Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: April 17, 2019 05:47AM

The only one being false is Eric Allen Bell.

Did Eric Allen Bell tell lies in order to get me fired?

That should be an easy question to answer, but watch, he won't be able to answer it forthrightly.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: April 17, 2019 06:21AM

Did I tell Pamela Geller, your boss, that you were smearing me on a cult awareness site, that you had create a fake magazine to smear me (CJM), produced and posted videos to smear me, created graphics and memes to smear me, and posted literally hundreds of blog comments smearing me?


Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: April 17, 2019 06:33AM

See? I told you.

Eric wrote to Pamela saying that I was responsible for Eric's claim that "Jewish Supremacists" control America.

I had nothing to do with it at all.

Would Eric like another try at answering this simple question?

Did he try to get me fired under false pretenses?

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: April 17, 2019 07:06AM

Lawrence Estavan -

You have been cyberstalking me for 6 years. Why this website allows you to spam it with delusional claims about me being a cult leader, I do not know. Below are the methods you have used in an attempt to destroy my reputation:

- Creating a fake magazine called "CJM" where every edition has my face and name on the cover.

- Producing and posting numerous YouTube videos making claims that I have committed fraud, run a cult and various other wild accusations.

- Creating graphics and memes to ridicule me, including putting my head on a chicken and placing wads of cash in my hands.

- Taking a picture of two luxury cars parked outside of the mailbox business where I collect my mail, posting them online and claiming that these cars are mine.

- Calling me to ask about my Sub Chapter S California corporation called Bell Media, inquiring as to how many employees, if any, I have.

- Posting literally hundreds of negative blog comments about me on a whole host of websites.

- Calling into a live radio show where I was the guest to make claims that I am "New Age" and therefore cannot be trusted.

You have been persistent, repetitive, compulsive and obsessive in this effort. I will not stand by passively and allow these false accusations to go undisputed.

Although I believe you to be delusional and mentally ill, I do not believe that you actually think I am a cult leader. Your hatred is so intense and so persistent that you have found a site (this one) where you can routinely post the same claims, over and over, spamming this site in an attempt to see me suffer, which is clearly your goal.

Did I ask Pamela Geller to please ask you to stop? Yes, I did. And so have others. But because of her hatred of me, due to statements I made that are critical of Jewish theology, she has not taken action. In fact, she has demanded that prominent members of the Counter Jihad Movement cease publishing any material that I author. To date only Robert Spencer has obeyed her command, while others have disagreed with her assertions and asked her to get you to back off.

Would I like to get you fired, as Pamela Geller's spokesman and lead writer, when you are using that position in an attempt to ruin my life? Not necessarily. I would just like for you to stop.

Please stop.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2019 07:06AM by Eric Allen Bell.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: April 17, 2019 07:45AM

Notice he did not answer the question - "Did Eric Allen Bell tell lies about me in an effort to get me fired?"

That should be an easy question to answer.

Here is how I answer his challenges

- Creating a fake magazine called "CJM" where every edition has my face and name on the cover.

So what?

- Producing and posting numerous YouTube videos making claims that I have committed fraud, run a cult and various other wild accusations.

I am perfectly willing to discuss the content of those videos, and backup the claims made therein.

- Creating graphics and memes to ridicule me, including putting my head on a chicken and placing wads of cash in my hands.

So what? Let's not forget the context of this which includes committing fraud, and libeling me as an insane, homosexual Christian.

- Taking a picture of two luxury cars parked outside of the mailbox business where I collect my mail, posting them online and claiming that these cars are mine.

I did not claim they were his cars. He told the world they were his cars. The picture of the cars was obtained from GoogleMaps. Attached is another GoogleMaps image of EAB walking to his Mercedes.

- Calling me to ask about my Sub Chapter S California corporation called Bell Media, inquiring as to how many employees, if any, I have.

So, what?

- Posting literally hundreds of negative blog comments about me on a whole host of websites.


- Calling into a live radio show where I was the guest to make claims that I am "New Age" and therefore cannot be trusted.

He is "not to be trusted" because he lies about being New Age and instead claims he is Science of Consciousness. This is a lie.

You have been persistent, repetitive, compulsive and obsessive in this effort. I will not stand by passively and allow these false accusations to go undisputed.

If only.

Look he will not answer for his actions. He will instead claim total innocence, lie, and attack people. Talking to him is like pulling teeth.

Attachments: might be eric-min.PNG (50.6 KB)  
Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: April 17, 2019 10:42AM

Predictably, Eric Allen Bell has taken to his Facebook page to attack Pamela Geller because he does not like what is said about him here.

After I confronted him on the Jamie Glazov Show in 2012, and subsequently called his bounty phony, he tuned his followers against me.

It is just what he does.

He is doing it right now.

Attachments: emotionally unstable.JPG (45.8 KB)   heads up.JPG (48 KB)  
Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:15PM

People need to know the ugly truth about those who use lies and propaganda in an attempt to take me down.

But guess what, after 6 years of your relentless attacks. I'm still standing.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:39PM

Yeah, standing with no pants on.

I am asking him questions. He can't answer them honestly. Instead, he claims Pamela Geller is after him.

Anyway, I have found the posts where Eric Allen Bell identified the luxury cars as his. I only asked him a question. []

Attachments: larry rings the bell.JPG (106.7 KB)  
Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:53PM

We both know that is not the car I was referring to. And the other picture you posted of two random people, the one you said is me walking to a Mercedes - there is no Mercedes in that picture and neither of those people are me.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:53PM

Even though you got it wrong what I drive, why do you care what car I drive?

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