Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: Dublin Man ()
Date: December 30, 2017 06:09AM

I am personally aware of the antics of these two so called healers. At last people are finally speaking out because it has been going on for too long.

They are two very nasty people operating under the guise of ‘healers.’ They will tell you that there is something wrong with you and then offer to fix it. All the while charging money and engaging in practices to satisfy their own sexual desires.

They prey on vulnerable people and have a history of psychological problems themselves. Their business practices and income should also be reported to the relevant tax offices.

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: light34 ()
Date: December 31, 2017 09:45PM

if you want to go there,finding faults in someone else I believe this will be never ending story no one is perfect but people sometimes change and realise things, But i can talk from my experience i never had a relationship with don, and I failed somehow to set boundaries, however just because I failed does that mean that Don has not failed too? I remember people being told to take responsibility did you feel don taking responsibility in any of the sessions? there are a lot of healing practices saying for us to take responsibility and the way others behave towards you is about themselves nothing to do with you, I do not believe it, it is true you carrie your own issues so you treat people the way you are treated, but when someone comes across has intrusive and you are already stressed it just adds more stress and takes love, so in a way they contribute for your lack of balance and love, and it can be used as an excuse to treat someone badly and say that is the way they feel you did nothing... for me a balanced interaction is I am sorry I feel stressed as response I am sorry I feel it too that is what I call love an connection!

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: light34 ()
Date: January 01, 2018 05:28AM

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: Dublin Man ()
Date: January 04, 2018 05:11AM

Just checking the various countries they work in. Approx 7 countries including Ireland. $175 dollars per person per workshop. This doesn’t include private sessions etc. I bet that income isn’t declared to the various Government Tax Offices in these countries. The relevant tax agencies can look into this and it can be reported anonymously.

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: light34 ()
Date: February 25, 2018 11:15PM

Signs like confusion resisting to emotional connection wanting to avoid people isolation, intensive search for answers need of making sense of everything constant fear of being tricked, demanding others to look at themselves as wrong, feeling bad and not belonging to the group feeling rejected by the group if not wanting to take what they say, constant fear and delusional believe than certain things in the group like undress it is ok, were experienced by ex members in this group.

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: Anne marie ()
Date: June 17, 2019 10:33PM

I had the misfortune of attending this monsters workshop for five days in 2015... it was horrendous. Him and his facilitators should be shut down! I witnessed some disgusting behaviour and this megalomaniac, Don Hanson, was little more than a predator using the misfortune and trauma of very viler able people to further his sexual agenda. He is a complete bully who is clearly motivated by sex and his behaviour was shameful. I could not quite believe that anyone could be so manipulative.. I have witnessed people being hugely traumatised by Hanson and his devotees as they bullied and harassed people that tried to leave his workshop. He was asked to leave to the venue and NEVER return. I warn anyone who is vulnerable or has been traumatised to stay clear of this despot and anyone offering his cult like practices. I attended his course as I was trying to come to terms with my husband and my sons suicide. This was the most damaging and unhelpful workshop I have ever attended and he proceeded to get more and more evil and bullying anyone that challenged him. I urge you to avoid at all costs anything to do with this monster.

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: Anne marie ()
Date: October 22, 2019 04:58PM

He’s a creep and a pervert that has ruined the lives of many people. Idiots like you choose to see what you want. I did a five day workshop with this monster and his friend. They were appalling.. encouraging a very vulnerable young woman’s, 19 years of age, who had just lost her brother to suicide, to “... go out and get juicy.. have sex with someone.. do we have a volunteer... oh yes we do..’. It was sickening and perverse. He’s perverse and sickening and his wife also finally left him. The man is repugnant and should be locked up!!

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: Anne marie ()
Date: October 22, 2019 05:00PM

If he is your mentor and you are a teacher I feel very sorry for your clients. He’s a dick pervert sans that says a lot about you!!

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: Anne marie ()
Date: October 22, 2019 05:11PM

The shame if the posts against Din Hanson is that they have not destroyed him. The man is vile. He believes in breaking people down and forcing them into sexual situations they are not ready for. He was banned from where I live in a Thailand after a workshop that left several people devastated and his followers stalking people who had walked out his workshop highly traumatised. He’s a horrible man and a bully.

Re: Don Hanson and Jennifer Hanson of Transforming Cellular Memory and Cellular Transformation
Posted by: Anne marie ()
Date: October 22, 2019 05:18PM

You have known this monster for 15years and claim you never saw any of these behaviours?
Out of curiosity I would like to know if you are blind and also deaf?

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