The harsh reality is that many many senior "facilitators" or franchisees with many of these LGAT groups end up bankrupt. Literally. That is a fact.
Anyone who has been in that business, sees person after person pushed into bankruptcy after dealing with the Guru for a number of years.
Going to the edge of bankruptcy, and into bankruptcy, that is not uncommon in these seminar groups. Its very common, and the LGAT Guru's of course have full knowledge of that.
If you look at the James Arthur Ray situation, he literally persuaded and drove Colleen Conaway one-step away from bankruptcy, by using his powerful persuasion techniques to get her to load up 10's of thousands of dollars on her credit cards. [] Sadly, she died during one of the James Ray seminars, but was outrageously even charged for James Ray seminars after her death, and that happened to other victims of James Ray as well.
And James Ray is not the only one, many others do the same things.
SGI Soka Gakkai [] persuades desperate people to empty their emergency savings accounts, to give all their money to the billionaire Guru of SGI, in hopes for a miracle healing and a new car by magic.
Byron Katie also has specific methods where she gets people who cannot afford her LGAT seminars, to put them on their credit cards to try to pay them off over a period of years, as has been explained in this thread. Its a trap, people get "coached" into a trap that is going to last for years and years.
So the technique of pushing followers into bankruptcy, is literally business as usual for these LGAT's.
For example, LGAT guru's are able to get those the deepest involved in their system, to come to more advanced private seminars run by the Guru. There they are able to literally "coach" (persuade) the person into getting the maximum line of credit they can access, or remortgaging their home, and then using it all up to buy the guru's products.
They literally do that AT the seminar, right on the spot, they have it all set up. They get people to get the maximum credit, they coach them on what to say to the bank, and then get them to max it out on the spot to buy some expensive product they are selling.
They all have products that can go higher than $150,000, for example some inflated coaching contract, or reselling the Guru's materials as a franchisee.
Tony Robbins got in trouble with that from the FTC years ago, and was forced to pay back money. [] [ANTHONY ROBBINS AGREES TO PAY MORE THAN $220,000 IN CONSUMER REDRESS TO SETTLE ALLEGED FRANCHISE RULE VIOLATIONS]
They are able to hype people up, and get them to agree to some ridiculous contract, where the person loses all their money. Of course since then, they have gotten smarter, to work around the loopholes.
But here the reality.
Many people get deeply involved with these LGAT's. Once they get deeply involved, the Guru and the Guru's senior salespeople are able to work them into a manic frenzy, and get them to spend literally every dollar they have, and every dollar they can borrow. They are professionals, and know how to do this.
Eventually, it all comes crashing down.
Person after person ends up losing their home, and all of their savings. At the end of their 10+ years with the Guru, what do they have?
Very often they have a bankruptcy. It happens all the time.
So its not an exception, for most long-term members of aggressive LGAT groups like Byron Katie, or these other sects, the long-term members literally end up with nothing.
Now of course there is always hope for a new beginning, and sometimes bankruptcy can be the thing that saves these folks, and at least allows a fresh start in life.
But please, one hopes people don't slip from one Guru, to the next anti-Guru. Don't know much about Tony Parson's yet, but its worrisome when you see a Guru's name coming up again and again.
Former LGAT Guru followers might consider a radical Guru's for 5 years!
Its very freeing to learn to trust one's own thinking, and not need the advice and seminars of any professional Guru's. Its wonderfully freeing to swear off all professional Guru's for 5 years, just to break the cycle.
But sadly, the situation where the longterm member of an LGAT seminar group or sect ending up with nothing but a huge debt, is very very common, almost universal.
And for those who had a large family inheritance, it can be worse. Many people get cleaned out.
Its a very hard lesson in the school of hard knocks to get cleaned out by an LGAT Guru's system. Some people get very angry, and then start their own LGAT system, to get even, and the cycle continues.
Others blame themselves, when they shouldn't. They got scammed, and it is not totally their fault, as they were dealing with a professional.
The worst case, is those who get so overcome with extreme self-blame, they attempt suicide out of hopelessness and desperation.
Hopefully one day, some serious journalists will do some research into the trail of bankruptices left in the wake of LGAT Guru's, that is the rule.
The LGAT Guru's know that they have to target people who are vulnerable, and then persuade them to spend every dollar they can borrow. Those are the easiest targets, and that is why they go after them.
LGAT Guru's don't target Bill Gates or a entrepreneurs who have done really well, as those folks are too clever and tight-fisted! They SAY that is who are their customers, as that sounds good, but in fact most of the LGAT customers are in debt to their eyeballs and desperate.
The LGATGuru's target those who are easy to persuade and convince to blow everything, and to spend everything they don't have.
That is not speculation, that is their business model, and that is how it works. The internal data of the LGAT guru shows that as a fact, as they always get the financial details from those who are taking the seminars. They know most of their customers who spend the most money, are those who are on the edge of bankruptcy. Those are the folks who are desperate, and who are willing to bet the farm on wishful thinking.
And when it comes crashing down, those Stories don't make it into the brochure. And most of the victims are too ashamed of what happened, blame themselves, and vanish.
Until you see it with your own eyes time and time again, its hard to believe that is the reality.
But that is the reality.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2010 06:55AM by The Anticult.