Fire School of Ministry (Formerly Brownsville Revival School of Ministry)
Posted by: AGTG ()
Date: June 04, 2016 10:40AM

This video below is a testimony to the things I saw and experienced while attending Fire School of Ministry. Fire School of Ministry, according to Dr. Michael L. Brown who was one of the founders and current acting president of the school, has stated that the school was born out of the fires of revival.

While that may sound exciting, my experience attending his school revealed hyper-authoritarianism and many, many cult techniques to draw students into very deep levels of submission which are not Biblical, nor godly.

Just for the record, I make some jokes about these things, but please understand why. When you go through stuff like this, you can't let it embitter you. Jesus has set me free from this organization, and I'm like a calf kicking its heels coming out of a stall. It is the joy of the LORD that is my strength, and it is the truth that has set me free.

I have fixed my eyes on eternity, and have forgiven these men for their actions, but eternity will reveal what this organization has been up to for over 2 decades. I may be the first to come forth, but you can bet countless people suffered under this "ministry school" scheme. My hope and prayer is that the people who need to see this will do so before they make the wrong decision themselves and get caught up in their mess.

At one point, I share that I was raised a catholic. I am no longer a catholic, I'm a born again, blood-bought, Bible-believing follower of Jesus.

Here is my video testimony to their cult tactics:



Strong Delusion fire school of ministry dr. michael l. brown brownsville revival spiritual abuse cult new apostolic reformation charismania nar deception ihop bethel deception morningstar ministries deception ihop cult bethel cult morningstar ministries cult ihop apostasy bethel apostasy morningstar ministries apostasy rick joyner mike bickle bill johnson c. peter wagner apostasy falling bethel exposed ihop exposed morningstar ministries exposed away warning demonic church Christianity witchcraft manipulation Luke 8:18 strange fire lying signs and wonders signs and wonders

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