Where is this cult located?The cult is located online centered around Eric Allen Bell.
What is their website?Those would be things like Globalone, Ericallenbell.com, and his Facebook page
How many followers are there?There are 70,000+ followers on Facebook. over 100,000 at ericallenbell.com, and there were millions of visitors to Globalone
Where do they meet?They meet online at Eric's website
What is their doctrine?It is a New Age point of view that includes hatred of religion and endorsement of New Age spirituality.
What text do they follow?The New Age doesn't work like that. There is no central text. There is a constellation of related ideas that one can pick and choose from like a smorgasbord. See @4:40 of this video for a profile of Eric's affinity with the New Age. [
What evidence is there of an absolute leader, controlling every aspect of their lives?There is no evidence of this. There is evidence of him getting people to participate in fraud, incitement, and bigotry for the sake of Eric Allen Bell.
Where do I fit into all of this? I don't belong to any such organization, much less run such an organization.Eric Allen Bell brought us the phony bounty. Honestly, we do not know what Eric Allen Bell does. He is currently a secret, ghostly media advisor. We do not know what he does.
My name appearing as the title of a long thread, on a cult watchdog site is absurd.Whether EAB belongs here or not, I will let others decide. But, he did do the things I am telling you about. He did get people to have confusion between 1,000,000,000,000,000 and 10,000,000. If you ever get in a mental state where you can not tell the difference between these two numbers, then you should not be operating machinery. You have been dealt a stunning blow by a smooth person.