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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: Moralman ()
Date: July 19, 2006 12:50AM

Dear Friends
kind regards
Fred Phelps is a pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas in the US.
Fred Phelps is an enigma and the most controversial speaker I have ever heard.
I listen to Fred Phelps sermons every Monday afternoon.
His sermon on June 5th 2005 is quite funny.
His sermons straight after 911 and Tsunami(January 2nd 2005 sermon) are worth listening to also and he has a sermon archive from the year 2001 to 2005.
Here is the link to his sermons page.........
1. []
I encourage you to listen to them every week as well and his archive sermons.
Here is the biography of Pastor Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.
2. []
Here is a statement from the column "About WBC"
[b:06fcc9980a]WBC engages in daily peaceful sidewalk demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. We display large, colorful signs containing Bible words and sentiments, including: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS DOOM NATIONS, etc. [/b:06fcc9980a]
You can find this statement and much more information about WBC by clicking on the following link.
3. []
Phelps Church has been raided and bombed in the past and his picketing has caused riots all across America.
Phelps became famous when he picketed the funeral of murderered homosexual Matthew Shepard.
Phelps has even created a monument to Matthew Shepard in his home town.
4. []
Fred Phelps views are very controversial and I am not claiming to endorse any of his views.
What are your views on Fred Phelps?
If you live in the USA have you ever come across him before?
I'd like to hear your views on one of America's most controversial men.
yours thankfully

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: July 19, 2006 01:52AM

Phelps group is essentially composed of family members and seems to be little more than a personality-driven "cult."

It's really about Fred Phelps and whatever he wants to do. The rest of the group are just followers.

Phelps appears to have developed an addiction to the media and stages one outrageous event after another to garner attendtion.

He really hit "pay dirt" by demonstrating at the funderals of fallen US soldiers, blaming any tolerance for gays in America for their deaths, as "God's judgement."

Phelps seems to be mentally ill or have some type of serious personality disorder.

There is an archive about Phelps, his history and family within this database.

See []

The so-called "Westboro Baptist Church" is a stand alone independent church with no denominational affiliation and has been denounced by the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest denomination of Baptists in the US.

See []

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: shakti ()
Date: July 19, 2006 01:53AM

Dear Friends

What are your views on Fred Phelps?
If you live in the USA have you ever come across him before?
I'd like to hear your views on one of America's most controversial men.
yours thankfully

thank you for the opportunity! Fred Phelps is an absolute piece of garbage who has led a campaign of evil and hostility against two sectors of society.

1) Homosexuals
2) military forces who died defending our country from Koran-inspired terrorism.

If it wasn't for the various law enforcement folks of this country he despises, he would have been beaten to a pulp along with his family long ago, by family members of deceased soldiers.

Also, his actions have led to REACTION, by short-minded politicians who have decided to limit Freedom of Assembly to respond to his stupidity. So not only is he harming gays, and the families of deceased veterans, he is harming the US Constitution.

Fred Phelps Sucks! Finally something gay people, conservative military backers, and civil libertarians can all agree on!

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: IndieQueen ()
Date: July 19, 2006 02:30AM

My personal opinion on Fred Phelps can not be expressed in mixed company. So, I'll give you the watered down version. Mr. Phelps and his family, I won't say followers because nobody outside of his family follows him, are some of the most vile people to walk this planet. Protesting outside of gay funerals is bad enough, but protesting outside of the funerals of servicemen and women who died serving our country is the act of a soul-less person. Who exactly is Mr. Phelps to claim who God hates? I doubt very seriously that any God would choose to speak directly to Mr. Phelps regarding such things.

Actually, I think Mr. Phelps is more than likely repressing some tendencies of his own. If there is a heaven, he'll be in for quite a surprise when he gets turned away at the gates.

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: Moralman ()
Date: July 19, 2006 02:41AM

Dear Friends
kind regards
Thank you for your comments.
I have been listening to Fred Phelps sermons for a long time now, every week they have the same theme but lately he has been placing much more emphasis on the Bible than on condemning the homosexuals.
I don't agree with picketing the funerals of gays and especially American soldiers.
However I try to understand Phelps from the perspective of Phelps himself still I consider funeral picketing as wrong.
Phelps should have picketed everywhere but funerals, yes we can be judgemental of Phelps if we want to but we can be just as judgemental of the homosexual agenda.
The people who continally promote the homosexual agenda think that they are doing the homosexuals a favour but in reality all they are doing is promoting a sin and at the same time they are continually heaping praise on a group of people who haven't earned the praise that they are being given.
You can blame Phelps all you want, I blame the homosexual militants for promoting homosexuality.
Homosexuals and Feminists have promoted their lifestyle and have contributed to family dysfunction.
Please look at the following website for proof of this fact.
1. []
Please look at the "articles" section at the top right to read the archive articles of Henry Makow PHD.
Again I state that I don't agree with Phelps picketing however I understand the opposition to the homosexual agenda.
I can also understand how Phelps is effecting the constitution although he himself says that the Government themselves are in the wrong.
yours thankfully

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: July 19, 2006 03:13AM


It appears your purpose here is to preach your beliefs rather than really discuss anything.

Please review the rules you agreed to before becoming a member of this board.

The only real relevance Phelps has here is as a "cult-like" group.

In this sense the Phelps church can be seen as a family cult.

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: Moralman ()
Date: July 19, 2006 05:45AM


It appears your purpose here is to preach your beliefs rather than really discuss anything.

Please review the rules you agreed to before becoming a member of this board.

The only real relevance Phelps has here is as a "cult-like" group.

In this sense the Phelps church can be seen as a family cult.

Dear rrmoderator
kind regards
I am not here to preach beliefs rather I am here to discuss the beliefs of others, of course I have certain beliefs of my own yet I want to understand the beliefs of others.
We can say for example that WBC is a family cult ruled by a Pastor who believes he is a prophet of condemnation, both he and his family believe that yet no one else endorses this belief.
Homosexuals and Feminists have lobbies(groups) that have a large cult following and they achieve this through continually media support.
Surely these types of groups have come under the scrutiny of the Cult Awareness Network?
If I was the leader of CAN these types of groups would come under my scrutiny, after all these groups preach a Secular humanist doctrine that directly defies traditional Christian teaching.
CAN is naturally not against established religion however I believe that CAN's investigations should be launched against non-religious immoral cults.
Perhaps you have never looked at the situation of non-religious cults but perhaps you could and I would be willing to help you in these investigations.
yours thankfully

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: shakti ()
Date: July 19, 2006 07:28AM

Dear Friends
You can blame Phelps all you want, I blame the homosexual militants for promoting homosexuality.
Homosexuals and Feminists h

Ah, so, Moralman. Yeah, I should have seen that one coming. Your day is past, philistine. Gays aren't going anywhere and neither is America. Henry Makow, by the way, is as monstrous as Fred Phelps. Nothing but anti-jewish/feminist/homosexual Nazi-influenced propaganda.

You are not a Moral man, and God has a surprise for you at the gates as well.

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: IndieQueen ()
Date: July 19, 2006 07:53AM

Funny, I don't recall promoting anything. I recall wanting to be treated equally regardless of who I love. I know, that's a terrible thing if the person I love is the same gender as me. Being that I'm a feminist, bisexual I suppose you hate me too. Oh well, no skin off my nose.

I'm not going anywhere neither are my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. We're here for the duration. My only agenda is to leave this world slightly better than it was when I got here. Well, that and finding some Ben and Jerry's because it's way too hot outside. Other than that, the only time I ever hear mention of a gay agenda is when somebody who hates us for being as we are has a bone to pick. If there is a gay agenda, I didn't get the memo. Neither did any of the gay people I know.

I'll leave this message with a quote from my hero, Mr. Harvey Milk: “More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.”

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A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: July 19, 2006 08:52AM


One last warning.

You seem to be setting up a pulpit to preach here.

That is against the rules you agreed to.

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