 1998 p. 153 Y. Hawkins says, "This same religion, called the great whore and her daughters, will still be in power at the time of Yahshua Messiah's coming, approximately TWO YEARS from now."

continuing on p. 190 "If you do not believe Yahweh's inspired prophets now, you will come to believe them in the next two years. There will be greater troubles in 1998, than in 1997. But the worst time of trouble will not be seen until late 1999, early 2000.

Cities will be leveled by nuclear bombs. Millions and millions of people will be killed in the wars that were not prevented in 1997…"

The Book of Yahweh 10th Edition 2/1999- The Seventh Seal-The Second Trumpet War Wages at Sea In the First-Half of the Great Tribulation.

Rev. 8:8-12- And the second Malak sounded, and, as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. And the third part of the sea became blood; v.9- And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, which had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. v.10- And the third malak sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning, as it were, like a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; v.11- And the name of the star is called wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. v.12- And the fourth malak sounded, and the third part of the sun was struck, and a third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, so that a third part of them were darkened; and the day did not shine for a third part and likewise the night.

Does anyone recall the sun and the moon and the stars being darkened in the first half of the Great Tribulation?

Where did the millions and millions of people die at?

The Prophetic Word dated 8/1999 p. 22- "The earth will be completely devastated by the use of nuclear weapons in the next three and one-half years."

The Prophetic Word dated 1/2000 p. 1- "My Dear Friends, the whole world is deceived yet again. They grope as blind men in the dark. Their false preachers of religion are, through ignorance of the scriptures and void of the Holy Spirit, teaching that Y2K and the year 2000 will be the end of the world… If they were not so scripturally ignorant, they would know that the year 2000 will bring nothing more than the same troubles we had in the year 1999… p. 18- Daniyl shows that the plan will stay shut down for three and one-half years. The end
of that period will be September 2000…"

The Prophetic Word dated 2/2000 p. 25- "Then will come three and one-half years worst destruction in the history of mankind. This last three and one-half years is only a few months away… You need the book The End, now. The last three and one-half years is a few months away." (The Book The End written in 1998.)

The Prophetic Word dated 4/5/2000 p. 25- "Believe it or not, there are approximately seven months to prepare yourself for the greatest time of trouble ever in the history of mankind."

Newsletter dated 6/2000- "The prophets show that this seven year plan would be active for three and one-half years, stop for three and one-half years, and then start again… I repeat the prophecies show:… It stayed in action for three and one-half years, and then it stopped. It was to remain inactive for three and one-half years and then be reactivated. It's due to begin again October 13, 2000."

The Prophetic Word 7/2000 p. 26- "This time of trouble will begin October 13, 2000, and end in almost total destruction in the year 2003 with nuclear burning."

The Prophetic Word 8/2000 p. 1- "The Prophets in your bible were inspired to write about the last ten years of man's governments. October 2000 will start the last three and one-half years of that ten year period."

Newsletter dated 9/2000- "We told you that the peace plan would stay shut down for three and one-half years. At this writing, the seven year plan that was signed Sep.13, 1993 has been shut down since the spring of 1997. But it is soon to start up again…The last half of the seven year plan will start again October 13, 2000."

Newsletter dated 10/2000- "The prophet Daniyl was inspired to write that this seven year plan would be started up again after being shut down for three and one-half years. The starting date, according to prophecy, will be October 13, 2000."

Newsletter dated 11/2000- "Other prophecies seem to show that this seven year peace plan will not remain stalled for more than ten months from the date of this writing before the parties concerned come to an agreement.

I believe, after seeing all known scriptures put together on this subject, that the peace plan will start again within three months…The last 3 1/2 years will start soon, after the Holy City is given to the Gentile.

The last 3 1/2 years will lead all nations to destruction, ending with the sun being darkened."

The Prophetic Word dated 2/2002 p. 8- "In approximately four years, the sun will be darkened, the heavens will be shaken, and all hope of life will be gone." Excerpt from There is Someone Out There! Written by Yisrayl Hawkins pages 340-341. (Book written in 1997) p. 20- "He placed Adam and Eve-the first man and woman-in the Garden of Eden in 4004 BCE."

The Book of Yisrayl 2004 p. 9- 4/17/03 sermon tape- "We've got three years to go."

The Book of Yisrayl 2004 p. 57- 6/6/03 sermon tape- "I am thinking, we have about ten months to get ready. That is about all the time we are going to have left. If you figure the time and times, that is ten and a half years, because a time is three and a half years. I think I told you this at the feast, but if you add that up, starting with October 13, 1993, you will come out with Easter of 2004. That is when the 10 years are up."

Sermon tape dated 6/12/2004- Yisrayl Hawkins, "We are about two in a half months into the last 3 in a half years of the great tribulation."

Newsletter dated 8/2004- "My Dear Friends, It's very important that you read every word of this newsletter. The last three and one-half years that all the prophets and the Savior spoke of as "the end" has begun."

The Prophetic Word 9-10/2004 p. 2- "The last half of the seven year plan was reactivated April 13, 2004 by the Quartet and the Great Eight… p. 29- The 42 moons (months) of war, that have been held back until now, are about to start… p. 31- The last 3 1/2 years began on April 13, 2004. The prophets show that the 3 1/2 years would be cut short by seven months. If you count seven months from April 13, 2004 you would come to November 13, 2004; that will be the end of the seven months that are severed from the 3 1/2 years…"

Newsletter dated 12/2004- "My Dear Friends, In the next three years of destruction, the governments will come to understand the great wisdom written in the Holy Scriptures that all the world is now rejecting… What's Next in Prophecy? Forty-two Months Of War, Cut Short By Seven Months."

Newsletter dated 2/2005- "We are in the last three and one-half years of this plan that the prophets say will be 42 moons (months) of war, which is what we are facing at this time."

Newsletter dated 3/2005- "Prophecy shows, and we will witness, the following events take place in this last three and one-half years of man's governments."

Newsletter dated 6/2005- "We are in the last two and one half years, that prophecy shows, when mankind, thinking he wants nuclear war, will kill four-fifths of the earth's population."

Newsletter dated 7/2005- "This is a 42 month, or three and one-half year, time period which started April 13, 2004…These books will show you what is going to take place between now and October 2007."

Newsletter dated 9/2005- "In this last three and one-half years of man's rebellion, the worst time of trouble ever will be experienced."

The Prophetic Word 9/2005- "In the next few months we will see one-third of mankind, over one-fourth of the earth, killed."

Newsletter dated 10/2005- "In the next two years, one-fifth of mankind will come to see the great wisdom that we have all rebelled against."

Newsletter dated 11/2005- "My Dear Friends, There is a kingdom offered to mankind that is ready to take over the governments of this world when man's governments bring themselves to the destruction that is prophesied to take place in this last three and one-half year time period. Yes, we are well into the last three and one-half years of man's governments of the people, by the people, and against Yahweh. Mark it on your calendar or on your bathroom mirror and begin to count it down. We have less than two years left of the three and one-half year time period…"

Same Newsletter- The worst time of trouble ever in the history of mankind will take place in this three and one-half year time period. If you do not understand this prophetic term used by all the prophets, you need our book, The End." (Book written in 1998.)

Newsletter dated 12/2005- "We are in the last three and one-half years of the 6,000 years given to mankind to rule and rebel. There are less than two years left. Mark it on your calendar."

Sermon tape 12/03/2005- Yisrayl Hawkins "You really need to read these newsletters brethren and the prophetic word. You need to read every verse of it. You need to study it not just read it."

The Prophetic Word dated 1/2006 p.22- "As the prophets of Yahweh said, this seven year plan stayed in action for three and one-half years. After that time it was prophesied to stop, after the prophesied assassination of Rabin, just 10 years ago… p. 26- The message shows a timetable of 6,000 years that will end in 2007.

Newsletter dated 1/2006- "The House of Yahweh was established in this last generation, of which only two years are left. In these two years, you will see epidemics, pandemics, and nuclear wars. This is not a hoax. Mark it on your calendar and watch the news… I say again, we have only two years left.

The Prophetic Word dated 2/2006- "I would like every preacher and politician in the world to realize that if we would learn the way to peace and start teaching it to the world, we could avoid the world wars that will take place in the next two years… (Excerpt From the book "THE END" written in 1998)

Newsletter dated 10/1996- "Like the little boy that cried "wolf" so many times to get attention, so is the world today. When the wolf finally came, and the little boy again cried "wolf", those he had continually tricked refused to hear his cry."





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