My God. Has anybody else here seen this Boston report on Jayme's donation?
Click on "watch this video" to view. It will not let you download, either.
Look at about 1:37 into it. Jeremy doesn't look so good. He looks like he's stoned or something.
I can't disagree with what he says about the single life being the preferred life for one who wants to follow God. After all, that's what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7.
But what about the parts of the Bible pertaining to false teachers?
A human-interest puff piece from Boston. Instead of "The Kidney Cult" she calls the JCs "The Kidney Club."
Congratulations to Jayme and Laureta. I hope that both of you are well.
I still have not seen "Body and Soul." My connection to the Internet is not so good. Good enough to upload stuff to YouTube, but for some reason not good enough to view the Australian video. I read the transcript, but would like to see faces and hear vocal tones. I'll see it someday though.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2008 02:47AM by zeuszor.