So, it was on the third of this month that I made public two important pieces of data: I announced my (three-million dollar) finding on the matter of Zooner vs. Johnson, and also (this one got eclipsed by the news of the lawsuit, but I think it's still pretty important) the matter of the inconsistencies in DM's account of when, where, an for how long exactly he was a part of the Children of God, and also the depth of his involvement in that group. He was a part of the COG for a lot longer than just a couple of months, and had to have known about the FFing. We can prove, and
are in the process of proving, that virtually everything that he says publicly with respect to his personal history is a lie or distortion of the truth. And that's just to start with.
And then he quit writing on or shortly after the third of this month, and today, now that we have hit the Grand Slam (if I may say so) with the release of the summons and details of Z vs. J, DM's consort apparently announces his "retirement" from JC leadership a just little while after I post the documents. Part of me is very happy to hear this news, but part of me also thinks (like I think of everything else about DM) it's just "a little but shifty." So I am expected to believe that it's all a coincidence? Did he really "retire", or just decide to become more reclusive?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2008 10:41AM by zeuszor.