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this post was submitted on 01 Apr 2018
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Serious Question For Mooji Sangha (self.Mooji)
submitted 8 hours ago by Shankaromnivyah
I recently posted a statement I found online regarding Mooji and an incident that happened at Sahaja and I see that it was deleted.
With all due respect if we as students follow someone we have the right to know every aspect of him to be able to truly discern if he is right for us or not. I have seen many post that have been deleted by you guys that were seemingly making very valid concerns in regards to Mooji.
I honestly am starting to become suspicious as to why their is a big effort to hide anything that paints Mooji in a negative light especially since he is suppose to be above all of this anyway. I would really appreciate a response and not a deletion. My text followed the guidelines of this reddit so i am really confused here. What is really the deal with Mooji and why are you guys blocking information about him? I never wanted to believe the rumors about him but one can only wonder why criticism of him is not allowed.
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zizlz 1 point 2 hours ago
Absolutely truth is a more important topic than Mooji's personal affairs. Truth is what you are and Mooji's pointers can be helpful in becoming aware of that. But the same words that can point you to truth can also lead you away from it. That is, if you're compelled to surrender critical thinking and put someone on a pedestal as a higher authority of truth than yourself, you're being deluded.
I can imagine that if you're in a community centered around a teacher who gets put on a pedestal, literally and figuratively, it can get real hard not to surrender your authority. Especially if the teacher seems to be beyond human, i.e. you've heard nothing but good things about him.
But it may be that you've heard nothing but good things about him because all other information about him gets censored. Then the censorship is a factor aggravating the danger of becoming deluded.
That's why I'd like to say to you and anyone: truth is absolutely more important than gossip but censorship isn't necessarily helpful for finding truth.
Shankaromnivyah 1 point 1 hour ago
At this point I am so suspicious of Mooji and Sahaja that im starting to beome concerned about his teachings, I have friends who all went to Sahaja normal people and came back totally disconnected from reality in which they think Mooji gave them some sort of enlightenment when in reality they have gone completely mental and lost all abilities to critically think.
Not only that but they have abandoned all of their family and friends and have become extremely arrogant. They also worship and pray to his pictures.
They completely have phychosis which for me drew alot of red flags. I do not mean to cause any problems sir, I am just really concerned here. I still have friends there and I dont want anything happening to them, I think its odd that all these post being critical of him are being deleted.
I totally understand you wanting to have a space void of these topics but we who follow Mooji have every right to want to discuss these as well. If something is not right with him then I would assume many will not want to even follow his teachings.
Besides they all say they come with the "truth". I dont see any difference between his dogma and others. I know people who follwed his "pointings" to the T and are now in mental health facilities. This is very serious sir and needs more investigating and not people trying to run away from it.
Shankaromnivyah 1 point 50 minutes ago
Also to say he has nothing to teach and we are not students is just a product of him telling you how to think, imagine going into an environment with one pattern of thinking and then coming out with an entirely new set of beliefs that were given to you by one man. you were taught soemthing, despite what Mooji says. Just because he changes the word "teach" for "pointing" doesnt mean its any different.
frittenburg 1 point 7 minutes ago
I think drawing people's attention to absoluteness in order to avoid the relative, but only when it suits you, is another dangerous parlor game that all spiritual seekers should be careful of.
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jbrev01 0 points 3 hours ago
Okay listen, I'm the moderator of this subreddit, I have no relation to Mooji or the official Sangha. I took over this subreddit because there were some people coming here to attack, accuse, speak negatively of, and slander Mooji.
This subreddit was created for people who actually ENJOY Mooji's talks and his pointing.
It was NOT created for people to come and vent their negativity or discuss irrelevant dramas.
You are totally welcome to your own opinion and you can speak your opinion all you want --- just not in this subreddit. And for the people who don't like Mooji or his personal life, then don't listen to him or watch him. Go fill your time and mind with something you actually DO enjoy.
The whole negativity and Mooji bashing thing is a complete waste of time, and these kinds of posts will not be permitted here - because they have NOTHING to do with the pointing.
I have no affiliation with Mooji in any way. I, like most other people, am only interested in his pointing. I don't really care about his personal life or the Monte Sahaja community --- all I really care about is his message which is very clear and very simple.
Focusing on his personal life has nothing to do with the pointing.
It's clear for me to say that Mooji does not have students because he has nothing to teach.
If you really want to reap the benefit and the clarity of his pointing, stop caring about his personal life or the little dramas that occur at Monte Sahaja. Again, all of it has NOTHING to do with the pointing.
You are not your mind.
Stop taking the thoughts inside your head so seriously. You - who you Truly Are - are bigger than the thoughts inside the head.
You are the Space of Awareness. Consciousness itself. And never the thoughts or the thinker which appears in the Space.
You are the Empty, Spacious sense of Presence and Awareness. Which does not carry beliefs, judgment of others, and emotional opinion.
You are not the thinker who holds emotional judgment. You are the Awareness of the thinker.
You are the Is-ness.
Is-ness is not concerned with personal dramas or emotional opinions.
Only the personal identity gets caught up in dramas, opinions, judgments.
But you come before the personal identity, before the thinking mind.
To say it another way, the person needs the Space of Awareness in order to exist. But the Space of Awareness does not need the person to exist... So which is greater?
Because you are the greater. Not the small I me person who gets caught up in dramas and negativity.
This is the pointing, and This is all that matters. Everything else is a waste of time. And this is why drama related and negative posts will not be permitted in this subreddit.
This subreddit is for Truth.
We all have only one shot at discovering Truth. To waste your time on this Earth getting involved in mind activity and emotional drama is pointless. Don't miss your chance at discovering the truth of who you are, because it has to happen while the body is still warm.
Again, I really don't care that much about Mooji's personal life or what happens with the Sangha at Monte Sahaja. All I care about is the clarity of his message. And if you're looking to be a "student" then ignore everything and just listen to the simplicity of what he speaks about. Everything else is a waste of your time.
"There is Presence, but nobody being presence... Live like this."
Played the crowdTuesday, March 27, 2018 at 9:41:00 AM PDT
I'm very happy to read this. The line "playing to the crowd" just hit me so hard.
I have six months into a stay in Mooji's Ashram. I was very down and lost because of pressures I was under there. Suffering and seemingly surrounded by people who were psychologically absent (no not in a good way). It was all 'satsang' so it's all accepted and allowed, until they decide something is wrong with you and then you're quietly bustled out.
One day I was herded in front of a group of fifty people while Mooji was holding court. It was so inappropriate. And I tried to explain what was happening. But he just started talking and everyone started giggling, and it immediately struck me "Wow, he's just playing to the crowd".
And then I chose to push that feeling away. If you've been there, or if you're still there, then you know how the grouptalk allows you write off what I'm saying.
"If you're in your mind, he won't see you"
"He wants your 'A' questions not your 'B' and 'C' questions"
"You're projecting"
"He gave you what you needed in that moment"
And any number of little slogans that you've been conditioned to believe that allow this sort of behavior to be justified. But it wasn't. I pushed away that thought of him playing to the crowd, because there was no one there who would allow that idea.
But it's exactly what he was doing.