SumYou probably remember me too Fran. I visited you JCs once in Dallas in Spring/Summer 2002 and you all gave me the willies. But, your website has had a profound impact on my Christian life. As a whole, you just all seemed to be a pretty pissed off bunch to me. I saw no fruit of the spirit in my brief visit, just judgementalism and anger. I remember the Bible study I sat in on was called "No More Mister Nice Guy." And you were all skinny and dirty and smelled bad. Call me superficial, but is this the way to bring people to Jesus?
Also: I was going through a rough spot in my life at the time (emotionally speaking) and you probably remember me as a bit of a kook, too. :-) Remember when I just abruptly left? That probably had you wondering. No hard feelings, I hope? I think that you guys' message is pretty right on actually (not your approach to dealing with people, your message. More correctly, JESUS' message) but the problem is you're not speaking this Truth in love. You are speaking it from a judgemental and condemning spirit. I hope our paths cross again someday, brother.
Well, I do not know much about McKay in terms of his background and personality, but as evidenced by the tone of his ranting posts here, and my experience, albeit brief, in meeting the JCs in the past, it looks like the JCs are McKay-ites, just like the TFI bunch are Ole-ites, and the IHOP people are Bickle-ites, and on and on and on. In short, I see your point, Sir.
Hey Dave and all the rest of you JCs...what's up with all the "private teachings" on your site? True Christianity has no "private teachings", no secrets. It is proclaimed joyously and publicly from the rooftops. Christianity has no "private teachings". Are you disciles of Jesus and servants of the Most High God, or some Gnostic cult where I can't learn the "private teachings" until I am part of your group? Don't you realize how weird that seems?