thx for sharing that jj, others in the same boat are going to be helped by it.
And unlike so much of the madness coming from The Goddess of Guilt, it "makes sense".
Why? Because its honest and true, its not a sham.
That is the problem with some New Age ideas, they are just plain wrong. There is such a thing as "true", not Absolute True, but a reasonable true. Its ok for us to be sane, normal humans, who know if something is reasonably true, even if "Constructivist".
I only read your story AFTER I put forward my little Neo-Freudian theory that The Work springs from Byron Katies own false internalization of her own abuse as a child. Blaming yourself for being the child-victim.
But one wonders if Katie really believes that anymore, or just uses that on other people, while she now acts out the role of (false)Loving Seducer/Victimizer.
Its clear that most sexual abusers of children are not violent child-rapists. As even Oprah has shown, most of them are manipulative (false) loving seducers who lure and groom the vulnerable child with false-love, use them for their own gratification, then do a Turnaround on the child to make the child feel like its all their fault.
Sound familiar?
I snipped out some parts of your own text below that seem to confirm some of that was done to you.
If we blame ourselves for being hurt by others, what does that do? It makes us depressed, self-hating, and also become dependant on the very people that are hurting us.
Like a little doggie that takes the abuse from its owner, and tries to submit more, and be more loving to the owner, to get one shred of Love, only to get more abuse.
This is how many sexually abused children and girls can behave due to the power dynamics. That is what proper therapy tries to repair.
So its convenient for Byron Katie to get her mostly female followers to engage in Self-Hate, Self-Blame, self-blame the victim, especially over sexual-abuse as a child...many folks are halfway there as it is.
And then she magnifies that, and creates a closed loop system.
But is BK being victimized anymore? I don't see any. From fresh outside eyes, its clear that BK has reversed roles, and is now acting out the psychodrama of being the manipulative seducer, deceptively luring others into her grasp, exploiting them, while doing a Turnaround so the victims blames themselves for what is being done to them, and thus deepen the pathological bond to the abuser.
...and I started to feel like I was falling apart. The attacks were wearing on me. I was pretty desperate for a way out.
...Suffice it to say, I was desperate... and because of the Eckancar-style brainwashing I was enduring at the time, I was very vulnerable.
...I came to see that I was at fault, and I hadn't thought so previously. I wrote an apology to my friend, and felt some peace. It took a few more tries before I was willing to try it on my in-laws.
Lo and behold, I discovered that everything was all my fault, and I was filled with a strange sense of love and appreciation for my in-laws. I wrote them apologies (which was offered by the in-laws as evidence that I was guilty of their insane accusations, and worked against me in the end.) I kept "testing" it and doing The Work on other situations, and strangely... it seemed to work. I learned that I was responsible for so many things that I hadn't known before, and suddenly felt in control of my life in a different way.
...It was around this time when I discovered that if I tried to turnaround a stressful thought like, "My mother-in-law is evil" to myself... I would break down into tears, and feel nauseated.
...BK says that until you get to the point where you can see your enemy as your friend, you're not done with your Work.
.. It's just not smart to call your enemies friends... and to fail to see how they are hurting you... and to let them keep doing it. It's pretty dumb, actually... unrealistic, and potentially harmful to your own well-being. (However, I realize how this belief could be valuable for BK among her followers.)
Sort of like:"Someone raped you? Oh, he was your friend, can't you understand that? He did it out of love, and when you see that, you'll be enlightened."