Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Date: July 26, 2008 09:13PM
Getting Out the Raid
Anticult wrote:
also, just want to drop into this a reminder...that virtually all of this research can be applied to almost ANY of these New Agey type antiguru Gurus who are out there today.
They use very similar methods, as they all learn from a similar playbook.
They're CONTENT may be different, it may even be aliens, Christ Consciousness, Hinduism, alleged Buddhism, Astrology, Atman, Psychics, or anything at all.
The content is the Belief System.
(And always always, look at room set up, whether you're allowed privacy, can sleep 7 hours a night, and have control over your own transportation and retain control of your cell phone)
Other words that should signal us to do anticult's examine-the-social-context test:
'Quantum' 'enlightenment; 'integral' 'revolutionary' '21st century''esoteric' and 'seating is scarce'
Especially smell a large cockroach (excuse me, rat) if the seating is priced according to proximity to the leader.
Here is a tip: If anyone writes something here that stirs up strong feelings, confusion or a 'this is wierd' reaction in the reader, use this as a signal to investigate the deep structure of what has been written. I dont have The Anticult's training, but still noticed some interesting things.
To add to 'helpme2times' vocabulary list...
CC wrote:
"Corboy - I have taken in everything you have offered and see your approach with me as helpful and instructive."
I felt oddly jarred by this, and then became curious about why I felt jarred. Because I was not under pressure in an LGAT, had had plenty of sleep, and had zero personal investment in the process (as in I had not spent thousands of dollars of money or credit and had no reason to justify this by convincing myself it was for a good cause and just keep my mind open and trustful...instead I used my feelings of 'Huh?' and proceeded to investigate.
Lets look at how I took CC's sentence into my personal laboratory and assayed its possible ingredients.
Overall, CC personalized what Corboy had to say. Corboy was talking tough about legal risks and what can happen to a hapless person who is sued by a person or that persons family(!!) if a facilitation process goes wrong.
But CC sought to personalize this, as if CC wants to have some sort of relationship with Corboy. (Whats next, flowers and chocolates?)
'I have taken in' -- Strange. Is CC some sort of an amoeba? Does CC have any boundaries? Why not write, 'I am thinking about this'?
Never mind Corboy. Dont waste time on me. For his or her own benefit, CC should go pay for an attorney and have a consultation. I wonder what our hypothetical attorney would say if CC were to sit there and say, 'I have taken it in?'
Two, lets look at 'I see your approach with me as helpful and supportive?'
'I see your approach'--what is with the 'I see'?
How about 'Your approach has been helpful. Or 'the information you provided is helpful'
CC is personalizing again. 'I see'--CC is personalizing again, trying to wiggle up nice and close.
Okay. In conventional english, one usually says, 'I see your approach toward me as helpful and supportive.'
'with' implies that CC and Corboy are in some sort of accord, when in fact CC and I are miles apart and do not agree at all.
CC appears to be trying hard to establish some sort of rapport where no rapport can ever exist.
Two, 'I see your helpful and supportive'
Is this 'your approach is helpful and supportive' --is this a catch phrase, something that 'Katydids' are taught to say when confronted by input that scares them or angers them or....threatens to rupture the entire idealization process that is keeping them in BK land, in Kastle Kockroach?
Its also powerful to be addressed directly by name, even a computer handle. Its another good reason to stay anonymous on a board.
(There are reasons why in many of the old initiation rituals the initiate was given a new name, to be kept secret, as a way to confirm and safeguard core identity during the stresses of adult life. To reveal one's true name was to give power over you into the hands of those who might not use that power wisely or well. )
It is interesting that despite stating that he or she is reading through the thread, our visitor CC directed close attention and addressed by name only the three most recent correspondants on this thread--moi, helpme2times, and The Anticult. Anticult has also had the great honor of having an earlier troll mimic Anticults computer handle--'anticultist'.
I sensed something was going in when CC directly addressed me. And that led me to look carefully at the deep structure of that sentence.
Must ask if people are invited to disclose what their nicknames are, or what pet name they were addressed by in childhood. Because I can tell you that if you are addressed by that name in adult hood, it is POWERFUL.
So be very careful if someone you do not know at all well implores you to tell them what nickname or pet name was used to address you by those you have trusted and loved. Its easy to structure this right in, because at most meetings, even ones that dont have a hidden agenda, it is now very common to ask, 'How do you like to be called?'
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2008 09:30PM by corboy.