David R. Hawkins
Posted by: PhoenixPotter ()
Date: June 10, 2007 11:51PM

Maybe as an idea, you could post one post that has alll of the links to important Hawkins articles or criticisms in one place for easy reference.

Have you bought any of his cds, dvds, gone to seminars, etc. If so, what did you do with it, did you throw them away, burn them, or keep them for posterity.
Yes. I gave them to cult experts.

Of course all of his followers will say that they are not open to the calibrations and are coming from positionalities.
This itself is a “positionality.”

David R. Hawkins
Posted by: PhoenixPotter ()
Date: June 11, 2007 12:36AM

DO you feel that Hawkisn is overcharging for his seminars and other materials?
I agree with you.

It is not just the price, but the sheer quantity of materials available.

Hawkins puts himself way high up on his scale, such that if a person really believed all of his stuff, it would be a good idea to go move next to him. It is sort of like a drug or an addiction rather than truth and peace.


David R. Hawkins
Posted by: PhoenixPotter ()
Date: June 11, 2007 02:01AM

It occurred to me that Ramana teaches that the Guru is always within, and so traveling to see a teacher is not necessarily a requirement.


[i:0168bc1666]The master is within…

Realization is eternal, and it is not newly brought about by the Guru…

Liberation is not anywhere outside you. It is only within…

The Guru does not bring about Self-realization…The Self is always realized…

Questioner: Can Sri Bhagavan help us realize the Truth?

Maharshi: Help is always there…

Q: How can I get the help from 600 miles away?

M: That Guru is within.

Q: I want a visible Guru.

M: That visible Guru says that he is within…

Q: Is a teacher necessary for instructions?

M: Yes, if you want to learn anything new. But here you have to unlearn.

Q: Yet a teacher is necessary.

M: You have already got what you seek elsewhere. So no teacher is necessary.

Q: Is there any use of the man of Realization for the seeker?

M: Yes. He helps you get rid of your delusion that you are not realized. [/i:0168bc1666]

David R. Hawkins
Posted by: PhoenixPotter ()
Date: June 12, 2007 01:33AM

I tried my hardest to accept his calibrations in there about Bush, politics, war, and the US.
You won't likely be able to. A recent study indicates that political preference is as much as half genetic ( [www.livescience.com] ). For example, identical twins share more political beliefs than fraternal twins.


If you think your opponents are not just being willfully bullheaded but rather have a kind of biological predisposition toward a set of beliefs, you might not spend as much time beating your head against the wall trying to get them to change.

-John Hibbing, University of Nebraska
See also [www.sciencedaily.com] .


[C]onservatives...tend to care more about issues of hierarchy and respect, while liberals concentrate on caring and fairness.
Another aspect to consider about Hawkins' materials, by the way, is that he is very strict with regard to copyright and appears to be especially concerned with being in control of every detail of his work. As I wrote before, if he really wanted to, he could make all of his materials available for free. There are ways of doing this; it is not hard.

See Gang’s [www.dowsers.info] , as well as [www.cocreationsunlimited.com] , and [www.the-tree-of-life.com] .
The last link simply reads:


Permission to display the Hawkins Map of Consciousness as shown in the book "Power vs. Force" anywhere on the Internet has been withdrawn by Veritas Publishing effective immediately.
Two other examples that come to mind: A video of one of his lectures ("Consciousness and Addiction") on Google was deleted, most likely due to copyright concerns. A person once transcribed one of his “Office Series” lectures from 1986 and as a service made it available to people. Veritas clamped down on this and made everyone delete it due to copyright violation. Is Hawkins truly serving others or himself?

David R. Hawkins
Posted by: PhoenixPotter ()
Date: June 12, 2007 11:48PM

I specifically want to learn more truth about him and the cultish behavior.
You may have a better sense of this by having a greater understanding of cults in general. To this end, I would suggest the following books: [i:43dfd1a343]Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism[/i:43dfd1a343] by Robert J. Lifton; [i:43dfd1a343]Combatting Cult Mind Control[/i:43dfd1a343] and [i:43dfd1a343]Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves[/i:43dfd1a343] by Steven Hassan. They should be available at your local library. There are some other good ones as well (See [www.culteducation.com] and [www.xenu.net] ), including [i:43dfd1a343]Captive Hearts, Captive Minds[/i:43dfd1a343] by Madeleine Landau Tobias, and specifically on pseudoscience [i:43dfd1a343]The Demon-Haunted World[/i:43dfd1a343] by Carl Sagan and [i:43dfd1a343]Why People Believe Weird Things[/i:43dfd1a343] by Michael Shermer.

There are many resources online as well, such as [www.csj.org] , [www.factnet.org] , [www.freedomofmind.com] , and of course [www.culteducation.com] . Good luck.

David R. Hawkins
Posted by: PhoenixPotter ()
Date: June 14, 2007 03:41AM

Call me crazy, but I will not put my trust in someone whose qualifications are questionable, if not outright lies.[...]Why would such an apparently advanced person lie about his qualifications?

I could not look up to such a person. If he lies to me about his qualifications, he is perfectly capable (and likely) to lie to me in his teachings...
This is another good point. He lies about his qualifications, but he will still tell you the way to enlightenment?

Shimon, if you have time when you write next, please share how [i:3b762b1523]you[/i:3b762b1523] personally find Hawkins’ teachings “helped or hurt you,” and also in what ways you have observed his “cultish behavior.” Thanks.

Yes, maybe Hawkins org is a little cult like, but not the man himself. RIght? Hawkins is enlightened, right?
You followed people such as Sai Baba for awhile. Would you also conclude the same about him? “What happened to make you wake up and leave” Sai Baba and the others? In what ways do you see Hawkins as different?

And Truth vs Falsehood was a waste and I wish I never spent my money on it. It was trash.
By the way, Dr. Carroll quoted Hawkins as saying:


If you are not satisfied with any products, your money will be cheerfully refunded. [skepdic.com]
Maybe you can get your money back. info@veritaspub.com

From the same source:

I had thought of suggesting that instead of simply laughing off another quack moment, we band together and complain in large numbers to the FTC about the false and misleading advertising Hawkins is engaging in. -Robert Todd Carroll
If anyone wants to do this, here is the link to the “FTC Consumer Complaint Form”: [rn.ftc.gov]

For anyone who is interested, please also report your Hawkins experience to Steven Hassan:



David R. Hawkins
Posted by: shimon ()
Date: June 14, 2007 07:22AM

I have been away from the computer for a few days now. I just saw you posted a lot of links for me, thanks, that will be very helpful.

The gurus that I got attracted to for awhile, I never got too deep into. Luckily, thank GOd, I always have gotten out before too much damage was done. I am very naive and trusting. I listen to what other followers say and they speak so highly of their gurus, that I get sucked in. Sai Baba was just for a short while and I was influenced by several devotees who told me miracle stories about him and his personally appearing to them or manifesting vibhuti. I bought it and started reading his books and going to a Sai Baba group, where we chant and sing in front of Babas robe. The others denied his child molestation charges and murder but I eventually saw it and got out. Again like I said, not much harm done, except wasting my money on books and wasting my time going to the group. And I learned some good teachings from him in the process. My experience with the other teachers was very similar. I get in and then get out. My only expense being that of buying books or tapes, and going to groups. I never traveled to INdia or other exotic places to see them.

As far as Dr Hawkins goes, it is similar. Not much harm was done to me, except wasting some money on books. I am not going to ask for my money back, that is not worth my time and effort. There is nobody answering their phones and you have to leave a message, etc. I ordered truth vs falsehood when it came out from BOrders and they had to deal with Veritas. NObody answers their phone there and they had to leave a message. It took days for me to finally get my book. I was so excited to finally have Hawkins encyclopedia of thousands of calibrations. I was so disappointed when I read it and saw the absurdity of the calibrations once and for all. I got rid of that book shortly thereafter.

My benefit though from Hawkins is him teaching me, reminding me to stay away from astral stuff, not to take vows or oaths, to stay away from that which is harmful and to go towards that which is positive, and the true characheteristics of a true teacher. Too bad Hawkins himself doesnt follow some of these characteristics. But his list is pretty good.

I was wondering if you could share more about what the ACIM teachers said about Hawkins. I know many ACIM people and they all like Hawkins and do the COurse and also study Hawkins. What dont they agree with him other than his levels and calibrations. DO they find anything helpful in his teachings. He does teach al ot of similar stuff that is also in the COurse. He teaches relying on the Holy Spirit for true perception and is always talking about surrender, as does the COurse do. Would like to hear any thing more you can share about this connection, between teh Course and Hawkins.

PS. - I was wondering if you could private message me on here and share some more of your personal experiences with Hawkins that you arent willing to share publicly yet. I will keep it private and confidential, but I am interesteed in hearing more if you are willing to share.

David R. Hawkins
Posted by: shimon ()
Date: June 14, 2007 08:15AM

I forgot to aske. I wanted to know more about the lawsuit of the person who was typing up a transcript of Dr Hawwkins office series tape. Is there any link to this. Also, any other information about the You Tube incident. WHy his video was pulled. I believe a true teacher would allow his material to be broadcast to help as many sentient living beings as possible. This lawsuit stuff really irritates me and totally turns me off. This doesnt speak highly of hawkins. PLease share any more info about these incidents so I can do my research on it and see this nonsense for myself. The Marilyn Gang thing totally pissed me off and I am glad she posted the truth on it. It is so helpful to read that. She sounds like a wise person.

David R. Hawkins
Posted by: shimon ()
Date: June 14, 2007 12:26PM

HI Phoenix Potter,

I just discovered it too. I did get your message but I need at least 10 approved messages before I am able to respond to peoples private messages. I received yours, but cannot respond to it until I get up to 10 messages on here. This one will make 8 and I need just a few more. I will type up a few more so we can communicate privately too. When I get up to 10 I will respond back. I look forward to sharing more private communications along with the public ones.

David R. Hawkins
Posted by: shimon ()
Date: June 14, 2007 12:28PM

I am surprised more people arent jumping in on here and talking about Hawkins. There must be others like ourselves who have fallen for Hawkins and now see some of his cultish stuff that is surrounding him.

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