I would like for you to read 3rd John 9-10 to get an understanding of where I am coming from. "Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does good is from God; whoever does evil has not seen God" (3rd John 11).
Yes, I have tried to confront him, even as a friend but he simply will not hear of it or passes it off like people are crazy. Truthfully, there are few people who make it that far inside and actually leave. People come in and out, but the leadership stays in place and does not go against their Pastor for any reason. They are repeatedly taught not to gossip or talk against him. There have been deacons that confronted him about the matter and even left the church, but he twisted their words to the congregation and stated that the deacons were decieved into thinking the secretary, Jammie, and G's then chauffer were having an affair. If you confront this man, you face an entire army of loyal followers who call themselves G's 300; but in reality it is the whole church. People are afraid to ask questions or to come out and say ANYTHING because the entire church will turn against you, even if the leadership and Pastors do wrong. There is no talking to Pastor G about any church discipline or any of the illdoings he does, he simply will not hear and will ex-communicate you from the church. But it rarely comes to that because he places severity in the hearts of men from speaking such truths, most people overlook it or put it behind them.
I recommend that anyone thinking of going to this church read this sermon. It is relatively long but eye opening.
If the link does not work, go to sermonindex.net and find the sermon called "10 Indictments" by Paul Washer.