Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: XLionheartX ()
Date: June 05, 2007 06:55AM

The bar which Phil operated has been closed. The ABC states the license is active, but has been transfered to a new DBA called Red Skye.


Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: sfsdkat ()
Date: August 01, 2007 11:42PM

Onesharingtruth said:
"Again I say after all I've read that I, and yes, I can only speak for myself, but I had a wonderful experience at Set Free. Quite literally it changed my life and has led me to where I'm at today."

I agree that God can use almost anything to change a person's life & get them to realize how much they need Him. God even used an ass (donkey) to speak to Balaam in Numbers 22:21-31. Praise God that something ministered to your heart. I just pray that you are now serving [b:4b85a61766]God[/b:4b85a61766] wholeheartedly.

Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 02, 2007 07:12AM


See []

You have made claims on another thread without any proof.

See []

"Set Free" has a deeply troubled history and Phil Aguilar.

In the book "Churches That Abuse" this is discussed in some detail.

See []

Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: XLionheartX ()
Date: August 03, 2007 04:02AM

Onesharingtruth said:
"Again I say after all I've read that I, and yes, I can only speak for myself, but I had a wonderful experience at Set Free. Quite literally it changed my life and has led me to where I'm at today."

One sharing truth must be Phil himself or one of his kids, there is nothing "wonderful" at Set Free. Phil is violent and abusive, check out his latest video on you tube:
Does this man sound like a peson in love with God & Man?

I agree that God can use almost anything to change a person's life & get them to realize how much they need Him. God even used an ass (donkey) to speak to Balaam in Numbers 22:21-31. Praise God that something ministered to your heart. I just pray that you are now serving [b:a90a12a1ed]God[/b:a90a12a1ed] wholeheartedly.

This is a quote from Phil himself, not some "Kat" from Set Free San Diego. Phil constanly uses the Bible to justify his violence, drug & alcohol use, and fornication. He even used the example of Laban in Genesis, to put the blame on his flock for "letting him fool them".


Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: Mark Scheiderer ()
Date: August 06, 2007 03:34AM

There's some interesting info on Aguilar in the first chapter - and at various other places in the book - of this book:



Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: sfsdkat ()
Date: August 07, 2007 02:59AM

Onesharingtruth said:
"Again I say after all I've read that I, and yes, I can only speak for myself, but I had a wonderful experience at Set Free. Quite literally it changed my life and has led me to where I'm at today."

One sharing truth must be Phil himself or one of his kids, there is nothing "wonderful" at Set Free. Phil is violent and abusive, check out his latest video on you tube:
Does this man sound like a peson in love with God & Man?

I agree that God can use almost anything to change a person's life & get them to realize how much they need Him. God even used an ass (donkey) to speak to Balaam in Numbers 22:21-31. Praise God that something ministered to your heart. I just pray that you are now serving [b:7fdfacd35e]God[/b:7fdfacd35e] wholeheartedly.

This is a quote from Phil himself, not some "Kat" from Set Free San Diego. Phil constanly uses the Bible to justify his violence, drug & alcohol use, and fornication. He even used the example of Laban in Genesis, to put the blame on his flock for "letting him fool them".


You misunderstood me XLionheartX. I was quoting what someone else named "onesharingtruth" said about their experience with Set Free OC. My experience with Phil in 2001 & 2002 is was what led me to listen to the prodding of the Holy Spirit telling me that Phil was a cult leader.

I pray almost daily that the people who ar enow so deluded by Phil will realize that they are not following a man who is following God.

Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: sfsdkat ()
Date: August 07, 2007 03:01AM

Mark Scheiderer
There's some interesting info on Aguilar in the first chapter - and at various other places in the book - of this book:



Reading that book was what helped me to realize that what I was experiencing with Phil was not something new or my fault. It helped me to understand that Phil has a pattern of bad behavior that he is continuing to inflict upon others.

Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: sfsdkat ()
Date: August 07, 2007 03:04AM


See []

You have made claims on another thread without any proof.

See [] [end quote]

Moderator - The claims I made are not unsubstantiated. My husband is on the board of directors with Set Free San Diego. And it is, as I stated in the other forum, NOT run by Phil Aguilar. My husband would never have anything to do with Set Free SD if it was run by Phil. My husband realizes that Phil is a cult leader just as I realize it.

Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 07, 2007 03:08AM


Please answer the questions then, which were previously asked on this thread.

Set Free and Phil Aguilar
Posted by: sfsdkat ()
Date: August 07, 2007 05:00AM


Please answer the questions then, which were previously asked on this thread.

I answered your questions in detail in the forum in which they were asked.

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