Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)
Posted by: gomezaddams ()
Date: April 10, 2013 10:21AM

AMORC - Rosicrucian Order AMORC (Generic membership name)
SGLAMORC - Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.
GLAMORC - Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

Circulating on the internet are many claims and couter-claims whether the organisation referred to as the Rosicrucian Order AMORC is a an authentic historical organisation or a cult. The claims have never been legally tested, therefore the claims are just layman opinions.

Legally; the word Rosicrucian cannot be trade marked or word marked because it is a historical word. The word Rosicrucian can be used as part of a trade mark or word mark provided that the word Rosicrucian is not claimed as exclusive use.

The following information is on public record and freely accessible. The public corporate registration documents reveal a USA two tired non-profit corporate structure.

SGLAMORC is a private non-profit corporation and the trade mark and word mark owner of all the Rosicrucian Order AMORC documents.

The legal issue is: can any legally registered corporation claim a historical pedigree prior to the corporate registration?

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)

SGLAMORC - Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

Extracts from:

The Certificate of Amendment and Restatement of the Articles of Incorporation of: The Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis

Christian Bernard and Donna O'Neill certify that;

1. They are President and Secretary, respectively of The Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, a Californian non-profit public benefit corporation.

2. The articles of Incorporation of this corporation are hereby amended and restated as set forth in the attached amendment and restated articles of incorporation.

3. The foregoing amendment has been duly approved by this corporation's board of directors.

4. This Corporation has no members.

We declare under the penalties of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the matters set forth in this certificate are true of our own knowledge.

Signed by Christian Bernard and Donna O'Neill Filed 23 April 1990.
Californian Document Numbers: A385645. 131387.

The document states that the registered name and address of the corporation is:
The Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis,
1312 Naglee Avenue, San Jose, California 95191, USA.

GLAMORC - The Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis

Extracts from:

Articles of Incorporation of The Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

1. The name of this corporation is The Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

2A. This corporation is a non-profit public benefit corporation and is not organised for the private benefit of any person.

2B. The specific and primary purpose of this corporation is to carry out the charitable, educational and scientific purposes of the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) by advancing the English speaking world?s knowledge of the history, principles and teachings of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

The Certificate of Amendment and Restatement of the Articles of Incorporation filed on the 21 September 1990 in the State of California, USA, states that the registered name is:

The Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, The Corporation was registered as a Californian Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation. Document Number: 1515G24.

Farther information: Google: EIN: 94-1156620

Current CEO: Julie A. Scott. President.

Trademark Documents:

Full details are available at the United States Patents and Trademark Office.

Serial numbers of the SGLAMORC owned trademarks or word marks:

78153781; 74115624; 74677051; 74576105; 74575641; 74475951; 71138912; 74146409; 78153781; 74120294; 74146408; 74116470 abandoned

The above trademarks are used on the printed material the AMORC member receives.

74475951: The trademark contains no graphics. The trademark defines AMORC as an anagram for the words Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

74677051: The trademark contains no graphics. The letters A.M.O.R.C. are to protect anyone using a variation of trademark 74475951.

74576105: The trademark listed is a graphics design of a winged icon with the anagram AMORC above it. The winged icon graphics design is a variation of the emblems appearing in Egyptian tombs.

The trademark appears on advertising, public documents and letterheads. The trademark is used as a substitution for the corporation name when the words Rosicrucian Order are inserted below the winged emblem. In some documents it appears as an integral part of the trademark, in others there is a clear distinction between the trademark and inserted words.

The trademarks reveal that the name Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis is not the name of the organisation but used for printed goods and services.

The following trademarks are used for affiliate memberships run by SGLAMORC.

74146409: The word mark listed is OMCEO
74120294: The word mark listed is Traditional Martinist Order
74146408: The word mark listed is MILITIA CRUCIFERA EVANGELICA

84230: The trademark is the same as:

Re: Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)
Posted by: gomezaddams ()
Date: April 10, 2013 11:53AM

Extracts from: GLAMORC Constitution, 27th edition 1974.
Pages 18 to 24, The Rosicrucian Manual, 1974 edition.

The GLAMORC Constitution, titled Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient, Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, was in use for over 40 years with minor amendments. Copies of pre-1990 constitutions are no longer available; the following sections quoted reveal the historical relationship between SGLAMORC and GLAMORC.

Page 7 of the constitution contains a Proclamation signed by H. Spencer Lewis in 1934.
Page 6 contains a schematic diagram of the organisation. Within the diagram, it is clearly shows that SGLAMORC in 1934 consisted of a board of five directors. Below the diagram is an explanation of the SGLAMORC - GLAMORC corporate structure.  

The schematic diagram clearly shows an autocratic two-tiered corporation.

Sections 1 to 4 defines the corporate structure between SGLAMORC and GLAMORC.

Article 1. (Page 9)
Section 1. This lodge is a separate and distinct body created and charted by the hierarchy of the Supreme Grand Lodge of The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis International Jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as Grand Lodge of AMORC, or as Grand Lodge).
Section 2. This Grand Lodge is subordinate to and derives its powers from the Imperator and the Board of Directors composing the Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC. It is chartered as the Grand Lodge of the General membership of the AMORC and is a separate and distinct body from the Supreme Grand Lodge and, with its properly authorised subordinate bodies and members at large constitutes the membership section of the order (AMORC) in this jurisdiction.
Section 4. All the members of the Order of AMORC in this jurisdiction shall be known as Rosicrucian Members, and their membership is restricted to affiliation exclusively with this Grand Lodge and any subordinate bodies in this jurisdiction empowered by it.

Asset Ownership.
Article IX. (Page 15)         
Section 27.

1. Registration fees of a nominal sum paid as donations to the Rosicrucian Foundation and AMORC Funds, held exclusively in the name of the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Hierarchy of this jurisdiction.

2. Monthly sums paid by members of any classification and which shall be considered in all cases as donations to the Funds of the Hierarchy under its exclusive control and use in the furtherance of the work of the Supreme Grand Lodge and the Hierarchy in accordance with the Constitution of the Supreme Grand Lodge.

Article IX continues and defines that all revenue generated in any form by GLAMORC is to be deposited as in paragraph 1, for the exclusive use of SGLAMORC.

A Google search by EIN: 94-1156620 reveals that the GLAMORC Net Assets as of 12/31/2011 were $1,090,307.

If the assets records are correct; Article IX establishes that SGLAMORC owns:
The real estate complex at 1312 Naglee Avenue, San Jose, California, referred to as Rosicrucian Park. This complex occupies almost an entire city block in the middle of the City of San Jose.
As a private non-profit corporation, SGLAMORC is not legally required to disclose financial assets to the GLAMORC Corporation or individual GLAMORC members.

During the 1990 USA court case, AMORC Rosicrucian Order, vs. Rosicrucian Imperator, Gary L. Stewart, estimated an ownership of over 300 bank accounts worldwide, with one transaction valued at 4 million US dollars.

Note: Monthly fees paid by SGLAMORC members of any classification are defined as donations due to the USA tax exemption classification laws.

There is a possibility that the GLAMORC Constitution may have been altered since the 1990 GLAMORC and SGLAMORC corporate restructure.

In Australia; non-profit corporations are legally required to provide a copy of their constitution upon joining the organisation.

I would advise anyone contemplating joining GLAMORC, ask the corporate management for a copy of the current GLAMORC Constitution and for what purpose your donations are used?

Re: Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)
Posted by: gomezaddams ()
Date: April 10, 2013 10:03PM

Reference: F.U.D.O.S.I. by Milko Bogaard.


Please download and read the full document after reading this abbreviated post.

The FUDOSI or FUDOESI (Federation Universelle Des Ordres et Societes Initiatiques in French, Federatio Universalis Dirigens Ordines Societatesque Initiationis in Latin), founded on August 14, 1934 in Brussels, Belgium, was a federation of autonomous esoteric orders and societies.

The FUDOSI was an attempt to create a federation of all true mystical orders and protect themselves and the people from frauds. Its mission was "to protect the sacred liturgies, rites and doctrines of the traditional initiatory Orders from being appropriated and profaned by clandestine organizations" (FUDOSI journal, November 1946).

It is well known that Harvey-Spencer Lewis of A.M.O.R.C. always favoured the autocratic systems above the liberal, democratic model. On the other hand, he associated himself with an ultra-nationalistic association in the United States. He even wins the confidence of Mussolini, who already banned masonry in Italy in 1925, who receives Lewis with open arms as "a friend of the family" as early as 1931. The Imperator compliments the dictator on "the absence of beggars in the streets, the impressive architecture, the punctuality of the trains" etc. Lewis returns once more to Italy in 1937. To this occasion, Mussolini gives a speech in which he promises a radiant future for A.M.O.R.C.

Many prominent F.U.D.O.S.I. members did not believe that Harvey Spencer Lewis was initiated in (or near by) Toulouse in 1909. Here's a translation from a letter written by Jean Mallinger, in which Mallinger refers to their disbelief. The letter is addressed to August Reichel, dated: July 1935.

“Without denying the extraordinary activity of Lewis' A.M.O.R.C., it is a well known fact, if one speaks about A.M.O.R.C. in a circle which is not well informed, the audience will only refer to Spencer Lewis and his methods. But I can tell you this, no serious initiate will accept the American methods, and no serious initiate will believe the "Toulouse-adventure" of Spencer Lewis. This is the formal opinion of F.Sjalung from Copenhagen, of Probst, and of Mikael ….. letter continues "

The letter is addressed to August Reichel of the ORDRE ANCIEN ET MYSTIQUE DE LA ROSE+CROIX and the CONFRERIE DES FRERES ILLUMINES DE LA ROSE+CROIX, and deals with the abbreviation "A.M.O.R.C". which was used by several organisations, in one way or another. The "Ordre Ancien et Mystique de la Rose-Croix" from Switzerland probably did not use the Lewis-teachings at the time. Up to 1937 A.M.O.R.C.-Switzerland was an independent organization, not affiliated to A.M.O.R.C. On an official document, dated August 14 (the first congress) 1934, the Swiss organization is called ORDRE R+C de SUISSE. The document is signed by Marc Lanval.

Another indication that the "Toulouse-Adventure" is an invention of Harvey Spencer Lewis is a document, which belongs to the files of the F.U.D.O.S.I., in which Harvey Spencer Lewis states that the whole story of his initiation in Toulouse is an invention of Lewis himself. This document is in the hands of the successor of Jean Mallinger.

Another interesting article: THE SUN, June 19, 1918. In this article (concerning Lewis' arrest) H. Spencer Lewis states that he never claimed to be operating a R+C branch affiliated to the French Rosicrucians:



"Half a dozen detectives attached to the District Attorney's office were examining effects, meaning sateen sashes, robes and other regalia - taken in the raid of the headquarters of the so-called American Order of the Rosae Crucis….

Grand Imperator Lewis was arrested on Monday night in a spectacular raid on the headquarters of his organisation in the old Lily Langtry house at 361 West Twenty-Third Street…

From his home in Flushing last night Lewis told a reporter for The Sun that at no time had his organization - the Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis - ever claimed to be operating as a branch of the Rosae Crucis organization in France. 'We have never claimed to hold any warrant, charter, patent or authority from any foreign country,' he said over the telephone….

Among the papers seized in Lewis' desk on Monday night is a piece of parchment headed 'Pronuziamento R.F.R.C. No. 987,601. The document is adorned with a number of crude seals, dated Toulouse, France, September 20, 1916, and signed by one Jean Jordain. After the signature follow a series of hieroglyphics. In the body of the document addressed to Le Secretaire General, Thos. Kiimalehto, appears the announcement that a separate jurisdiction of the Rosae Crucis has been established in America …"

The files on the F.U.D.O.S.I. belonging to Leon Lelarge (Sar Agni, secretary of Emile Dantinne) were discovered in 1982 by Serge Caillet. The file consisted of many documents concerning the activities of the F.U.D.O.S.I. and Emile Dantinne. Without these documents a lot of information on this forum would not be published. Serge Caillet used these documents to write a book called:

"SAR HIERONYMUS et la F.U.D.O.S.I.”, published in 1986 by Cariscript – Paris.

Re: Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)
Posted by: sandeepsidhu ()
Date: April 10, 2013 10:51PM

really well post ...well and useful document... thanks

Re: Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)
Posted by: gomezaddams ()
Date: April 11, 2013 01:28PM

A good starting point in separating the historical Rosicrucian from the modern marketing hype is the book Rosicrucian Enlightenment by Frances A. Yates.

Reference: Wikipedia


Dame Frances Amelia Yates (28 November 1899 – 29 September 1981) was an English historian who focused on the development of western esotericism. In an academic capacity, she taught at the Warburg Institute of the University of London for many years,and also wrote a number of seminal books on the subject of esoteric history.

She wrote extensively on the occult or Neoplatonic philosophies of the Renaissance. Her books Giordano Burno and the Hermetic Tradition (1964), The Art of Memory (1966), and The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (1972) are major works. She "dealt with traditions whose remoteness she could not eliminate, even while she made them more understandable."

Documents available from WikiLeaks.


Re: Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)
Posted by: gomezaddams ()
Date: April 12, 2013 02:13PM

Rosicrucianism is just a philosophical ideology. The reason SGLAMORC are a worldwide success in marketing their version of Rosicrucianism is because HS Lewis was trained as a marketing professional. It would be logical reasoning to assume that HS Lewis trained his son and SGLAMORC successor RM Lewis in marketing techniques.

RM Lewis's successor GL Stewart was removed for alleged misconduct. The reason why Christian Bernard, a French National residing in France, was appointed to the position of SGLAMORC CEO over a qualified USA national was never disclosed to the worldwide AMORC membership.

In my journey through life, I have found no correlation between education, job status, income, and a person's ability to successfully manage their life. There are plenty of CEO's who successfully manage corporate structures because of the support infrastructure and efficient workforce. Remove that CEO from their field of expertise and place that person in a personal life skills management situation, they are just as vulnerable and inept as the general workforce when they encounter situations outside their skills training.

Pierre S. Freeman, author of The Prisoner of San Jose and AMORC Unmasked makes a number of allegations. I have not read Freeman's books; I have read parts of his blog. Freeman presents himself as irrational and psychologically unstable. It may be true that there are personality conflicts between AMORC members, Lodges, the GLAMORC administration and the ability to deliver the AMORC training in an efficient and effective manner.

Forget the marketing hype; anyone can write a book and deliver lectures. The reality of life is: remove the paid AMORC administration personnel from their day job and place them in a classroom studying and teaching AMORC subjects; there is a high probability that they will encounter mind dynamics situations outside their employment skills training.

Therefore; do not assume that because a person is a high ranking AMORC official that they are intellectuality and spiritually evolved or proficient in the techniques espoused in the AMORC monographs.

Re: Rosicrucian Order AMORC Corporate Structure (USA)
Posted by: JocobHaynes ()
Date: June 25, 2013 07:48AM

Thanks gomezaddams,

I am an obsessed member but not well informed. I enjoy reading your post.

Would you (or anyone on this post) share with me if some of the Monographs are on Public domain?

I was told the old monographs (1950's, 1960's, 1970's) up to the Bernard vs Stewart incident (1990) are in public domain. I would not know where to start searching.

My Order would not tell me.


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