Right now on RR there is a link to a video download regarding kidney donations and the JCs. I must say, it seemed to me that the "reporter" was trying to spin this into something it wasn't. It was almost as if the "reporter" was intentionall trying to say that the JCs are a cult, when such is obviously not the case. Worse is that he was trying to take a good humanitarian gesture and twist into the proof of a cult. Hope and I have discussed the idea of kidney donations before. Neither of us is in a position right now though where we could do so.
Casey, I commend you on your donation. May God bless you and everyone else who has donated. I may someday join the ranks of a live organ donor. Until then, I am going to pray for those that do and also that more people will.[
Tofferer, Tofferer, Tofferer. You really are willfully ignorant, aren't you? Jon Ronson (the "reporter" whom you refer to) is an internationally respected documentary film maker and author. He is not some hack, and he is not without experience. Did you actually watch the whole documentary, or just the first few minutes of it?
Nobody ever said that they thought that live-donor kidney donation was a bad idea. I personally don't think it's a bad idea. It's not so much what the JCs
say that they believe in that is troublesome, it's what they
do as based on what they
say that they supposedly stand for. I am a Christian too and am all for obeying Jesus. Simply put, DM is a big fat hypocrite. He uses all of these altruistic causes that he attaches himself to for his own self-glorification and as attention-seeking behavior. "All glories to Dave and his movement!" he'd have us cry.
Besides, if you think that they are so great, why don't you join them? In the JC world, you are nothing but a hypocrite yourself anyway because you call yourself a Christian and yet have not "forsaken all." You are nothing but a "churchy" or a "systemite" to them. But they wouldn't call you that to your face or call you such on their forum, lest they lose your support. Here the JC double standard is revealed. This is the essence of their Orwellian doublethink. If you are a Christian and like them, they call you a supporter. If you are a Christian and criticize them, they contemptuously call you a "churchy."
If the JCs are not a cult, Tofferer, then please enlighten us: what DOES a cult look like in your eyes?
Because you do not seem to "get it" I will be as patient as I can, and repeat myself. This is a cut and paste from something that I wrote last August 5.
Following are my five main (generalized) points of objection to JC policy and procedure.
1) Witnessing to and agreeing to meet with minors who are "potentials" is wrong. Period. They have no business talking to any High Schooler who is not yet 18. David ought to respect the rights and boundaries of the parents of these kids.
2) They say they work for love and not money. OK, so what is with all of the constant money-generating schemes? What is with all of the organ and body-fluid donation? Why do they sell David's books on the street? To whom does all of the money go, and who controls it?
Basically, how come it seems like everybody in the JCs has to forsake all except for David and Cherry?
3) It seems to me that DM has put a legalistic over-emphasis on the red letters (Gal 2:16), and that the JCs constantly negatively judge other Christians and churches by that fallacious standard. Their collective attitude and MO seems heavy on judgment and is highly provocative, but I feel no grace from them. (Jam 2:13).
4) (related to 3) They all generally seem to have nothing but contempt for those who would question them. Where are the fruits of the Spirit in what the world can see of the JCs? (Gal 5:19-26)
5) When was the last time that Ash and Joseph called their mothers and told them that they love them? Why does DM prevent parents from having open access to their own children?
And a question on what was written by Malcolm, above:
but you know... thats' the great thing about dealing with Roland, isn't it!....No matter how carelessly castigating and contemptously insulting you may unthinkingly be with him.... in the end ........ it all turns out to be true anyway.....!You know these people better than I do, sir, and I am a wee bit perplexed. Is Roland as arrogant, vain, and narcissistic as DM, do they mutually feed of of one another's grandiose self-importance, or what exactly
is the nature of their association and relationship in your considered opinion? Mutual admiration society, master/slave relationship, or what? Please explain. Apostate, please throw in your two cents' as well.
The Dude Abides!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2008 12:58PM by zeuszor.