Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: psyborgue ()
Date: July 18, 2013 04:54AM


Understood. I have the same rule on the forum I run, although we may differ on what constitutes an attack or is on topic. I'll keep your words in mind in the future.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 18, 2013 05:52AM

Eric Allen Bell wants to be the anti-Christ on Facebook.

In addition to not being a leader, articulate, or smart, Eric Allen Bell is not funny.

Nevertheless, I think his "jokes" are highly revealing, such as calling Robert Spencer "not so smart". before a radio audience, and his winking at antisemitism.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 18, 2013 08:02AM

This is Eric Allen Bell commenting on this Rick Ross thread on his Facebook page.

He never discusses any of the things I have brought up here. Instead, he goes off on some moonbeam about the "Rapture-Ready Religious Right", and "obsessive" attempts to "discredit" him.

What about the "bounty"?

What about the number one quadrillion that is on the "bounty"?

Why did Eric Allen Bell say that the number of zeros on the bounty is unimportant? Why did he say that bringing this up in public is aiding "the enemy"?


Why am I one of the very few people reporting, and commenting on what Eric Allen Bell actually says, not what he wants you to think, but what he actually says?

Eric Allen Bell is discrediting himself. I am simply showing you his words, and putting them in a context that highlights this man's bigotry, cowardice, irrationality, paranoia, hypocrisy, and fraud.

As far as obsessing goes, recall that Eric Allen Bell appeared on the Counter Jihad scene like gangbusters. His name was all over the internet, even though there was little useful information about him in the dozens, and dozens of pages that came up from a search for his name.

Eric's fraudulent misadventures saturated the web, with Gary Fouse being one of the prime offenders uncritically passing along Eric's propaganda on Fouse's four different websites.(As an aside I am including a screen shot of Eric Allen Bell addressing his OWS friends in a way that is reminiscent of the song, and dance he gave us in the Counter Jihad Movement about his family. One has to wonder how many times this rejection by his family has happened, and over how many "causes".)

Also recall, when Eric first arrived on the Counter Jihad scene he needed help, his world was imploding, his friends would not talk to him, his colleagues had stopped answering his calls, and his family had turned away from him.

He received massive support that included a web presence that I have never seen before, TV appearances wherein he betrayed the trust of Eric Bolliging

Indeed, Eric betrayed everyone in the Counter Jihad, cursed God, and threatened to wrestle the movement away from "Evangelicals" for purposes.

Compared to all this, what I am doing is microscopic, but apparently quite powerful, causing people, even from this website, to lose control.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 18, 2013 09:47AM

Whether or not Eric Allen Bell meets the definition of a cult leader, one thing is for sure - he is NOT a defender of free speech.

Here Eric is thanking his followers for sending him screen shots that could be used in a court of law. []

This statement was made in the context of the several confrontations he, and I had at Jihadwatch.

There you can see Eric, and his mob (I don't have a mob) try to provoke me into saying something compromising.

It didn't work.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 18, 2013 10:29AM

I am including this one because Eric has said at least twice that the amount of money he collected from donations was negligible, and "not worth the backlash".

Well, that is not what he seems to be saying here.

Eric flounced out of the Counter Jihad Movement about two weeks after I reported him to the FBI. I probably had nothing to do with Eric's decision to leave, but it is still a better explanation than he suddenly found "Christians using my work", which is what he says.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 18, 2013 11:36AM

I am including this one because Eric has said at least twice that the amount of money he collected from donations was negligible, and "not worth the backlash".

Well, that is not what he seems to be saying here.

Eric flounced out of the Counter Jihad Movement about two weeks after I reported him to the FBI. I probably had nothing to do with Eric's decision to leave, but it is still a better explanation than he suddenly found "Christians using my work", which is what he says.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 19, 2013 08:36AM

This is the screen shot of Eric Allen Bell telling his OWS friends that he has been "abandoned" by his family.

A few weeks later, he was telling the Counter Jihad Movement a very similar thing - his family had stopped talking to him because of speaking the truth about Islam.

As I wrote previously, how many times has Eric Allen Bell's family "abandoned" him, and over how many causes? Is it even true?


Does Eric Allen Bell's relationship with his family have a message for the rest of us?

Children who were victims of abuse may become abusers themselves later on.

Notice that Eric Allen Bell says his parents were "very abusive". He gives no details on the abuse, was it physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, religious abuse? By taking us into his confidence this way, and not giving us any reassurances, one might assume the worst.

A very different picture emerges if Eric was sexually abused than if his abuse was that of being raised by Christians.

I find this gratuitous mention of some kind of "abuse" to manipulative, and prelude to asking for money. That is exactly what he did with his "High Price for Telling the Truth About Islam".

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 20, 2013 04:08AM

I have been asked by his followers if EAB hides his new-age beliefs, and then told he does not.

@20:38 Eric denies his New Age beliefs.

"I am not New Age" Eric has been denying that he is New Age for years.

Did Eric leave the Counter Jihad Movement, or was he forced out? Reading this is, one might think he was forced out due to his New Age beliefs. That is not how I remember it. One day without any warning, Eric denounced god, Christians, and flounced out of the CJM, exploding into full frontal New Age splendor by announcing that he is god something he had been hiding for the better part of a year.

"I am the Christ", and "the Anti-Christ" - Eric Allen Bell

Eric is Jesus, and in league with the devil.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 20, 2013 06:09AM

Boasting is another prominent feature of Eric Allen Bell's character.

Here is a screen shot of the "cast list" of Eric Allen Bell's movie "American Infidel".

I have contacted both Robert Spencer, and Pamela Geller, and neither one of them know what Eric is doing here. They have no connection to his movie what so ever.

Re: Eric Allen Bell
Date: July 20, 2013 06:38AM

"The Muslims that put a bounty on my head is something I will have to deal with my entire life" EAB 12/17/2012

Although ungrammatical, what Eric Allen Bell says here may be true, but not in the sense that he means.

The "bounty" isn't real. It appears to be for, not ten million rupees, but one quadrillion rupees, or over eighteen trillion dollars.

Eric has been advised of these facts numerous times, and is always dismissive of those bringing the truth to light, characterizing them as being "insane", "obsessed", "homosexual", or "aiding the enemy".


It is on this point alone, that is, Eric's conduct regarding the "bounty", that he should be disqualified from any claims to leadership, or authority.

The longer he clings to this "bounty" business, the harder it will be for him to live it down.

He is a liar, and a fraud. I have the proof.

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