There is no such thing as an Orthodox Jew!?@*(
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 10, 2011 12:53AM

I went to a local shul when I needed help. It is listed as an Orthodox shul in some guides to the area. The rabbi of the shul told me, "There's no such thing as an Orthodox Jew! There are Jews who are shomer mitvos and Jews who are not shomer mitzvos (Jews who keep the law of the Torah and Jews who don't). Obviously, he never read this site for my opinion.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Re: There is no such thing as an Orthodox Jew!?@*(
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 11, 2011 01:49AM

The same rabbi also said that if a person doesn't keep Shabbos they can't be trusted and also said that if a Jew has non-kosher food, he or she doesn't really own it anyway.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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