Diet Gurus and Diet Cults
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: December 16, 2016 10:38PM

This discussion is for those groups which do one or more of the following:

Diets which have led to deaths

Situations in which someone who follows a recommended diet and then departs from that diet is then vilified, shunned or cybertrolled.


Universal Medicine - Serge Benhayon - Australia



Message Board Discussion


Thirty Bananas a Day - Message Board Discussion


Breatharianism - articles




Today, there are at least a dozen self-proclaimed Breatharian gurus around the world, connecting with followers and each other through expensive workshops and retreats, books, videos and — of course — the internet.
The most famous is a self-proclaimed prophet of ‘spiritual cleansing’ from Australia called Jasmuheen, who claims a person can survive on prana energy and 300 calories a day.

The blonde Jasmuheen was a former financial consultant named Ellen Greve before she saw the light — in her case the ‘liquid light’ of the divine life force from which the enlightened can draw nourishment.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2018 03:06AM by corboy.

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Re: Diet Gurus and Cults
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 16, 2018 03:08AM

Mario Pianesi

Cops Bust 'Psycho Sect' That Pushed Strict Macrobiotic Diet
Italian police say one follower of Mario Pianesi dropped to just 77 pounds


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Mario Pianesi - Laughter and Internet Use Forbidden Ma Pi Diet
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 24, 2018 08:46PM

Bizarre rules of Italian macrobiotic 'cult' revealed by victims

Members of group under police investigation not allowed to laugh excessively or use internet

A multi layered cult?


But such was his popularity, people in Macerata are struggling to believe the revelations. The local macrobiotic restaurant, offering cheap and healthy meals, is well-visited.

“I know many who work at the restaurants and are not exploited,” said Marco Ribechi, a journalist who reflected on Pianesi as a potential Jekyll and Hydecharacter in an article for the local online newspaper, . “Some of it may be exaggerated, but this is just my opinion.”

He said there may have been “layers” within the movement, whereby some people were exploited and others were not.


Complainants described a sinister network which allegedly wielded power through a diet claimed to provide miracle cures for viruses and illnesses such as HIV, cancer and diabetes. Rules allegedly included banning women from wearing short skirts, make-up and from washing during their period. More bizarre customs were said to include having to get out of bed on the right side and cutting hair and nails on any day of the week other than Tuesday or Thursday.

People were also allegedly banned from laughing too much, using the internet and going to the gym, while men were told that wives who left them were akin to prostitutes.

“The rules came about over time,” said Vanda Secondino, who became involved with the group in 1989 after attending one of its first holiday camps.

For the rest of the story, go here:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2018 08:50PM by corboy.

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Re: Mario Pianesi - Laughter and Internet Use Forbidden Ma Pi Diet
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 01, 2018 12:50AM

Twelve Tribes

The Idyllic Restaurant Chain Owned by a Homophobic, Child-Beating Cult
They don't exactly advertise their beliefs on the menus.


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Jordan Peterson? - "meat, salad and water"
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 03, 2018 09:38PM

Jordan Peterson is on a crusade to toughen up young men. It’s landed him on our cultural divide.
By Karen Heller



Peterson now follows a “ridiculous” diet of meat, salad and water, promoted online by his daughter, with only turmeric and salt for flavor. “Turmeric and salt! Turmeric and salt!” he sings in the middle of Manhattan’s Bryant Park, mocking the entire business with an impromptu jig. The regimen, Peterson says, helped him go off antidepressants, which he once assumed he would take for life, and shed 50 pounds

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Sociology of Today's Wellness Culture: Stephanie Baker, Ph.D
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: December 24, 2024 01:08AM

Wellness Culture: How the Wellness Movement has been used to Empower, Profit and Misinform




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Tight Housing Market Empowered Coercive Vegan Cultic Landlord
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 20, 2025 03:36AM

I Thought I Was Moving Into a Flat -- It Ended Up a Vegan Cult


Link to news story here:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/2025 03:37AM by corboy.

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