Responding to all of this is quite a task. My responses are in
Because this is actually not a group in any sense of the word, no one is affiliated in any way, it's just a bunch of individuals posting, we really don't have any control over each other.
Exactly, we don't have any control over trolls coming in here. So why has so much control over this person been exerted? Pardon me for using the word "group" to describe more than one person hanging on in a forum. The word "forum" got tedious. I'll be more consistent next time.
I've been reading this board non-stop for over a month, I must have read every single thread on the LGAT site. I've seen numerous incidents of trolls showing up, and I've found it very interesting to see how they operate.
For the most part, they sound exactly like Jon Willis.
I've seen that, too. BUT there were some important differences. Jon Willis has given me permission to share some of what was said in private here on the forum. I'm not comfortable doing that, but I will tell you that things here on this site made a difference for him, and he tried to hang in here, but couldn't because of the way he was being treated. He came here to learn. And he got SMEARED.
Perhaps I am more sensitive about this, because I know what it's like being in Byron Katie's hell. I know how important this forum has been for me. I can't imagine what it would have been like if you all had smeared me like you did him. Okay, so I had already figured some stuff out on my own by reading for months and months. Jon hadn't. He came here fresh from the trenches.
They can be very disruptive, but it seems their one and only intent it is to SOW SEEDS OF DOUBT in the minds of anyone who is on the fence about a particular group.
He didn't sow any doubt in my mind. And I'm someone who actually been through Byron Katie's world.
I've seen people getting waaay more aggressive with trolls then they have here with Jon Willis, but it's very hard to get them to go away no matter how angry you get, or even how thoroughly you expose them, because they have a mission here, and they want to stay in the room.
I don't see what other threads have to do with one, but you might notice that Jon actually left TWICE. He was leaving once, and I asked him to stay. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the guy wasn't just another troll. That's my opinion.
However, that said, it is hard at times to tell the difference between a well meaning person who is still brainwashed and a real troll.
Funny, I'm the one who got sucked into Byron Katie's lair, and it was still pretty obvious to me.
It's true that being kind, compassionate and understanding is very important, and I understand that you don't want to fight. But in reality, some people do want to fight. You don't have to take part, and you can always offer a more understanding voice if other people are getting hot under the collar. But in truth, I haven't seen anything on this board that even comes close to the level of abuse that takes place regularly on other forums all over the Internet -- have you ever posted on Huffington Post? It's vicious over there!
Thanks for the lecture on reality, and I don't see what that has to do with anything. When someone comes into a "Cult Education Forum" to learn whether or not they are involved in a cult, and the people who should be educating him are fighting with him on any level instead... is totally inappropriate.
My experience has been that the people on this board are among some of the most articulate and passionate and honest and truly caring people I've ever encountered. And they are REAL. They're being themselves -- some of them for the first time in many years, since they joined some New Age mind control group that told them they could never get angry. When the anger and hostility arises, it's usually for a very good reason, and indeed a lot of people have been so hurt through LGATs and cults, they are venting some of that feeling here where they will be understood. I don't think you're ever going to stop that from happening, and I think it might be possible for you to understand why it happens and accept it.
I suppose I don't already understand that, then. Well, thanks for clearing that up! You're being rather condescending, and I have no idea what this has to do with the group... oh, excuse me... the forum attacking someone who came here to learn.
I really feel that if people do not want to read the information on this board because some of it is too harsh, or people's emotions or anger are present, they are not ready to wake up yet. This is a board of people who have woken up, and yes, many are pissed off.
I wonder if you noticed that in both of my posts, I acknowledged the anger here, and it's right to be here. I'm angry, too. As far as Byron Katie goes, I'm sure I lost more to her than you did, and I have the right to be angry as well.
When a person still involved with a group comes here truly looking for answers to the problems with the group that are plaguing them -- like you (though I know you were out of the group already) -- it is very difficult to get them confused with a troll.
OBVIOUSLY. I posted once about what goes on in the mind of a Byron Katie groupie, to try to help you all see that he was not giving plugs... he was STUCK. I'm sorry I didn't just come right out and say, HEY, leave this one alone! I was afraid you all would turn on me, and I can see that I had just cause for concern.
However, I think it's really important that people within mind-control fantasy groups get a taste of real life, here on this board.
Well, I don't know where you're living, but in real life, when you go some where for help and education, you don't usually get creamed for showing up there.
I've been grateful for the honesty and anger expressed here, the hurt is real. Coming from friends and spouses, especially, who have lost people they love. People who get sucked into these groups -- or who are about to -- need to know exactly how it effects the rest of us still in the "real" world, where everything is not "positive" and "peaceful" all the time, and we are not looking for ways out of our pain, but feeling it cutting through us at every moment.
I don't believe I asked for things to be positive and peaceful all the time, and it's baffling that you twisted it into that. You can be honest, emotional, and CIVIL. I'm rapidly losing my ability to do this in regards to the forum. You keep defending everyone's right to feel and express their feelings, which I never debated, but you've shown very little regard for mine.