An introductory post
Posted by: urantiafox ()
Date: April 05, 2003 11:50PM

Hello, I chanced upon this forum while doing a search upon the Rick Ross site for 'Urantia' and consequently 'Gabriel of Sedona'

As you may gather from my chosen name I am and have been a Urantia book reader for the past 6 years.

The Urantia Book is not a cult in the conventional sense of the word, although I would say that it has promoted a new religious movement and could be loosely classified as such.

I'm at a reasonable loss as to what to put as a first post here, as I am not certain what reaction I may get.

I have decided to put a quote from the Urantia Book on the subject of this forum firstly:



(quote)line 90: The world is filled with lost souls, not lost in the theologic sense but lost in the directional meaning, wandering about in confusion among the isms and cults of a frustrated philosophic era. Too few have learned how to install a philosophy of living in the place of religious authority. (The symbols of socialized religion are not to be despised as channels of growth, albeit the river bed is not the river.) (/quote)

I will try and add to the thread of channelling on here as this is largely and arguably the origin of the Urantia Book.

I am wondering about one other noticable exception on this forum, that is the UFO cult of the Raelians who have been given much press in recent times as a result of their claims of human cloning. I have read much of their literature and find it quite scary ultimately. Do members of this forum also class this as a new religious movement or a cult, and if so where does the speration lie between the two here?



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