Ex-Sci kid was active on this other thread and was far from polite when corresponding with a person who was courteous, kind and helpful.
In the schoolyard this would be considered bullying.
And it was interesting that Ex Sci followed a rather similar strategy of seeming to be reasonable and then very quickly engaging in facile put downs of licensed psychotherapists and then making it seem there was no real difference between psychotherapists and unlicensed human potential entrepreneurs.
Again, licensed professionals are regulated by law and identifiable by license number and are required by law not only to pass exacting standards for training, testing, but the treatments they prescribe must meet the legally defined 'standard of care.'
And whether 'full of shit' or not, the licensed professional must also by law do the following: honor patient confidentiality, keep records (and the records must meet standards of completeness) and psychotherapy clients
never sign away their right to engage in litigation if they feel the process has damaged them.
If under any circumstances the client or patient might be recorded or videotaped, he or she is told in advance and given the option to refuse.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2008 09:35PM by corboy.