... Dave had his day dream while sitting on the balcony and said it was so real he was reaching for the non existent rifle before he came to address everyone in a wide eyed state and relayed his profound epiphany that he said bordered on a vision while in a conscious state. Personally, I think it was manifestation of his narcissistic need for control, not just over activities outside his window, but over the community itself which had become enlivened to ideas that came from another source ...
This image reminds me of the graphic scene in Schindler's List when the Nazi concentration camp leader(?) played by Ralph Fiennes (Amon Goeth) picks up his high-calibre rifle and starts shooting the inmates. The 'official' synopsis from Moviefone (
Schindler's List):
However, in 1942, all of Krakow's Jews are assigned to the Plaszow Forced Labor Camp, overseen by Commandant Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes), an embittered alcoholic who occasionally shoots prisoners from his balcony.Some choice dialogue from this movie:
Reiter: I'm a graduate of Civil Engineering from the University of Milan.
Amon Goeth: Ah, an educated Jew... like Karl Marx himself. Unterscharfuehrer!
Hujar: Jawohl?
Amon Goeth: Shoot her.
Reiter: Herr Kommandant! I'm only trying to do my job!
Amon Goeth: Ja, I'm doing mine.
Oskar Schindler: Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't.
Amon Goeth: You think that's power?
Oskar Schindler: That's what the Emperor said. A man steals something, he's brought in before the Emperor, he throws himself down on the ground. He begs for his life, he knows he's going to die. And the Emperor... pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Amon Goeth: I think you are drunk.
Oskar Schindler: That's power, Amon. That is power.