Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: February 26, 2008 08:47AM

I wanted to ignore ralpher, but I seem to have gotten stuck on trying to make any sense at all of his erratic post.


Anticult, corboy, skeptic, helpme2times... any suggestions or feedback?

JJ, I think you are doing just fine. That erratic post by ralpher wasn't decipherable. Not unless one lives on Planet Katie.

Shoot, I wanted to add, "keep up the good work!" but the word "work" now triggers my gag reflex. *ralphing*

Guruphiliac, Jody Radzik, Byron Katie LGAT hypocrisy shilling?
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 26, 2008 09:33AM

The astounding hypocrisy of Jody Radzik on Guruphiliac when it comes to Byron Katie just keeps going and going...

In his blog "comment" area, first he selects whatever comments he wants, and deletes any he does not want to deal with.

Then his pre-selected comments, (apparently from his regular readers who are kicking his ass about his blatant hypocrisy around Byron Katie) he reveals yet more blatant hypocrisy, and even outright false statements.

His current technique is Ad Hominem.
He states that some "anti-cult cult" has stated Byron Katie is a destructive cult. That is a flat out bald-faced lie, and distortion tactic, and he knows it. He made it up.
People are saying the Byron Katie seminars are a manipulative and destructive LGAT.
But since he wants to avoid that issue, he does the Straw Man Ad Hominem to try to deflect attention.

He then makes more outright false statements about God and Byron Katie. Byron Katie says she IS GOD, as in solipsism. (see below)

Why is Jody Radzik Guruphiliac shilling and making false statements about Byron Katie?
This question would be asked on the blog comments section, but he would just censor it.
Maybe he would have to respond to a regular poster?

Why did Jody immediately discount all criticisms of Byron Katie?

Why is Jody Radzik Guruphiliac shilling and making false statements about Byron Katie?

Is Jody Radzik Guruphiliac directly or indirectly receiving money from any of Byron Katies associates which are his friends, or barter, or jobs of any type?

__________QUOTE FROM BK________
Katieism: Every story, every thing is God: reality
Every story, every thing is God: reality. It apparently emerges from out of Itself and appears as a life. It lives forever within the story, until the story ends. From out of Itself I appeared as my story, until the questions brought me home.
Posted by Byron Katie on April 2, 2007 6:40 AM

Re: Guruphiliac, Jody Radzik, Byron Katie LGAT hypocrisy shilling?
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 26, 2008 10:17AM

ok, the verdict is in.
Guruphiliac, Jody Radzik, is officially using his blog to shill for Byron Katie LGAT seminars.

There are new extensive comments being posted on his blog, by supporters of Byron Katie.
Meanwhile serious critics of Byron Katie are censored from posting.

Guruphiliac, Jody Radzik has completely discredited himself when it comes to Byron Katie.
Must be a fair amount of money at stake.

There is an older post here that lists Guruphiliac (Jody Radzik) as a blog that protects certain Gurus in a conflict of interest.

"Mohan Singh/Michael Lyons has been scamming and conning like this for 25 years or more. Complaints have been made to the police. Evidently he still has not been imprisoned. He uses threats and violence to evade justice and avoids having his photo taken. Fortunately, there does seem to be an internet campaign against him but unfortunately certain sites that supposedly protect against guru abuse have not passed on information about Mohan over the years - these “bad”sites include Guruphiliac (Jody Radzik) and Guru Ratings (Sarlo) possibly because Sarlo is a staunch Osho supporter."

Neale Donald Walsch cult LOVE BOMBING with Byron Katie
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 26, 2008 02:16PM

Check out yet another creepy and shameless blog entry, this one from Neale Donald Walsch from Conversations with God, about Byron Katie.


He "meets" Byron Katie in her "parlor" for a few minutes, and he says falls in love with her. (book cross-promotion and marketing deals speed the love process!).

Ya know, these folks just have no shame. Making people think that PROJECTING LOVE onto their God Katie is going to make them feel Love.
They are trolling for innocent, kind people who are looking for Love, (with bi-sexual overtones), then they will lure them in one step at a time.

LOVE BOMBING, the oldest cult trick in the book.

She never gets upset?
Always happy?
Always tells the truth?
Neale Donald Walsch does NOT know her, met her for 5 minutes, and already he says she is always happy and truthful. How does he know? He's just making it up. Its a lie.
He is using hypnotic Trance-inducing language patterns..."one encounter with her is all it takes to fall head over heels for her"...that is an embedded hypnotic Suggestion, carefully designed and delivered.

Ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing, it never ceases to amaze and disgust.
Neale Donald Walsch
"She brought other men into her parlor that same evening, calling them "Sweetheart" and "Darling" right in front of me...but I don't care, I don't mind. I'm in love anyway.
She gave those men love and attention right there before my eyes. i don't care, I tell you. I don't care. I love her to pieces.
Katie gave love and attention to women, too -- also right in front of me -- but that only served to make me love her more. Because this is a very special woman, and one encounter with her is all it takes to fall head over heels for her."

"That's only one of many reasons why I have fallen in love with Katie. Another is that she always tells the truth. A third is that she always lives her truth. That is, she doesn't say one thing and do another. A fourth reason I have fallen in love with her is that she never gets upset. She's always happy. Always."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2008 02:24PM by The Anticult.

Re: Neale Donald Walsch cult LOVE BOMBING with Byron Katie
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: February 26, 2008 02:46PM

Oh yeah, "love bombing" the Moonies used that in the 70s (are they still around? - or have they changed their name?)


Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: February 26, 2008 02:51PM

it is not necessarily bad or evil that they are charging, what is bad is that they are selling "spiritual enlightenment" which in itself is not a commodity -- when one is truly enlightened one does not have to sell their knowledge, it is free for the asking....that is the truth, so when these self-appointed spiritual teachers teach these methods you automatically know they are full of "it" (add the sh) just know they are fakers when they join the material world in this way...that's just the way it is, and it is sad that people fall for their fakery.


Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: February 26, 2008 02:53PM

no golfer, it is not amazing at all, the world is full of psychopaths who write books and run corporations without any regrets for the people they hurt!


Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: February 26, 2008 09:18PM

Here is a look at least some of the problems with Eckhart Tolle's (and others like him) approach, from Steve Salerno's "SHAMblog":

Tolle Calls. Part 1 and Tolle Calls. Part 2

Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: shakti ()
Date: February 27, 2008 01:58AM

Dear Anti-cult,

While I share your surprise at Jody's relatively light treatment (however, keep in mind, his initial post was CRITICIZING her and he has not changed his position on that) of Katie, you are being inappropriate and attacking the wrong target. If you were merely criticizing Katie, I doubt that Jody deleted your comments. If you were ripping on JODY the way you are here, I can't blame him for deleting your comments. I have posted several times on that thread and have not been deleted, though I disagreed with Jody's light touch with Katie. Face it, he has a good friend who is sucked in and is apparently smart enough to fool Jody for now. From experience, Jody is flexible and as the posters flood him with Katie critiques, he will probably change his mind over time. That is what you should be doing HERE and on guruphiliac, ripping Katie and not Jody. Guruphiliac, like, is an invaluable resource in the battle for one's mind. This is not the place to rip Jody.

"Guruphiliac, Jody Radzik, is officially using his blog to shill for Byron Katie LGAT seminars."

-A thoroughly false statement, LIBELOUS in fact. Jody brought up the whole thing to MAKE FUN of Katie, not to support her. However, he was called by a friend who is a Katroid who told him to tone it down and somehow convinced Jody that Katie is "not a cult leader". While Jody accepted that notion, he still considers her a sleazy opportunist and has made that clear multiple times.

-There are new extensive comments being posted on his blog, by supporters of Byron Katie.Meanwhile serious critics of Byron Katie are censored from posting.

Wrong again. The bulk of the posts are by Katie critics and the ONLY person complaining about being censored is YOU.

Otherwise, thanks for your work, anti-cult, I thoroughly agree with you on Katie AND Neale Donald Walsch, who is a fascist and needs to be called out as such.

Byron Katie - Steven Sashen - Guruphiliac GuruSHILLiac Jody?
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 27, 2008 02:53AM

Shakti, clearly this is an issue of divided personal loyalties.
I have stated I am NOT talking about Guruphiliac's entire blog, just this Byron Katie area, which is the current subject.

First, using the word shill about Jody the Guruphiliac is wrong? Have you read his blog? That is his favorite word "shill", he calls everyone a shill. So if the shoe fits...he's allowing the promotion of Byron Katie LGAT's, and is pulling his punches.
Someone even floated the term GuruSHILLiac, in terms of Byron Katie.

You are correct, he posted the intial information, and said quite clearly that it seemed culty to him, and was clearly against the entire thing.

Then he got a phone call, possibly from his buddy Steven Sashen, who was (is) in the Byron Katie organization. (they refuse to answer questions about who he spoke with on the phone).

Then all of a sudden, Guruphiliac Jody has a conversion, and says the Byron Katie LGAT "is all Voluntary".
Are you kidding me? That is not even funny, its so bad. Its meant to deceive the unwary.
We all know the first step of thought reform is making it seem voluntary. We are supposed to let that level of dishonesty go?

Then Jody went off making a long series of false statements, twisting comments, and backpeddling, and trying to put the cat back in the bag that slipped out on his first post.

why the DECEPTION on the Guruphiliac blog? Why does he not come out and say who is giving him the insider info? Is it Steven Sashen? Is a guy who makes his living selling The Work a "credible source"? Would anyone here let that fly with anyone else?

there are some anonymous posts defending Byron Katie who's writing style SEEMS very similar to Steven Sashen. Jody would know if it were Steven by computer tracking address. So why is he letting that slip through, if that is happening? Would he not expose that if the shoe was on the other foot? Of course he would, that would be the headline...Mr X defeding his Guru anonymously!!

As far as comment deletion, as Jody said, its his blog, and he can delete whatever he wants.
He said it! He wrote it down. He's the one who stated he was censoring comments at his whim.

How could you know mine were the only comments deleted, or that I even tried to post a comment?
I haven't posted any comments there, and have been told he is rejecting comments and by Jody himself on his blog.
Someone (not me) copied some of my text from here, and I saw some of it posted earlier in the thread, but I didn't post it there. That's the internet, and that's how it works. Cut-Paste.
But Guruphiliac is clearly only allowing softball posts in on this topic he chooses to REFRAME as he sees fit.
That's his choice. If he wants to damage his rep by doing that, its up to him.
Friends first? Hidden interests? Its a secret.

Anyone with intellectual honesty can see that Guruphiliac Jody is putting up a smokescreen, distorting, manipulating, and trying to reframe the entire "story" because he got himself into a pickle.
Why would a guy like him backpeddle like that?
What is the nature of his "friendship" with the Katie insider, does it involve money or business?
Was there pressure put on him by Byron Katire International for allowing the criticism of their LGAT seminar in such detail?

Did you read his BLAME THE VICTIM of the LGAT seminar?
I am sorry, but that is truly vicious, and its also false.
He also is on a diatribe talking about the "anti-cult cult" when referring to the information in the initial post. He is doing that tactic on purpose, Ad Hominem to deflect attention.

He also is warping the argument by saying her critics are saying she is a "destuctive cult leader" instead of dealing with the $100,000 peer-pressure gifts,thought reform, LGATs, etc. More deflection.

Jody knows what he is doing in terms of reality distortion, and propaganda, he writes about that all the time. I don't believe he is deluded in the least about Byron Katie. He knows all about LGAT's.
We are supposed to give in to the LGAT apologists?

So the story being put forward just doesn't make sense, and if it doesn't make sense its probably not true.
Its doubtful this is about "friendship". There is solid information that some visitors to the Guruphiliac blog were referred to The Work coaching through this BK Insider, and then to Byron Katie School LGAT. Is there a commission there of any sort?

So he should come clean, and get it over with. But will he? No way baby.

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