Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: apostate ()
Date: July 23, 2008 03:28PM

He is your friend? You must be kidding or something.

I am HIS friend. I doubt he would claim to be my friend.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2008 03:31PM by apostate.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: July 23, 2008 03:58PM

Dear Apostate,

Good for you Malcolm that you are offering some support to PE and Zeus. Have fun with that.

Thank you! I will! (Irrespective of any personal acrimony, I will also offer any support to you that I may, in the event that that it ever becomes necessary...)

Maybe you can join in the "let's dance and piss on Dave's grave" scenario offered up by Zeus.

Owing to restrictions of space, I will unfortunately be unable to perform the tango thereon, but will nevertheless, I will endeavour a latin number of some description. The headstone may indeed be able to serve as a "piscine" if correctly engineered (I will make a note of it to the Funeral Director!)

I will state this again for Zeus, PE, and now you Malcolm. I do not hate Dave, or think he is the embodiment of absolute evil.

I will state this again. David McKay is capable of changing his behaviour. For the last fifty years (dating from the accounts of his mother) he has not. Consequently my prognosis remains a little grim. David is a small time loser compared with many of the others outlined on this site (e.g. Chris Butler)....and hence I'd more inclined to see him as a pale embodiment of weasel like evil.

So have at it do what you may with that.

....and likewise, much to the chagrin, no doubt, of all concerned, no-one gets to choose their companions in a life-boat.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: July 23, 2008 11:32PM

I only speak for myself here, when I say there appears to be a lot of misunderstanding about my views.

For example it appears that I have been misunderstood for criticising Xenophone, when I was in fact I was criticising the Jesus Christians. I was saying he brought up an interesting point, which they could have responded to simply, but instead they chose to cut and paste him. I even gave an example of how they could have responded, which would have been a lot nicer. I apologise if this wasn't as clear as I had intended.

I am not aware that I personally have criticised ex members for posting anonymously and I will state I have no problem with it, whatsoever.
I apologise if something I have written, gave that perception.

The other day I mentioned that I shared Zeuszor's frustration, that when all is said and done, more may appear to be said then done.
The usual expression is, when all is said and done, more is said than done. I was pointing out that appearances (or perceptions) may not match reality. However, I didn't write for example, that I share his frustration that ex members are cowards, etc

I thought the post actually was complimentary of ex members and was pointing out that the contributions of ex members, were hopefully, giving current members something to think about. I have concerns that members are able to contribute and I expressed that, but added they benefitted from taking a peak.

It maybe seen as doublespeak, but I think it is quite acceptable to say I agree with this aspect of what you said, or that site or that film, etc, but not with something else or some other part.

I can say hey, I think your an idiot, but hey I think your a great singer! Or your a lousy cook, but a great lover.

I believe that I can also say that I think certain people, let their arrogance get in the way of commonsense. Does that mean that I dislike them? No, it just means that I may dislike that certain aspects of their behaviour. Would it stop me believing their posts are clever, well written, etc. Or other things that they do. No it wouldn't.

Making out that I have suddenly going out of my way to attack all ex members because I am bored, etc is very disappointing and certainly untrue. Again, I only speak for myself here. Also assuming agendas is also unfair and unhelpful.

I stated that there are a lot of agendas involved in this. This again has been perceived negatively, I guess because when one uses the term these days, people automatically think, hidden agendas.

However, agendas are a fact. Parents may have an agenda to retain communication with their lost children. The Johnson's will have this as their agenda and another for them, will be dealing with the Court issue. The Quakers will have their own agenda. There are lots of reasons (agendas) why people may wish to be involved in this subject and we need to be mindful that we may not be involved for the same reasons.

At the risk of sounding paternal, I think a lot of issues could be solved if people simply send a PM asking for clarification is something isn't that clear.

With three forums operating and people responding to comments on them, it is bound to be a bit confusing. Personally, I don't harbour any grudges, don't hate anyone and would actually like to see more co-operation between all parties. I am hapy to take any personal criticism onboard and modify my behaviour if I believe it is warranted.

My relationship with Zeus has always been good. However, I do get upset with him from time to time and certaintly let him know it. His posts should be read as his own views as mine should be read as my own.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2008 11:39PM by private eyes.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: July 24, 2008 12:06AM

I usually appreciate Malcolm's humourous comments. Apart from obviously being funny, they do provide some light relief and respite when people get a bit angry and comments get tossed backwards and forwards.

An example is tonight, when he made light of the, "piss and dance on Dave's grave" comments.

However, jokes aside. Malcolm, never originally said that he wanted to do that, nor have any of the RR posters.

Zeuszor made the comments and I think from memory, without going back (however, many pages ago it was), Rick picked him up on it. I think Zeus may have actually withdrawn the comments?

I don't agree with the comments either, quite apart from the fact that I am a lousy dancer!

So, I don't think it is helpful to rope other posters in, to comments each individual poster may make on Rick Ross. Dave does this when he refers to everyone as the Rickettes to suggest we all agree with everyone else's comments.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: July 24, 2008 12:35AM

Malcolm Quote:

"Their have been some "mysterious" comments from Joe himself claiming that Brian has purposely invented the idea of the court case to "discredit" the JC's...What is your take here? "

There have be quite a few examples where we have been able to research issues to do with the Jesus Christians, that they would rather remain out of the public eye.

They are no strangers to trying to publicise their various causes, but dislike it when they are beaten to it.

I think the issue of Reinhard's detention by Immigration authorities was a case in point. Dave went out of his way to deny the event had occured and then later announced in their newsletter.

It is possible the wider JC community wasn't aware of Reinhard's recent action, particularly when they may all have concerns regarding some issues surrounding the person he is chosing to assist him. More on that later. Also, it makes a complete sham of the "mock trial".

Zeuszor, has provided the link and the listed actions are on the public record, including what I perceive as difficulties in serving one of the defendants and what appears to be an attempt to have the summons seem as being served, despite haven been received by the defendant. I am not entirely familiar with the US system, but this may mean advertising it in the newspaper.

Joe could simply look it up on the site or make contact with his parents. Zeuszor is fairly clever, but I doubt even he he can make things that he wants, magically appear on the LA Superior Court records.

The amount of the claim doesn't come up online. Maybe Zeuszor can correct me here? I assume Zeuszor made further inquiries with the Clerks?
I know he learnt a few PI tips whilst working with TFI and is very resourceful.

This is what I did, so I suggest Joe could do the same. I think the amounts maybe higher than Zeuszor indicated, as it appears to me, that both the Father and eldest son are being sued. I think Zeuszor has made a freedom of information application to obtain the paperwork, so I guess we will find out eventually. It would be a whole lot easier for Joe, as he could simply talk to his parents.

Hope this helps, Malcolm.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2008 12:42AM by private eyes.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: July 24, 2008 06:03AM

It was a mistake for me to have been honest and express frustrations with those that have learned their PR skills from DM.

Talk about your over-the-top responses. Antigone saying that we despise ex-members. Please. I know I have never said that and I can't recall anybody else saying that either.

In their (apostate's and antigone's) eyes, there seems to be this view that unless you agree with everything, then you're not part of their group.

I think it's because they come from a background that you all have to agree, where total unanimity is required.

Apostate has spoken out at length in public previously and deserves acknowledgment for that, even though now it seems that he thinks that he "outranks" everyone else.

If you cross apostate, question or contradict him, he's quick to "pull rank" on you and start telling you what you can and can't do, can and can't say. He's tried to control me from day one and I have never let him. That's why he does not like me.

That's why I say he does not seem like he is all that far removed from the JCs himself.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: July 24, 2008 07:05AM

Cherry writes:

"A few weeks ago, David underwent surgery for cancer. Because the chances of removing it all were very good, he wanted to keep it quiet until after the operation, so that he could give a more complete picture of the situation, and so people would not exaggerate what was happening.

The operation was a success, but after release from hospital, David experienced some complications, which made it difficult for him to write.

But this also seemed to be a good time for him to go into more serious "retirement", so that others in the community, including myself, can learn to take more initiative.

This community is not about David, or me, or any other personality except Jesus. Only God knows whether we are serving him, or serving an organisation or person. I have been impressed by how well the community has been functioning without David. I am sure that it is something that would make him very glad."


Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: July 24, 2008 09:24AM

Praise the Lord!

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: July 24, 2008 10:38AM

So, it was on the third of this month that I made public two important pieces of data: I announced my (three-million dollar) finding on the matter of Zooner vs. Johnson, and also (this one got eclipsed by the news of the lawsuit, but I think it's still pretty important) the matter of the inconsistencies in DM's account of when, where, an for how long exactly he was a part of the Children of God, and also the depth of his involvement in that group. He was a part of the COG for a lot longer than just a couple of months, and had to have known about the FFing. We can prove, and are in the process of proving, that virtually everything that he says publicly with respect to his personal history is a lie or distortion of the truth. And that's just to start with.



And then he quit writing on or shortly after the third of this month, and today, now that we have hit the Grand Slam (if I may say so) with the release of the summons and details of Z vs. J, DM's consort apparently announces his "retirement" from JC leadership a just little while after I post the documents. Part of me is very happy to hear this news, but part of me also thinks (like I think of everything else about DM) it's just "a little but shifty." So I am expected to believe that it's all a coincidence? Did he really "retire", or just decide to become more reclusive?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2008 10:41AM by zeuszor.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: July 24, 2008 11:59AM

He quit writing on or shortly after the third of this month, and today, now that we have hit the Grand Slam (if I may say so) with the release of the summons and details of Z vs. J, DM's consort apparently announces his "retirement" from JC leadership a just little while after I post the documents. Part of me is very happy to hear this news, but part of me also thinks (like I think of everything else about DM) it's just "a little bit shifty." So I am expected to believe that it's all a coincidence? Did he really "retire", or just decide to become more reclusive?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2008 12:01PM by zeuszor.

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