As I said before, the moderator is usually long-suffering. Actually, by my standards, I'd have to say 'to a fault', although I've been called a hot-reactor and a hot-head before. Hell, at the first sign of victim bashing/blaming I'd ban a poster in a heartbeat. It shows disrespect to the forum and it's rules, this thread, victims themselves and all the others affected, not to mention Rick Ross.
Thanks for the reminder, Anticult, about:
Its interesting how basically always the main method around Byron Katie, is denial, deflection, distraction...but also exaggeration.
It's helpful to have things brought freshly to mind, when they apply.
Whether by accident, coincidence or design there certainly are a flurry of these incidents lately. And even though one shouldn't attack the individual, I think it's fair to hold up a spotlight on it when it occurs. I'm with something corboy said recently, and I paraphrase: "What the hell is the problem with there being one, lonely place where people can go to read the information contained here on Byron Katie?" The obvious LGAT techniques and the documented accounts by people who have come awake to what has happened to them is considerable on this thread alone, and grows daily. There are even new threads that deal with peripheral aspects of this whole thing. So why the hell does it bother some people so much? What irks me is that some people who tout 'staying in ones business' seem to throw that concept out the window, when they get to this forum. Has this thread become a place where apologists apologize for the long-winded apologists? Perhaps the best way to handle this is to ignore, but in a free discussion it seems inevitable that someone will be drawn into what amounts to be a diversion from the point at hand.
Maybe a quick response to a disrupting poster could be dealt with in this fashion:
Reason one
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Reason two
and furthermore blah, blah, blah
Reason three
Finally, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Those three reasons alone are sufficient to my lack of response.Or something like that.
One last question:
If someone alludes to RR and Anticult being one in the same, who is being called the d***head? RR, Anticult, or both?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2009 12:07AM by quackdave.