Re: Luzia Krull
Posted by: manicman ()
Date: May 14, 2013 10:35AM

I kind of think that Turth Seeker is Luzia. The message fits her style of manipulation. Open ended, vague implications. Reminds me of the way she used to talk. Also she would be able to find this threat, since I sent her a message over facebook telling her I was posting about her bullshit online. Notice the hidden email address for Turth Seeker's profile, the heavy handed use of "complainer" to describe me. Finally, even someone who actually had worked with Luzia without realizing how manipulative she is, would not describe her as "one of the finest healers I know." The woman didn't actually know much of anything.

Re: Luzia Krull
Posted by: manicman ()
Date: May 14, 2013 10:47AM

This is not the woman I know. She is legit and one of the finest healers I know. She allows people to experience life and think for themselves. Learn more about the complainer if you want to find out the truth...
I actually think this is Luzia. Not that there is any way to know for sure, but it has the same manipulation she tried to use on me in person. Labeling me a complainer, and implying (never stating directly) that I have ulterior motives. Also notice that turth seeker joins this board the same date as this post, as though they joined specifically to make this post. And doesn't give any sort of specifics about their relationship to Luzia. And the name is meant to be truth seeker, implying this is a trustworthy person who should be taken at their word. Obviously there is no way to know, but this totally fits Luzia, and she would be able to find out about this post, given that I have been messaging at her over facebook about how awful she is, and how I have posted about her on the internet.

Re: Luzia Krull
Posted by: manicman ()
Date: May 20, 2013 06:43AM

I mean the ... at the end when she labels me a "complainer" reminds me of the times Luzia used to say to me (in regard to spirituality) "There are many beings, there are many places..." The ... and open endedness is to imply that she has superior knowledge that the other person (people) doesn't know about. Also what person who takes healing work seriously would read my story and label it as "complaining?" If someone did take healing work seriously, but had genuinely had good experiences with Luzia, they might post "I disagree with what you are saying, I had a good experience with this woman." But they would not dismiss what I am describing just because. They would at least this kind of thing seriously. The calling me a complainer reminds me of Luzia's false positivity. Like many control seeking narcissists, she tries to deliberately hit on your emotional buttons and insecurities, to get you to blow up, and then Luzia used specifically this kind of false positivity to imply that anyone who didn't feel so cheerful was obviously in the wrong. It was a type of masked sadism. And by my last visit to her, it was hilarious because she realized it wasn't working, and it was becoming obvious I had more self control than her. So I kept just not responding when she tried this sort of thing on me, and she was getting absolutely furious, though she was trying to disguise it.

I would also like to recommend the book The Guru Papers: Authoritarian Masks of Power, by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstead. Really excellent book that goes deep into the psychological dynamics of different types of authoritarianism. Very broad scope but very relevant to our collective dialogue as well.
And if Turth Seeker isn't Luzia, I want him/her to say more about their post. Clarify what your good experience with Luzia was, and why people should disregard what I am saying here. Otherwise, I think this is obviously Luzia, openly displaying how pathetic she really is.

Re: Luzia Krull
Posted by: manicman ()
Date: June 10, 2013 04:49AM

So it turns out that Luzia is not in fact licensed as a therapist, so her practice is illegal.
I also found out, and this is hilarious, that when she realized I was ditching out on her she got so mad she smashed her potted plants in her yard. I dealt her a serious narcissistic injury.

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