There might be something in what you guys are saying. There is a link on the JC web site to an article featuring Ash and Alf. But there is no mention of the Jesus Christians, only Freeganism, a widely supported environmental movement.
It is interesting that when Alf says how he spends his time, there is no mention of standing for hours trying to make a target on handing out tracts for the Jesus Christians:
"The time Alf saves in not working and recycling wastage he pays forward by volunteering and sharing his time and skills with other people. In terms of Alf's skills, he does everything from gardening, collecting people's shopping, and litter picking."
No mention of kidney doneys either....
Maybe they are being gracious, and just slowly changing the emphasis of their ministry to move away from Dave's influence?
Funny that they should do this article without giving due credit to Dave? But then again, Dave probably has an explaination. Probably the reporter's oversight.