There is an interesting theological/philosophical issue illustrated by this discussion, and it has been brought to my attention by some fundamentalist writing on the Rick Ross forum. Some of the fundamentalists over there are making a big deal over the fact that we are each talking about how we picture good and evil, when supposedly what we should be doing is just quoting Bible verses.
If the Bible itself was God, then that would be fair enough. But for intelligent people, you START with your own understanding and experience of good and evil, which can LEAD you to taking a more fundamentalist approach to the Bible, or which can lead you to see that there is a great wealth of wisdom and truth in the Bible that is greater than what you could find anywhere else.People that know me know that I am hardly a "religious fundamentalist" in any sense of the term. Quite to the contrary. That's a laugh.
These are the "fundamentalist writings" that DM is referring to, in a posting I made a couple of weeks ago in response to the amazingly ironic "Does Evil Exist?" discussion over there:
Yes, apostate, it is apparent to me that DM does not actually care what the Bible says about any given topic. He obviously believes that his opinions are superior to the mandates of Scripture, even where the red letters (Jesus' words) are concerned.
DM has painted me now as a fundamentalist in an effort to ridicule and deflect any perspective that conflicts with his own. He never even identified me by name in this instance, he said "fundamentalists" were questioning him. It was just one person, David, only myself. I merely asked, in an effort to get to the heart of the issue of whether evil exists, what the Scriptures have to say about the question. Better yet, I asked, "what did JESUS say about the matter?" It seems obvious to ask this of a group of people that ask whether Jesus meant what He said, and claim to live by those "commands," does it not? What did Jesus say about it? Isn't it obvious to ask what the Scriptures say, Apostle? If you even had to ask the question of whether or not evil exists, then I question your sincerity as a believer. DM's approach to the Christian Scriptures is like an intellectual buffet line: take what you like if it suits you, and leave the rest. So DM can do no wrong and his opinions are all that matter, not the Bible. A self-serve (self-servING) Scripture buffet. Who cares if Jesus taught us to pray, "And lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from EVIL?" For one, I do. Jesus knew that evil exists and that settles it as far as I am concerned.
This was part of the response DM posted:
But for intelligent people, you START with your own understanding and experience of good and evil, which can LEAD you to taking a more fundamentalist approach to the Bible, or which can lead you to see that there is a great wealth of wisdom and truth in the Bible that is greater than what you could find anywhere else.
What on earth does that mean? It's a lot of double talk and word jugglery, but means nothing, really. Most of the time DM seems to do a lot of typing, but actually says little. He talks (types) a lot, but says nothing other than "David good, critics bad, David good, critics bad, David good, critics bad, David good, critics bad..." Basically DM is saying that anybody who questions him is not "intelligent." Arrogant and condescending is right. This statement represents more evidence of how DM paints anyone who questions his "Divine Authority" is either not so intelligent, mentally defective, or otherwise some kind of generally bad person.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2008 11:32PM by zeuszor.