Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 07, 2019 08:23AM

Dear Snap, you have given very interesting info.

Can you describe the step by step process through which people get involved in Moo groups, and how these stop moments are announced and how you learn or are told about them?

You can't mention these to people outside the invited group?

How many hours notice after a special Moo video is announced?

How does this affect jobs, relatiobships? Does this disrupt existing commitments?

Does this interfere with sleeping?

Keeping secrets is a form of bondage. Being unable to confide in friends not chosen for the special Moo group you are in..that's a mind fuck. It disrupts friendships.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Decide4yourself ()
Date: May 07, 2019 11:31PM

I read back a few days ago on here an interesting discussion on James Swartz. I don’t follow this forum regularly but happen to see it this weekend.

Since James is one of Mooji’s critics, and for educational purposes you may find this of important to read.

This is from “Heather”. She claims to be a victim of James. An email is provided for you to contact her through if you have anything to ask or share.

James adamantly denies all her claims.

Decide 4 Yourself


Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: May 07, 2019 11:34PM

As I’ve read about Mooji, I’ve also seen comments about James Swartz.

For those interested in his words, it might will be advised to read the book “Guru, The Story Of Heather.”

This book is allegedly all about James Swartz. It is available for free download as a PDF at

Simply put, even if everything about Muji that has been said that is bad is true, he can’t come close to being as malevolent as Swartz—that is, if the allegations about him are true. Or even if a 10th of them are true.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: snapping-out ()
Date: May 07, 2019 11:47PM

hi corboy,

It will not be the same for everyone. For me it was watching Youtubes, going to a lot of retreats, joining a sangha-group. I didn't make it to the last step of living at Sahaja.

Getting involved with a sangha-group is very simple. Look on their website, see if there is a group in your area, contact them and you are very welcome to join a meeting. You show up, everybody loves you instantly, they regard you as a brother or sister, welcome you to their sangha-family, wonderful. Or so it seems. Last year they found it necessary to register all sanghamembers. This year they also wanted to know which sanghamembers would be going to Rishikesh. Smells like control to me.

One gets an announcement for these live "only-for-the-chosen-few-satsangs" on very short notice. Mostly less than 24 hours. As it is a gift from m himself its not to be missed. Whatever plans you had, drop them.
The mantra-chanting and stopmoments are not secrets. Moo spoke about it in satsang. But then you are "advised" to integrate them into your daily life.

They choose their words very carefully. They never tell you that you must do something, they "advise".

What I am trying to convey is this step by step taking over of your time/life. It felt like they "advised" people to live the way they live at the ashram. It disrupts your normal daily life. Your friendships. creates tension. Not healthy.

And this is happening to people who at that time are deeply drinking the Cool aid.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: It's over Tony ()
Date: May 08, 2019 12:59AM

I'm really pleased to see all the points that are brought up on that new "Leaving Mooji" page. It's pretty bold in it's tone - just coming out and saying "he's a narcissist, and you should leave!" Obviously no m lawyers have been able to take it down, and we can't tell who made it. (I can tell they read this forum though)

I think people should start making more pages, channels and sites to turn up the heat in exposing this cult!

My brother made a facebook page for his sports team, and shared the directions with me. I've pasted them here. I'm going to try them myself soon... Just have to think of the angle I want to emphasize in educating people about this cult. There are many! The neo-advaita trap, abuse, Narcissism, the self-appointed guru issue, how to recover from a cult... you name it! Let's get creative, and keep up the pressure! Nobody will be able to tell who created your fb page, so you can post whatever the hell you want! OK, here are the directions:

From the "home" page, go down the left column, there's a heading "explore", and under that should be "pages." Click that.

Now you should see a green button on the top right "create page." Click that.

Choose "Community or public figure"

Enter a name for your page (it can be changed after if you like)

Pick a category You can choose "personal blog" if it's not sports. Then click continue

Add profile pic, (or skip 'till later)

Add cover photo or video, (or skip 'till later)

You'll then see your page. It is now published, so you should unpublish it for a while if you want to work on it. To do this, go to "settings" in the top right corner. Under "page visibility" click edit, then "un-publish." Click save changes.

While you're on this settings page, scroll down and set things how you'd like. If you want to be un-reachable, find the messages tab, click edit, and uncheck the "Allow people to contact my Page privately by showing the Message button." Then click save changes.

While still in the settings page, also look at "Visitor Posts" You can choose how others can post, or make it so only you can post. You can also click "Review posts by other people before they are published to the Page" In doing that, you will be able to review posts that people wish to make, and approve them if you like them. You can delete them otherwise. Click save changes after you've made your choice.

If you want to use "notes" (this makes entries look more like a website) while in settings, look on the left to "templates and tabs" and click that. Templates and Tabs will come up, scroll down to bottom, and click "add a tab" a pop-up will come up, look for "notes" and click "add a tab", then close.

Go back to "page" top left. On your page - left column you'll see "see more", click that, 'notes' will show up at the bottom of a list. Click notes, and the notes section will open. There you can click "add a note" on the right. You can add images, youtube links and whatever you want to the note. To keep working on them without publishing, you can click "save", instead of "publish" This will make them visible only to you as "drafts" until you publish them.

On facebook, you then can "like", and comment on things "as" this page if you want to. You can even join some groups "as" your page.

I'm going to take some time to try this. There ought to be way more voices out there with all this great momentum that is building in un-masking this fraud. I hope some of you that can understand these directions, and have an urge to share your insights will try this!

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: May 08, 2019 02:34AM

Thanks Decide4yourself and Traveler99 for the link to Does anyone know if there are multiple accusers of James Swartz? And can anyone point me to information that the book is actually based on Swartz, or to information that can help assess the credibility of the accusations? I hope to be able to make an informed decision if I should stay away from him or not.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: May 08, 2019 05:31AM

Hi Zizlz,

I read pretty much the entire book "Guru- The Story of Heather" from
The claims made in this book are shocking, indeed they are far worse that what Moo has ever been accused of. It is extremely disturbing and it made me feel sick in the stomach to read it.

On the page, there is a email address where you can ask questions of the administrator... maybe you would like to do that?

It's very difficult when something like this comes to light and you have to make a decision if the claims are valid or not. I honestly don't know.

When I was doing extensive research on Tony Moo, there was already a lot of information out there to take into consideration... there were several different sources and different people offering up their stories anonymously. They were written in different voices- I could tell they were written by different people- but they were all saying similar things.... well, I don't want to bore you with research details (something I love doing but most people would find madly dull.)

From there on, I was able to contact people via personal message and ask them a lot of questions (very gently, I hope!)

In this case, so far, we only have the one account of alleged abuse. I am told there are other accounts. Since it's out there now, anyway, you could start a new discussion here on Cult Ed, to see if anyone else comes forward? It's up to you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2019 05:43AM by Sahara71.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: clearvision ()
Date: May 08, 2019 08:51AM

This was posted here last Oct, but it's worth putting it up again.
The Guru Papers have come up here... Here's a great listing of many pertinent quotes []

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: May 08, 2019 11:02AM

The book “Guru? The Story Of Heather”is available for free download as a PDF at

This book speaks for itself. The author asserts that every letter written by the bad guru in the book was actually one written by JS himself. The author has original copies of all of these messages. Only the names and locations have been changed, and these in accordance with the book’s “allegation-based fiction” premise.

Anybody who reads those letters (in the book) with an open mind will likely see the guilt of the guru written all over them. Only the guilty person could have created such bizarre, contradictory, and horrific messages.

Indeed, one of the most incriminating pieces was posted publicly by this alleged rapist in his own newsletter in early 2017.

According to the book, all would-be gurus fall to one or some of five things: sex, fame, money, power, and drugs. JS, according to the accounts, never worked through his issues regarding sex and money. Almost predictably, then, his Vasanas and Samskaras accordingly would seem to have combined to ruin him as a teacher and as a human being.

Please, Read the book and make up your own mind. Pass it on to anyone who has any questions regarding that particular alleged spiritual teacher or any other.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Valma ()
Date: May 08, 2019 02:28PM

For educational purposes here is excerpt of an article on DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim offender):

"In other words, by reframing the events through a DARVO lens, our fictional perpetrator was able to stack the deck in their favor by casting doubt on the credibility and blamelessness of the victim. As a result, participants perceived the victim more negatively and attributed less responsibility and abusiveness to the perpetrator. However, DARVO comes at a cost to those who wield it: Participants in the study also rated the perpetrator who used DARVO less credible than the perpetrator who confessed to committing the assault. With respect to this particular finding, it seems that DARVO may not entirely convince everyone of the perpetrator’s innocence—but it doesn’t have to. All it has to do is muddy the waters just enough so that the truth of what really happened seems complicated and inaccessible. Was it an assault, or simply an innocuous misinterpretation of events? When faced with this manufactured ambiguity, abuse and other wrongdoings become easy to shrug off as unfortunate and inextricable cases of he-said, she-said."

And here more: []

What i found odd is there is a lot of research on victims of abuse but very little on the psychology of abusers who themselves may show signs of amnesia, denial to the point that they will convince you and themselves that they never did whatever the victims are saying??

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