Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: HerbertKane178 ()
Date: August 27, 2013 02:01AM

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: HerbertKane178 ()
Date: August 27, 2013 02:27AM

Websites examining Universal Medicine

Universal Medicine Accountability

The Facts about Universal Medicine

The Universal Medicine Cult

There are several blogs run by Universal Medicine students, but as there don't allow any critical comment or discussion they are essentially closed user groups offering a very biassed view of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. The above 3 sites are open to all and allow comments from all.

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: HerbertKane178 ()
Date: August 27, 2013 02:56AM

The 'Bad Beliefs and Fraudulent Faiths' Website disappeared suddenly last year. It was a valuable resource, it's 3 investigative chapters are quoted below:

Post 1:


Universal Medicine (and a world of associations)
"Little has been written about Universal Medicine other than by those who lead the movement, or those considered to be part of "the Hierarchy". Obviously this presents an issue regarding neutrality! What I've collected here is as much information that highlights questionable teachings, counterfeit beliefs and bad practices. I've received emails from previous members, relatives of members, experts in new age religion and psychology and have attempted to contact the group's leader, Serge Benhayon, personally.

Another difficulty regarding an assessment of Universal Medicine is the innumerable links it has to other leaders, groups and theosophical ideas due to its association with the "esoteric" teachings of spiritual leaders and writers Alice A. Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Djwhal Khul and others known as the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, (the Spiritual Hierarchy, or simply the Hierarchy). These links show an immensely complex history of ideas that are often contradictory, disproved or as I've found in my research, impossible to back up with any shred of evidence. From here, their followers appear to rely on blind faith. The aforementioned theosophists have all been at different times announced as being fraudulent, racist (due to their racial theories, especially those regarding the Jewish people and those of African descent), or in Blavatsky's case, a charlatan, a false medium, and a falsifier of letters. The Hodgson Report by the Society for Psychical Research concluded that Blavatsky was "one of the most gifted, ingenious and interesting impostors in history." Blavatsky is also alleged to have categorised indigenous Tasmanians and certain hill tribes in China as belonging to semi-animal tribes or races of "Lemurian" ethnicity due to the amount of hair covering their body.
I would argue that all humans are animals, since we are mammals after all. Try making sense of her racial theories. Written without the aid of modern genetic studies, they moreso resemble theosophically Darwinist eugenics.

Now onto the group in question: Universal Medicine (UniMed) and its revered founder and director Serge Benhayon.

There is no mention of Benhayon pre-1999, aside from rumours he was once a junior tennis coach. He came flying out of the 90s with a New Age belief system basically using the writings of Alice A. Bailey and other theosophy figureheads as a foundation. While he does acknowledge these so-called "Masters of the Ancient Wisdom", he manages to distance himself just enough to justify writing his own books - something of a modern take on the subject, or merely an equally ambiguous and convoluted regurgitation of ideas. The most frustrating thing of all is that his writing is so poor, he seems to rely on excruciatingly long sentences, poor syntax, little punctuation, bad grammar and invented words to get his point across - which, due to these factors, is not often. It is almost as if you're expected to take his word for truth simply because it would take years to actually extract relevant and useful meaning from his "studies".

Testimonials and positive comments/feedback can be found on the books from figures known only in initials - J.W and D.K for example. J.W. is actually Janet Williams, an early student and author of the "What If" treatise (it is actually an essay, although the less used word does give it a sense of importance).
D.K. is Djwal (or Djwhal) Khul, an eastern guru who may or may not have existed - the only evidence being his influence in the writings of theosophists and a grainy photograph (I've got a grainy photograph of the Loch Ness Monster too!) K. Paul Johnson asserts that he may be moreso an idealisation of one of Bailey's mentors. In fact, the Hierarchy to which Benhayon refers is a cloud of characters, some real, some unknown and some long, long dead. In an interview with Gayle Cue of Radio Bay FM, he actually claims to be part of a spiritual lineage following Djwal Khul and Alice Bailey. Even if we assume for a minute that they present genuinely useful and ethical ideas, it strikes me as arrogant for someone who has emerged from a career as a tennis coach to suddenly announce himself as a spiritual leader (or presenter) and claim telepathy with these characters. In that same interview he claims to know where Elvis Presley's reincarnation is living as a 13 year old girl - the information is classified, obviously. He also dismisses Buddhist beliefs regarding reincarnation with striking smugness ("we do not come back as caterpillars or anything like that, sorry Buddhists, we do not”) as though his Elvis theory is far less ridiculous......

Serge Benhayon also homes in on a few words that are key to his teachings. Most important among these are the words esoteric and energetic truth. Esoteric is commonly understood to describe something that is "intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest." This seems counter-productive when attempting to bring joy and love to a greater number of people. In Universal Medicine, however, esoteric means simply "inner-most". However, it is so ubiquitous that it loses that meaning as well, and seems to be more of a buzzword to begin or fill out weak sentences. Benhayon claims that everything in the world is energy - a claim that has some scientific truth when viewed from certain perspectives. His definition of energetic truth: that which is said, spoken, stated, thought, acted and/or expressed with absolute energetic integrity, which stems from the Inner-Most truth.

One really does need to put in days of reading to get to the heart of it all and understand it. The problem one faces is - what's really at the heart of it all? Where's the evidence for any of it? What is it about Serge Benhayon that compels people to listen and believe? Is it the mysticism surrounding the Hierarchy, the dulcit tones of his monotonous and hypnotic FM radio voice, or is it really the information he presents? His radio interviews show his lack of nous regarding the English language just as readily as a paragraph of his books. At times one can hear Gayle Cue struggle to connect what he says with a central idea, and relies on him to continue talking to find the next idea to rest on.

I think I'll have to leave it here for this post. Trying to cover the multitudinous errors in this groups belief system, its presentation etc., is a hard slog. It's perhaps more difficult working out why it is so convincing to some when it is so convoluted in the first place. What is it members really latch on to?

Post 2:


Assessment of Universal Medicine
There is no doubt that Serge Benhayon is skilled in what he does. His following is evidence of this. He uses a non-threatening way of speaking to deliver complex theories that center around bring joy and love (self-love) included to the world, enabling people to feel empowered and closer to their supposed soul. But this relies on a few simple factors.

Demographic and Attraction
Universal Medicine is based in the Byron Bay area, an area known for its alternative culture. It is a hotspot for various eastern-influenced healing, meditation and yoga groups, and has an abundance of alternative medicine, hypnotherapy and psychic clinics. A perfect place to start a group which incorporates elements of these practices. What's more, those attracted to the area fit the target demographic for this kind of cult. Those seeking a deeper meaning not offered by the big religions of the world and those already open to alternative ideas. What's more, there is plenty of money in the area, much of it flowing towards counterculture groups.

What Serge has done is used the ideas of Theosophy, and further incorporated elements of major religions around the world to create something that can relate to a wide demographic. Jesus Christ, God, astral energy, the chakra, the Buddhist figure Maitreya, various Sikh, Islam and Hindu ideas and various other eastern ideas all make an appearance in his teachings. None of this is his own, of course, although that is not a crime in itself. However, he presents the information as though all those before him (except the Hierarchy) have misinterpreted these ideas and teachings, elevating his cult to a superior level. And it is Serge Benhayon that asks (discussing Religion, Nationality and Culture in his study on Fiery Sutra) "where does this imposing arrogance come from?" Despite his claims to endorse self-expression and the individual search for one's essence, it's hard to believe when it is followed by claims that (take a breath): There is only one path to God. There are many ways to express that One-Path and so the seeker is left with the confusion of whether something is the true path expressing itself in its many ways or alternatively, is it the astral path pretending to be the path.

It is because of the breadth of his influences that Benhayon can attract followers with his empty rhetoric. But why do his followers stay?

Universal Medicine runs intensives of various lengths (up to a week long) in which followers and those merely "curious" or "experimenting" can meet. A large group of people, all of whom have found something that resonates with them deeply, many of whom recovering from a difficult time in their lives or feeling vulnerable, are given time to socialise and form relationships. They form a bond which strengthens their belief in Universal Medicine, as it is what brought them together in the first place. Their doubts are dismissed as they seek to establish friendships, and hope to find what others appear to have found to be such a positive change in their life. It is no wonder at all, then, that many find joy or a renewed faith in humanity when they join Universal Medicine - they have found a group of like minded souls that they can rely on for support in their beliefs. It is truly a positive thing, except that it is based on a belief system consisting of highly counterfeit information and convoluted pseudo-science.

My assessment of Universal Medicine is not purely a cynical outsider's perspective. In my research I have met several ex-followers who I have spoken with over the phone, and even since my first post on this group have had several people share their experience of Universal Medicine with me. The stories are astounding. I thank sincerely for their openness, and for letting me share some of their stories with the world - I think they deserve a separate post. (The more I research this topic the harder it is to stop - at first I only expected one blog post, and now it seems I will triple that.)

Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM)
Perhaps the most suspect area of Universal Medicine is Esoteric Breast Massage. What Esoteric means here is again ambiguous - perhaps few know how to perform the massage, or few know why it is performed in the first place. Regardless of its name, there seems something fundamentally wrong about a breast massage. There are no muscles in the breast, so one must accept Benhayon's rhetoric that the "Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) can help clear the imposed ills that come from ourselves and from those who impose on us." In fact, there is a page of poorly worded information about the role of breasts and the ills imposed upon the breasts by men and society. The fact that Benhayon uses common self-image problems regarding breasts to justify such a ludicrous therapy is insulting to women, and his assertion that it is a "lack of self-nurturing" or "energetic imposts" that contribute to breast cancer is another slap in the face. There are also continual allusions to the ills of men, playing on women with previous negative experiences with men, and thus nurturing a misplaced sense of empowerment. Also available is an "EBM cream that has been esoterically designed by Serge Benhayon, the founder of this healing process that is available for women to purchase from their EBM practitioner after their fourth massage. You cannot clear the breasts by using the cream, but you can use it to maintain them. It is a self-nurturing gesture to apply this unique cream to your own breasts as the EBM cream has been specifically designed to lovingly support this self-nurturing process." I wonder what is in the cream?


Take a look at the products on offer from the Universal Medicine website,

Serge Benhayon's six books, available for a total price of $210 plus postage and handling, complete with testimonials from the Hierarchy (long since deceased, and so must communicate via telepathy with Serge himself).

Audio files, totaling $19.

Various healing symbols and related products, totaling $566.

House clearing symbol - $80 (not laminated)

Pillowcase (with meditator symbol). The meditator pillowcase is for sale for $15 plus $5 postage/handling.

- Mineral Salts - esoterically designed by Serge Benhayon - $35
- Eso-Herbs - $40
- Schisandra drops - $15
- Swisse Chlorophyll - $20
- Cherry Juice Concentrate - $25
Total: - $135 plus postage/handling

CDs, produced by Chris James and Serge Benhayon
- Walk with your Heart - $25
- Fiery Eyes, Chris James - $25
- Silk in the Clouds - $25

PLEASE NOTE: there is a NO REFUND Policy on CD sales.

The total cost of these products, excluding the EBM cream, is $895.

Consider that a five day intensive costs upwards of $1500, and that as a conservative estimate one might spend a further $200 on products. How much do these beliefs cost if one is to truly dedicate themselves? And why is it that one must pay such extortionate fees to attend intensives based around a belief and lifestyle? Where does the money go? There are obviously expenses involved in running the organisation, but how many groups charge such huge sums of money merely to participate in what is expected?

Energetic Truth
So much of Universal Medicine's system is focus on energetic truth, but where does the information for its basis come from? In his book, A Treatise on Energetic Truth, Serge Benhayon focuses so strictly on the nature of energetic truth and the ways of energy in relation to our soul, spirit and body, he forgets to properly clarify how he is certain of the accuracy of what he preaches. So, who do we look to for an explanation of energetic truth?

Serge Benhayon, founder and director of Universal Medicine (ex tennis coach)?
Alice A. Bailey, discredited writer and theosophist (anti-semite, removed from theosophical society)?
Helena Blavatsky, discredited writer and theosophist (alleged imposter and charlatan)?
Djwal Khul, one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (existence in question)?
Khuthumi (Koot Hoomi), one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (existence in question)?

How many years must one look back before the basis for these beliefs is seen to be scientifically outdated, or simply fabricated in the first place?

Hypocrisy and Presumption
Serge Benhayon has criticised major religions for their reliance on guilt to ensure the continuation of their practices. Why, then, does he frequently assert that "humanity is suffering" and that "humanity is desperate and not knowing of itself", and cite the use of caffeine, alcohol, "deep mental interests" and even sugar as being a symptomatic of "lovelessness", a lacking of "self-love" due to our disconnection to our "inner-most" being. It is these gross generalisations that show not only great presumption, but a lack of understanding or acceptance of how many people choose to live - and do so quite happily, or "joyfully", as Benhayon would put it. Who is he to claim that "one cannot escape the fact that [our life] is a life we all deeply know is not the true life it could otherwise be."

Benhayon cites examples of the rise in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, HIV and cancer on human excesses. While there is merit to this point, his claims that these excesses are caused by a sense of disconnection from the spiritual plane and that the answer is Esoteric Healing are either enormously misled, or a fabrication designed to ensure continued membership to his schools and more enthusiastic followers. How does Benhayon have the audacity to criticise major religions for their methods when his are even more underhanded?

My next post should finish all this up with the stories of those I've spoken to who have now left Universal Medicine, The School of Livingness and affiliated Esoteric Healing groups. I hope I haven't alienated any readers with my harsh criticism of the group and its leader, but I feel it is necessary. It personally offends me, has harmed the lives and families of others and I think for these reasons, the breadth, severity and length of my assessment is warranted.

Thank you for continuing to read

Post 3:


Experiences and Comments (regarding Universal Medicine)

Hi again,

I've put together a collection of quotes from emails I've received in my research and as a reaction to my blogging. It was a delicate process and I hope I've respectful in my reproduction of what I've received. None of the names I've used are real, but their stories and hurt are.

Kate came to Universal Medicine in 2004 and found it resonated with her deeply, before it was recommended she participate in an Esoteric Breast Massage.
"I find the idea preposterous now. I was content to follow Serge's teachings, but I can't understand the focus on breasts. It's sad because I found the whole philosophy very interesting, but this doubt led me to question the whole thing. In the end, it wasn't EBM but Serge's affiliation with [Alice A.] Bailey that left me too unsure to continue with Universal Medicine."

John came to UM through his wife, and became enthusiastically involved for several years. He left after it begn to cause problems in his family.
"I could understand why my family were a little unsure about it, but I felt like I could really connect with it. I think my wife found some of Serge's stuff a bit spooky, and the kids felt a bit neglected when we'd drive down from Brisbane to Goonellabah and around those kinds of places. It sort of started to cause a few fights, and a few of my friends looked into it and they showed us the inconsistencies of some of Serge's ideas about emotion. I think the reason we stuck with it for so long was because of Serge's charisma."

Julie joined an esoteric meditation group in Bendigo, which led her to UM.
"It's such a shame - I feel sort of silly. It ended up costing me so much money, which is the really stupid part. But I'm trying not to blame myself. It was a bit of group psychology and the social acceptance that I craved, and a few friends and I have left. We can laugh about it now, but it's worrying how easy it is to get sucked in."

Comments from others who were never affiliated with Universal Medicine:
"It's a clever kind of organisation - based right in the heart of alternative culture, lots of ideas that resonate broadly, and some really effective affiliated groups. A good business plan to begin with, really."

"It does show a lot of the characteristics of being a cult. Vague ideas that people relate to and a competent leader. What you said about counterfeit information and manipulation is correct, and that is the unequivocally deceptive part about it. I wouldn't say it's sinister, but it's dangerous in the effect it can have on people."

While leaving a group such as this is a big step, I know from my experience with my own family that the process can be as empowering as the belief systems presented, and that it can bring families closer together. What I hope most of all, though, is that this is not patterned behaviour. I hope those who are attracted to groups such as Universal Medicine don't continually look for other belief systems to find solace.

It is enough to believe in oneself and in humanity, despite whatever flaws and problems one can see or encounter. As Benhayon has said, one cannot find "truth" outside of oneself. If you are searching for something, question what faith in something intangible will really bring.With all groups, in fact, please endeavour to consider the basis for information that is presented, and what evidence there is for its truth above any other equivalent faith, belief or lifestyle.

This month has been a tough one - a lot of time and effort has gone into these blog posts, so I'll give myself a break from research after my next one. The last post for the month will be on Sathya Sai Baba, an Indian spiritual figure and his affiliated organisations which have been plagued by controversy, including allegations of sexual abuse.

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: Pranic Princess ()
Date: August 27, 2013 07:55AM

Hi Herbert, thanks for starting the thread again!!

Don't quote me, but I think one of the Lords of Form is looking into retrieving some of the 150 pages of the old forum thread from Google cache to repost here.

In the meantime, I believe it's all intact in Google cache. The original URL for page one of the forum is: []

Further pages can be accessed with this link but just change the page number at the end up to 150 []

Yvonne McIlwhaine's site is also still in the cache, in spite of the cult getting her shut down. []

Venus also kept some notes on the content of the forum while she was researching, so if you want to resurrect some of your best work contact the FACTS or Accountability blog. She might have noted the page number.

I think the loss of forum messages has been a devastating loss for a heap of people who relied on the forums. They still are an unparalleled resource and particularly with Australia's primitive free speech laws that have allowed facts to be censored. I hope everyone continues to support the exposure of UM on the internet, because if facts begin to disappear they'll regain their footing and spread their misery.

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: Pranic Princess ()
Date: August 27, 2013 08:35AM

This is a summary of information collected on UM.

Universal Medicine is an organization marketing so called complementary medicine. It offers Esoteric healing services including Esoteric Breast Massage and Esoteric Chakra-Puncture (a bastardized form of acupuncture). UM runs a lucrative Esoteric healing training racket, including healing workshops and courses advertised to lead to 'accreditation' as an Esoteric healing practitioner. UM is not a registered training organization.

Based in Goonellabah (Lismore, Byron Bay area), NSW, Australia, it has major bases/clinics in Brisbane, Australia; London and Frome, Somerset UK.

Esoteric healing practitioners and meditation groups are also found in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth, Australia; Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, USA and New Zealand. A list of names and locations of Esoteric healers and meditation groups is here []

News reports including links to television reports can be found at this link: []

Universal Medicine is headed by 49 year old Serge Benhayon, an ex bankrupt junior tennis coach turned self styled healer. Benhayon claims to have received a divine calling in 1999, in the form of ‘sweet and beautiful voices’ he heard while sitting on the toilet. He has also claimed to be the reincarnation of Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Imhotep, St John and theosophist, Alice Bailey.

Benhayon has four adult children in their twenties working as Esoteric healing practitioners and trainers. None have formal therapy qualifications. The eldest, Simone, a swimming teacher, runs UM operations in the UK.

Serge Benhayon met his current wife, Miranda, when she was his 13 year old tennis student. She moved into his family home at that age when he persuaded her parents he could coach her to Wimbledon. She is now 32 and practices Esoteric counselling and performs vocals on the cult’s music label – Glorious Music. Benhayon’s ex wife, Deborah works for the firm in an administrative role. Benhayon regularly has adolescent girls, usually the daughters of cult members, as houseguests for weeks at a time.

Recruitment Gateways

Universal Medicine students are introduced via Esoteric healing practitioners who invite them to the workshops. Esoteric Womens Health practices such as Esoteric Breast Massage are marketed to women with gynaecological problems. Esoteric healers also target cancer patients, sexual abuse survivors, people recovering from addictions, and people with weight problems or eating disorders.

Musician, Chris James is also a major recruiter through his international touring of voice and singing workshops. Chris James’ touring circuit matches the locations of Esoteric healing clinics and meditation groups.

Cult Conversion

Recruits are attracted by UM’s claims to be able to assist gynaecological disorders, detoxification and the effects of chemotherapy etc. UM markets healthy lifestyle options via diet, gentle breath meditation, gentle exercise and self-loving choices.

During Esoteric healing sessions and workshops recruits are told that ‘everything is energy’, including magical thinking notions that the energy of certain thoughts, behaviours or emotions, or the energy from negative actions or incidents in past lives causes health problems and negative experiences in this life.

Illness and misfortune is thought to arise due to prana (Sanskrit - life energy) as opposed to ‘fiery’ energy. Being alive in a carnal body, emotions, intellect/critical thinking and a range of otherwise nutritious foods, such as root vegetables, grains and dairy products are thought to be excessively ‘pranic’. The consumption of pranic foods is said to cause disease as well as natural disasters and global warming. The Esoteric diet has no nutritional basis and is unnecessarily restrictive to the point that it impairs physical and cognitive function – making followers more susceptible to indoctrination.

UM workshops and lectures are preceded by meditation sessions which increase susceptibility to thought reform. Many followers listen to one hour lectures by Serge Benhayon via podcasts at least once a day, as well as obsessively reading his writings and compulsively attending Esoteric healings and events. The hands on healing techniques during private healing sessions and workshops also help to induce trance states that facilitate thought reform/brainwashing.

Students who don’t reject the outlandish teachings increasingly frequent Esoteric healing sessions and workshops hoping to clear themselves of pranic energy that has accrued due to non Esoteric lifestyle choices or traumas over countless previous lifetimes. There are no reported cases of successful ‘clearing’, but some members of the Benhayon family are said to be Ascended Masters of the Hierarchy. Serge Benhayon declares himself as the only fifth level initiate alive in the Universe. Benhayon teaches that sixth level initiates and higher are discarnate bodies of light. The Dalai Lama is regarded as fourth level initiate.


As commitment to the ‘Esoteric Livingness’ increases as does indoctrination with world, life and body negative programming. Music is deemed as evil and poisonous, apart from music produced by the cult. Sport is also evil and vigorous physical activity is discouraged. Cult members are taught that emotions are the cause of all disease and are kept in states of dissociation by being taught to distrust thoughts and only to trust feelings, on the condition those feelings are devoid of emotion. Loved ones of cult members report drastic personality changes including trance like states, passive aggression and neurotic behaviour. Dramatic declines in physical health, and particularly disorders associated with malnutrition are commonly reported.

Destruction of relationships and families

Serge Benhayon capitalizes on negative gender stereotypes to divide relationships. He teaches male energy causes gynaecological and breast disorders, including cancer, and that maleness is aggressive, animalistic, sex crazed and intellectual, while ‘femaleness’ is soft, passive, gentle and ‘yummy’. Benhayon teaches that men only have sex to relieve themselves and women only have sex to please men. Women have regular sessions of Esoteric Breast Massage in order to clear the offending energy left from male objectification that is said to lead to disease.

Parents are taught that loving their children emotionally is destructive and that women can pass negative emotional energy to their babies via breastfeeding. Mothers, especially, are told they do too much for their families at the expense of self nurturing.

Followers are also taught to reject those that don't subscribe to the Livingness as 'loveless' and 'in pain'. They will often issue ultimatums to non cult follower loved ones that the continuation of the relationship is contingent on surrender to the Esoteric way.

Universal Law solicitors of Mullumbimby represent cult members in divorce, separation and custody proceedings, and handle bequests to Universal Medicine’s charities and building funds. Cult followers are also encouraged to take out Apprehended Violence Orders (restraining orders) against non abusive spouses as a way of discrediting them in future court proceedings. Followers are known to donate large portions of property settlements to the cult. Universal Law has a conflict of interest in that it has represented Benhayon in cease and desist and bogus DMCA takedown notices aimed to shut down blogs critical of UM.The cult has not attempted defamation action against bloggers.

Glorification of death and reincarnation

Although UM is marketed as a Complementary Medicine organization, its practices have zero or negative health benefits. Rather, Serge Benhayon regards carnal existence as an aberration and that the Esoteric goal is to ascend into a discarnate existence as a ‘fiery’ body of light and ‘true love’. His writings state that humanity living on the planet is ‘rot’, that anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the Esoteric Livingness death drive is part of the ‘Astral Cult’ and we are wasting our time maintaining a physical body we will not need. He has stated that ‘death is always a healing, not part of the failure’.

Inappropriate touching

Serge Benhayon has performed cold readings on clients he calls ‘ovarian readings’ where he fishes for information on their sexual history or incidences of trauma, which he then uses as a basis for marketing more extensive or invasive ‘healing’.

Photographic images from Esoteric healing workshop manuals show Benhayon with his hand on a woman’s genitals and calling it a ‘healing’ for rape recovery. He has taught hundreds of Esoteric students to perform such techniques of inappropriate touching on each other at workshops and to touch the genitals and breasts and other erogenous areas of sexual abuse survivors as ‘healing’ for sexual abuse. So far Australian regulators have not acted on this evidence.

Endorsement by medical professionals

Benhayon’s teachings and practices are endorsed and promoted by six medical doctors. Surgeon, Eunice Minford of Northern Ireland, endorses Benhayon on her blog, including in a post on assisted suicide where she states that death isn’t the end, it’s a reuniting with God.

The cult also includes psychologists and allied health professionals among it’s hierarchy.

Charity Activity and Front Groups

Universal Medicine’s UK charity arm is the Sound Foundation, housed at the Lighthouse in Frome. So far the Sound Foundation has spent nothing on charitable works but appears to be a building fund for a conference facility from which the Benhayon’s can run their UK events.

In Australia the Universal Medicine College, was set up for ‘educational purposes’ in 2011 and is also in the construction phase – converting a large facility on acreage.

Real Media Real Change is an anti-free speech front group which also promotes Esoteric Womens Health Pty Ltd. UM cult members participate in internet outrage over sexual abuse and rape statistics and make exhibitionist disclosures of their own experiences of abuse whilst denying UM has victims - in spite of clear photographic evidence to the contrary, and in spite of the fact the abuse deniers participated in workshops where inappropriate touching took place.

Damage and Accountability

Very few victims have made official complaints about the group, possibly due to fear of Benhayon’s purported supernatural powers or fear of repercussions from zealous followers/bullies. Survivors also experience a high degree of psychological damage that may leave them too burnt out to come forward – with difficulty shaking off fears that minor infringements of the extremely puritanical ‘Livingness’ behaviours, including thinking Esoterically incorrect thoughts or associating with non Esoteric individuals will damn them for countless future incarnations.

A number of official complaints and notifications have been made to law enforcement and regulatory bodies, as well as public representatives, but not much can be done if victims don't come forward.

More detailed information can be found on the 3 blogs Herbert listed:

Universal Medicine Accountability
The Facts About Universal Medicine
Universal Medicine Cult

More information is always appreciated so please join the discussions here or on the blogs.

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 27, 2013 06:39PM

See []

Universal Medicine continues to have subsection within the main archives.

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: HerbertKane178 ()
Date: August 27, 2013 11:03PM

You can find lots of financial info on The Sound Foundation here:

Just type in Sound Foundation in the search box.

Last year: Income - £1,203,892. Charitable spending - £74,408

Is that really that charitable?

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 27, 2013 11:10PM

If you would like to post some additional information about the group finances on this thread it would be much appreciated.

Do they disclose salaries and compensation paid to individuals?

Re: Universal Medicine
Posted by: HerbertKane178 ()
Date: August 27, 2013 11:21PM

If you would like to post some additional information about the group finances on this thread it would be much appreciated.

Do they disclose salaries and compensation paid to individuals?

The UK Charities Commission website is a very open and detailed source of info, as accounts have to be submitted each year in order for the charity to maintain its status. The figures from my earlier post came from there. It's possible from that site to view the full accounts for the past 12 months.

Universal Medicine is not registered as a charity in the UK, but they are listed on DueDil here: and on Companies in the UK here:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2013 11:22PM by HerbertKane178.

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