Another death is being reported at a James Ray LGAT seminar in a comment from the CBS news website.
Notice the "field trips", sleep deprivation, food deprivation, breaking down people psychologically, acting "homeless", and other precise techniques also used at the Byron Katie LGAT seminars.
Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports []
Contrary to what one person said, the seminar leaders do know EXACTLY what they are doing with these techniques, and the serious risks.
Those are all well-known LGAT seminar "brainwashing" techniques, used to gain powerful influence over people. Those techniques are extremely dangerous, and some people "go over the edge", or jump over the edge.
This is why they have the "death clause" for the seminar, because people die after the seminar, or even during the seminar.
To the LGAT guru, its just collateral damage and the cost of doing business, and making the millions.
by parkrapidsmn October 12, 2009 8:39 PM EDT
"This is not the first time someone has died at a James Arthur Ray seminar.
On July 26 of this year Colleen died during a James Arthur Ray Creating Absolute Wealth Seminar in San Diego. She had been emotionally broken down, starved and kept awake ungodly amounts of time. During a group "field trip" to Horton Plaza Mall she plunged to the floor from a third level railing.
Colleen was a happy and succcessful woman. Prior to her death she had absolutely never given any of her friends and co-workers any signs of suicidal thoughts/intentions. She was making future plans...had a positive outlook on life...and was completely healthy.
Colleen was brainwashed. She fell victim to Large Group Awareness Training. I believe James Arthur Ray and his company completely covered up their involvement in her death.
There must be others who have been injured ect. by James Arthur Ray either physically, financially or mentally...please, please, please contact officials and tell your story. This must be stopped before more people are hurt!"
by bj1285 October 13, 2009 12:25 PM EDT
I am someone who has also spent $1,000's to attend James Ray events myself. I was at the one in San Diego. I was shocked and horrified to read about the death at the one I attended and no one I know knew about that! Shocked as well that 2 died and 19 injured at the sweat lodge. I was emotional damaged myself at the event in San Diego. It took me a couple of months just to gather myself together again to be able to function. I sent a letter to him and ask for my money back and for a refund for the upcoming seminar that I am suppose to attend in Las Vegas. As of yet, I have not heard anything at all back from them.
I have to say that I don't believe that he knows what he is doing and has no business taking people out on these "outings". It was the 2 "outtings" that threw me for a loop. We were dropped off in a city and told to "act" homeless. It was traumatic for me and then we were dropped off at one of the richest neighborhood in the US for a scavenger hunt. It was during these 2 events that I had emotional trauma. There was also an incident where the police were called. The reason I participated in these "outtings" was because I trusted him to do no harm to us. I was way wrong! I would love to be part of a class action suit against him, if not more anything else but to at least get my $6,000 back. I have felt like a complete idiot that I trusted someone this much and that he does not live up to this word!
I sure to do hope that he is going to be held accountable for these deaths! I doubt that he will refund my any money even though he talks about how his seminars are satisfaction guaranteed! I have thought it was just a matter of time before something more tragic happened to someone else. I never thought that that would be death!
Please anyone thinking about attending of these events, please think very seriously about it, wish I had. I'm now going to lose $1,000's because I will not attend the seminar coming up in Las Vegas.
I hope the families of these people will have a very public law suit and not kick this under the table. Others need to be warmed!
My condolences go out to the families of the death of 3 partipants.
by parkrapidsmn October 14, 2009 3:05 PM EDT
I am shocked to hear that you did not know of Colleen's death! I wonder how on earth they could have possibly covered something like that up to the other participants.
You mentioned that there was even one event where the police were called. Was that the "outting" to Horton Plaza where she died maybe? If you don't mind me asking- what events did lead up to the Horton Plaza outting...and what was suppose to be it's purpose?
I hope you don't mind me asking these questions but, since her death I, along with many others have so many unanswered questions.
Thank You.