Re: Gary Smith, Tillamook, Oregon,
Posted by: Azuria ()
Date: October 30, 2011 04:17AM

The Anticult
Some interesting links coming to light.

Business Profile of:
Gary Smith
Founder: Sacred Merkaba Techniques
Local Address: Tillamook, Oregon, United States


Gary Smith, Executive Director Tillamook Family Counseling Center


These are the same person. Gary Smith WAS Exec Director of Tillamook Fam Couns. back in 1999. And Family Counseling fits his interests - might even be where he learned hypnosis.

The Gary Smith above specifically says Sacred Merkaba Techniques.

I called 411 and there's only one Gary Smith in Tillamook.

^ This is my opinion obviously

Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: Azuria ()
Date: October 30, 2011 04:33AM

Yup - The Sacred Merkaba Gary is the same Gary that was Exec Dir at Tillammok Family Counseling.
He left TFC in 2000


This link should get you to a PDF that is documentation. Of when and why he quit Till Fam Couns.

Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: October 30, 2011 05:42AM

Just for the record, Cliff is not being picked on.
Like all these other groups that operate the same way, guys like Cliff get lured in, and spend a lot of money as victims. Then they get into the racket themselves, and start making money.

That is the line they cross.
When a person starts to sell the "Masters" techniques, and make money from it, and promote it all over the internet, they have moved from victim to victimizer, whether or not they "believe" in it or not.
Cliff has stated he can heal broken bones out of the skin by singing.
So he is either deluded, or he is a scam-artist.
He is also claiming to be able to heal children of cancer and AIDS. That is a dangerous and terrible scam to exploit parents of sick children. It can even be illegal, depending on the claims being made.

So maybe Cliff is a "nice guy" who knows.
But he is deeply involved in promoting this business, as well as many other people.

Cliff has chosen to make himself a public figure, and to earn his living claiming he can cure cancer.
Cliff must post the links to the scientific evidence where he has cured cancer. Why hasn't he?
And he can also post his Waiver that he forces people to sign at his seminars, which he uses to protect himself, and cover his ass.
So he knows it doesn't work, but he also has found out that desperate people will spend all their money trying to get cured of cancer.

So perhaps Cliff is just one of a large group of Facilitators under the spell of Gary Smith. But that does not absolve Cliff of his responsibility of telling the truth. Cliff is not a zombie. These "healers" know damn well that most people do NOT get better, and die just like anyone else. They just don't talk about it.
(see Carol Skolnick in the Byron Katie system). []

So Cliff is claiming to cure cancer, so he needs to be held to account for that.

By the way,we shouldn't be picking on the "Healers" like Cliff. They are also victims. Cliff started out exactly the way my friend started out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2011 05:59AM by The Anticult.

Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: October 30, 2011 05:56AM

Those are the same Gary Smith?

Because if they are the same Gary Smith, then a certain Gary Smith is telling some serious falsehoods.

One Gary Smith said he was a CPA, the other was/is a MSW. []

The ages are different, and what seems to be a false picture is being used on another website.

And many of these new age sects are run and controlled by former "therapists" of a certain type. They do learn conversational hypnosis, and they also learn all sorts of techniques that they then misuse and abuse on people.
Some therapists go off the rails and start thinking they are a God.

Hopefully it will be determined for sure if these are the same Gary Smith.
Because if they are, the entire charade and scam is exposed.

some websites are saying Gary Smith lives in Cape Meares, Oregon, which apparently is 10 miles west of Tillamook, Oregon.

If this is shown to be the same person, this is an extreme pathological fabrication machine of epic proportions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2011 06:10AM by The Anticult.

Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: Azuria ()
Date: October 30, 2011 06:12AM

No, I meant

This Gary Smith:
Gary Smith, Executive Director Tillamook Family Counseling Center
(Employed there from 1999 - 2000)

Is the same Gary smith, founder of Sacred Merkaba. Could be.

Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: Azuria ()
Date: October 30, 2011 06:23AM

I didn't get a hit on 411 for Cape Meares.

Exhausted. . . .
Gotta get some sleep and figure out my next step. What do I do with my 411?
What would you do Anticult?

Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 30, 2011 06:45AM

A discussion from Tribenet


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Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...topic posted Tue, January 15, 2008 - 3:29 PM by Sage Siddhi

I had the pleasure of attending a FOL workshop late last year and have to say that it was truly an eye opening experience.

But now im curious about Gary Smiths teachings, and was wondering if anyone would like to share any experiences they have had with his style of Merkaba teachings.

What are the differences of the two?

Much Love

posted by:
Sage Siddhi
New Zealand
0 friends

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.Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Sun, February 10, 2008 - 4:52 AM
this is not an answer but yet another question :)

and what is the difference of Kamadon's melchizedek method?

there is going to be such a workspop in istanbul, i first thought it was Drunvalo's method, but it's not.

and now there is a Gary Smith method...

does anyone know why so many methods and which one is better?
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29 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Tue, February 19, 2008 - 12:20 PM
there are for obvious reasons infinite method
the one that works for you is best
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0 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Wed, February 20, 2008 - 5:28 PM
Bliss Fractal, I know that you are replying to the above poster, but I have a question for you. What if one of them is fraudulent? The number of teachers is growing by the day, and I have read that its dangerous to spin your fields the wrong way. Its all good and proper to say, "the best one is whatever works for you" but without knowing the differences of the teachings, you could potentially take the wrong workshop spin your merkaba the wrong way and end up mentally unstable.

Hence why I asked for peoples opinions on the two schools, as I previously stated I have already done the FOL workshop. I asked my teacher on her opinion of Gary Smiths school and she was very much against it, she said "Drunvalo retaught the Merkaba activation techniques in an unadulterated form to the world and according to her there is no improvement to be made and Any work from Gary Smith and Alton were probably just taught for a monetary gain which eventually lead to Altons suicide.

But Ive also seen a video on youtube by a Gary Smith student, claiming Druvalos teachings were fake, and he is actually being possessed by a satanic being....... WTF?

All I really want to know is the different experiences people have had, and whether they have been good... or bad.
So please, there has to be someone out there, who has done any type of workshop, let us know how it went?

Besides this tribe needs a bit of life injected into it, its so quiet in here, I was suprised it took 2 months just to get a reply to my first post.

Anyway Ill start,

I did a FOL workshop late last year, it was good. It was the first newage thing I have ever done and it opened my eyes dramatically to the world around me, I was one of those people that were pursing a career and living an expensive material craving lifestyle. Upon doing the workshop and opening my eyes and heart to spirit I have slowly begun to change my life from one of material possesions to one of love. I have one more year of work left and after that I will hike my way around the world learning and experiencing all I can in this world. I have strong beliefs that a change of consciousness is due to happen in 2012 so I want to see as much of this beautiful world as I can before then.

Anyway thats my story, whats yours?
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241 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Wed, February 20, 2008 - 7:07 PM
"Life of Brian" by Monty Python comes to mind...
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16 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Mon, February 25, 2008 - 2:33 PM
Forraging Kiwi, Alton died from a heart attack, he didnt suicide (or maybe you mean that he died because of the way he activated his fields?). Personaly I didnt felt distortion from his teachings, I always had that feeling of love behind them and from the few people I know that practise his method. Love is the only difference, not the words or the claims :)
And you are perfectly right about that:
"Its all good and proper to say, "the best one is whatever works for you" but without knowing the differences of the teachings, you could potentially take the wrong workshop spin your merkaba the wrong way and end up mentally unstable."
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1 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Mon, January 5, 2009 - 8:28 PM
I have done FOL twice - once in 93 and once in 2001- have also done LIving in the Heart.

Have known Drunvalo for a while now, and looking at him, his energy and how he lives his life, something is working.

In Australia, the Alton stuff came out and some people did the work with him, I can only say in observation, all these people are still searching and some are in a really bad way. At the Living in the Heart workshop, there was a guy there who did Altons work and he was pretty messy and even he wasnt happy with how things were for him.

Myself however, I am pretty good - my health is good, I have love in my life and feel like I am connecting with my source stronger each day. Each day, I am understanding more about the MerKaBa then I did before, and the knowledge and energy is constantly evolving. I actually have tangible joy in my life, something others always comment on (not the fake new age rainbows and angels shit)

I feel that the knowledge and activation of the MerKaBa field has helped me to empower myself and in that, the discoveries about life and energy have been my own, not a rehashing of others opinions. So for me, the Drunvalo teachings were great, I trust him and what he has put forward, and I still sit with each thing and see how it resonates for me, after all, I am the ultimate authority in my experience.

My husband had studied many things and did FOL in 2001 - he has loved it and in looking at how he has progressed, he has become stronger and more assertive and also confident in himself. HE is 49 and looks 35 and is healthy and growing in self empowerment and his ability to manifest.

So for me, sure, sit with what 'feels right' but I am confident in my experience with the MerKaBa information I learnt through FOL/Drunvalo

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16 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Mon, February 25, 2008 - 2:29 PM
I dont know from where to begin. There was a period of time when Gary Smith changed so often his techniques (and you really should think about the sacred merkaba techniques as HIS), so at one moment it really seemed like a mess. He began teaching star tetrahedrons activation with 13 cleansing breaths (like the first 6 from the original meditation, you just continue to change mudras with your fingers), than the second part was reestablishing the prana flow in the body. In difference with drunvalo's method you start at this part focusing the prana flows at your heart (not at your navel level like in the 17 breath merkaba) and than raise the prana sphere at throat level (and even higher when activating the other fields). The star tethrahedrons should be visualising according to gary's technique in brown-red colors. And you actually dont cleanse them, you just fill them with light and they will cleanse them during the day (but not in the earth but around you). The last part maybe comes with this obsession that Gary thinking the energy fields are some kind of mechanical containers and you cant allow yourself to let go of some energy in them.

Than he offered activation of the octahedron field with a sertain ratio. Later he added the cube, the dodecahedron and the icosahedron in that order, with higher and higher ratios from the golden mean spiral and more and more cleansing breaths at the begining (121 at the final stage) and lifting higher and higher the focus point of the two prana flows in the body - reaching finaly at the chakras above the head. Than some combinations of these platonic solids come. He never told his student where these fields were or how they looked or in what proportions are according to the body. "You have to feel them."

Later he droped the ratio activation and only thaught to activate the tetrahedrons with the help of the ascended masters, the octahedrons with the help of the angels of the 4th dimension at the proper speed and ratio, the cube with the help of the archangels of the 5th dimension with the proper speed and ratio etc. You cant find even a glimpse of a true knowledge about the sacred geometry in his teachings.

In the workshops he adds meditations about brain balancing because of the many complaints of body disbalance from his technique (and specialy because his activations put so much energy in the reptilian part of the brain). There was a website called that was gathering information from his old students and their stories about gary smith - how they were covered with darkness and feeling seperate from everything for months, and I read there more than 30 people stories. This website doesnt exist anymore. I dont know what happened to it, there were these people from the german part of his organisation that cut all conections to him and started to expose him.

Later when Drunvalo sent his open letters about the true flower of life teachers around 2000-2001 (because gary smith was telling everyone that he has permission from Drunvalo to continue his work spreading his sacred techniques, which is not true) Gary changed rapidly his techniques again. He just throw away the activation of the star tetrahedrons and was telling that this is the shape of the 2nd dimension (in his own understanding of course, in which the 2nd dimension was the hell) and that the true 3d shape was something called star octahedron. Maybe he doesnt know that the original name that Kepler gave to the geometrical form of the star tetrahedron was stellated octahedron. Later because he may understood that the star octahedron as he was picturing it cannot fit in the form of the Flower of Life, he "invented" the four petals flower of life so this new and extravagant "platonic" solid can fit in it.

Generally, what I understood from others' people stories and experience with this system was, that at the beggining they feel very strong energies during the workshop which stay with them for several weeks, than they started to feel more and more empty and drained from energy and more and more seperated from everything around them. And it has nothing to do with the Gary's prohibition to stop reading any spiritual texts or books different than his or to stop listening to other teachers. It was more deeper. During the workshops many of these people have seen the same pictures like a movie before their eyes. These pictures, they believed, were a glimpse from the multidimensional reality. From my experience with merkaba it is the easiest thing to project any form of virtual reality to others, so nothing special here. You just sit in meditation, put a sertain program in your lightbody, wait for a week or two for it to manifest and than just activate it to everyone you want to see it.

My advice is not to believe to people who live in their minds and create from their minds. What Gary has created is some kind of virtual reality that has nothing to do with the real energies or changes around us. Gary had one period of time when he was working with Hari Baba from Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. And that was his strongest moment. The love during their joined workshops came from Hari Baba, the activations came from Gary. Later when people (my friends) that were on these combined workshops and than went only to a workshop of Gary Smith said that the difference was enourmous. They didnt felt any love or light, just plain mechanic and some yelling (many have said that Gary is behaiving like an angry teenager).

If you read his books you will discover much anger in them. In his first book he is even bashing his parents, his old teachers, his friends, his wife etc. He has this uncompromising dual view about the reality in which everything is either white or black, he is the white force ofcourse, the others are black and evel when they dont accept him. So dont wonder if you see or read that someone is evil or even the devil, this is part of his own projections.

Hope, that helps you understand in some way the mechanics of his workshops or even his personality.
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0 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Thu, March 6, 2008 - 9:35 AM
Perfect answer, thank you so much for sharing.

I am so glad I trusted my instincts and did the FOL workshop, it sounds as though I wouldve been in trouble had I went the other way.

Thanks again.
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1 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Wed, August 27, 2008 - 11:25 AM
Hi - my daughter has been very involved in Smith's teachings and workshops for some years now and since I am a professional channel, I now have a situation in my life where my daughter sees me as possesed - this is very much the black and white thinking that I have come to know re Smith - is there any way around this , any way to reassure her that I am just me or is the general consensus that there is automatic possession? I need to understand the mechanics of the whole thing but I am certainly not going to get into the deeper mechanics of it - it sounds pretty dangerous to me.....
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.Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Fri, August 29, 2008 - 3:43 PM
I have no experience with merkaba, my focus has been on flower of life geometry in general so far.

however, as I understand it a channel is channeling an aspect of their inter dimensional self most of the time...

whenever you are doing something that you really enjoy and are excited by you are channeling.. whether that be singing, acting, running or whatever..

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29 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Thu, September 11, 2008 - 8:05 AM
this all seems so distractingly complicated... there are more divinely simple ways to attract the wisdom of the eternal self...
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1 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Sun, August 16, 2009 - 2:09 PM
I absolutely agree.
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.Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Wed, August 19, 2009 - 11:21 PM
drunvalo also said the same.. enter heartspace.
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0 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Wed, October 12, 2011 - 10:18 AM
I took one of Gary's classes in the very beginning before he was known at all, and the experience seemed quite powerful, but I felt some unease energetically from Gary. I noticed him watching us, not in a good way, but more like surveillance. The kind I later learned was what psychopaths would do. He was observing us to note the way we reacted and how to best use those reaction to manipulate and control us. I had contact with him after that and it was always over the top controlling, which caused me to back off. I had a very strong feeling to stay clear of him and I had to acknowledge that my curiosity with the Merkaba was my own interest in feeling that I lacked something that I was searching for externally to feel empowered in ways I came to realize were not in my best interest. I joined his lists and watched the play unfold as he gathered together his followers, making sure they understood to follow him had to be unconditional, no questioning or they were blacklisted and slammed with a barrage of hate I couldn't believe. I tried to talk some sense into some of the people that were his followers, but he had created a cult and no one would listen. So, I got to watch a false prophet from the beginning find his group to then start energetically feeding off of. Very unpleasant, but I am more aware now of the process. George Kavassilas has a lot to say about the Merkaba and you can here his latest here:
Even take him with a grain of salt and realize there is nothing you need outside of you. You are all that is!
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0 .Re: Differences of Gary Smith's and Drunvalos teachings...Today, 4:04 AM
I have a friend involved in Gary Smith's Sacred Merkaba techniques.

My participates in a weekly "teleconference" where the group all go into meditation state, and then listen to Gary Smith (somehow remotely, over the telephone (recording/live?)) take them on a journey - telling htem what to imagine, and who know what else.

But This meditation state + listening to Gary's messages kind of sounds like hypnosis.

I am interested in taking some of the classes, but I'm skeptical of Gary Smith.

#1. I can't find any contact info for him.
#2 I can't find any photo's of him. (accept one, #3)
#3 His biography leave out specifics about his life.
Doesn't say where/when he was born, family info, where he worked as a CPA, what college he got his CPA from, where he worked as a technical engineer. . . . I have a feeling he's leaving out details because they're made up, and Gary Smith is possibly not his original name. He may have changed his name because of something in his past.

There's something about Gary that I don't trust.

- Does anyone have a photograph of Gary Smith? The one on appears to be the only one on the web.
- Has one ever met Gary Smith? If so, does he talk the same way he does in his recordings?
Gary Smith's voice recorded sample:
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Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 30, 2011 07:05AM


Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of NASW Oregon are elected officers who provide key leadership and assist in the growth, strategic planning and overall success of the chapter.

Gary’s distinguished social work career spans almost 37 years since graduating with an MSW from PSU. His background includes serving as the community mental health program director for Multnomah, Tillamook and Deschutes counties. He also served as an elected member of the Beaverton School District. Gary was honored in 1998 as a co-winner of the Oregon Social Worker of the Year Award. Since 2009, he has been the Central Oregon site coordinator for the PSU School of Social Work Distance Option campus.

Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 30, 2011 07:21AM

There appear to be two Gary Smiths with different careers.

The Gary Smith we are interested in says in the author's den site that he had been an accountant and stressed that profession in his background, along with a welter of spiritual modalities.


The other Gary Smith is a professional social worker and actively serves as a director for the Oregon chapter of National Association of Social Workers.

The Gary Smith we are discussing here was also active in Florida giving a series of workshops.

"Where others need salvation, we think of our sins and problems as "energetic mistakes" or "blessons(page note 204) the teaching lessons and blessings of life that help us grow."

204 Gary Smith, "Sacred Merkaba Techniques," in a series of lectures and workshops in Florida,
California and Oregon, 1997-2002.


Re: Gary Smith, Doomsday cult? scam, trance inductions
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 30, 2011 07:36AM

There is also some fringe book called Eastlund and the Roots of Haarp by Gary Smith. Whether this Gary Smith is the same one who runs the Sacred Merkaba or is yet another Gary Smith remains to be seen.


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