Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 15, 2008 11:13PM


What proof do you specifically have "that DM is harboring and covering up for a pedophile"?

Please cite court records, arrest records, etc.

That is, objective evidence, which proves your claim.

Please be very specific and explain exactly upon what factual basis you have made this statement.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 15, 2008 11:20PM


What proof do you specifically have "that DM is harboring and covering up for a pedophile"?

Please cite court records, arrest records, etc.

That is, objective evidence, which proves your claim.

Please be very specific and explain exactly upon what factual basis you have made this statement.

Rick, I shall PM you privately with that information, but cannot reveal my sources here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2008 11:27PM by zeuszor.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 15, 2008 11:31PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2008 11:31PM by zeuszor.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 16, 2008 01:11AM

Making such claims publicly, on the basis of hearsay, and without objective evidence was bad judgement on my part.

I made it very clear that I could not totally substantiate my claim, and have no hard evidence for it, but was taking it from a very reliable source. I was given that information right after the JK show by XXXXXX, who was of course told by her XXXXXXXX, who does not want to come forward in the interest of protecting XXXXX's privacy, as this person was the child described in the "Mr. X" post. The story was also substantiated by PtolemyGlenn, who told me something similar after spending some time in the JCs and also gave me a lot of info after he left. I swore to my source that when and if I put that info out there publicly, I would not reveal who it came from, and intend on keeping my word.

I wrote what I wrote out of a sense of urgency about the situation and in the public interest, because innocent people must be protected.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2008 01:11AM by zeuszor.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: apostate ()
Date: January 16, 2008 04:22AM

"bad judgement", "hearsay", "without objective evidence", "no hard evidence", "could not totally substantiate " Glad I am not in your shoes Zeus. With all those X's you used, it is like a game of hangman. Is that your idea of confidentiality and keeping your word to your "source" that their identity will not be revealed? Glad I am not your source.

I think you would do well to question that "sense of urgency" a bit more as it seems to lead to you to make "bad judgements" quite often.

Zeus, are you secretly working FOR Dave? I mean that quite seriously. If you are not doing so deliberately, you certainly ARE by default. To me you represent Gandhi's "Himalayan blunder" in this debate. Your actions on this thread are comparable to extremist Islamic groups who say all kinds of wacko stuff, and by doing so have affected the lives of millions of moderate peace loving Moslems throughout the world due to the Islamophobia they have generated, which was their intention exactly. Your extremist statements are a major obstacle for others to overcome in dealing with Dave, as they have to focus their energy on damage control. If you have something go to the police, if not, please don't post such things.

Private eyes, good catching of Dave's doctoring of Jack's post. That sort of thing drives me nuts whenever I am communicating with him as it feels like you are living in a re-run of "one flew over the cuckoos nest" with all his lackeys simply going along with it due to mental laziness... which is interesting since Casey has shown he can add up big numbers.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: January 16, 2008 05:20AM

More of Dave's twisting of my intentions:

At the same time Jack Oskar Larm (not to be confused with the Jack Oskar Larm who is Jessica Larm/Danko's brother, he tells us) is briefing them all on how they can get away with slander in the book they are preparing.

It's true that I want to support and encourage ex-members to publish their testimonies. At the time I made the suggestion I hadn't figured the implications of potential defamation. I looked into it and found some interesting information, but by no means did I post my findings to help ex-members 'get away' with slander. I respect the laws of this country, but I also respect the rights of individuals to exercise free speech. I'm quite content, if the law prohibits, for the book not to be published.

With regard to his doctoring of my posts, I don't really care because, to me, I've always suspected that Dave plays a cheap and dirty game. Thanks to the posters who revealed Dave's less-than-honest ways.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: January 16, 2008 05:35AM

And then this from someone called Casey:

"Jack Oskar Larm" certainly does not sound like a common name. I did a random calculation in my head and arbitrarily concluded that the odds of there being 2 "Jack Oskar Larm's", both who have some reason to post about the JC's, is probably something like 5,299,488,374,859,938 to 1. You can probably google the name they give to a number that big, although I suspect it probably gets into cubes and/or squares at some point. I wouldn't be surprised to see a second "Jack Oskar Larm" ("Jack Oskar Larm 2", pehaps?) register on the RR forum declaring that HE is the real Jack as some kind of chess move to totally prove that they are in fact two different people. I wouldn't put it past them...

Oh my, they must be so bored over there. What is the point of all your fancy mathematics? What is the point of your ridiculous speculations about my identity? What is the point of speculating the possibility of two of me? Why not recalculate three or four? Such a waste of time. And it doesn't say much about the activities of the Jesus Christians...

I think time would be better spent if you just go out onto the street and try selling a few more tracts.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 16, 2008 09:03AM

"bad judgement", "hearsay", "without objective evidence", "no hard evidence", "could not totally substantiate " Glad I am not in your shoes Zeus. With all those X's you used, it is like a game of hangman. Is that your idea of confidentiality and keeping your word to your "source" that their identity will not be revealed? Glad I am not your source.

I think you would do well to question that "sense of urgency" a bit more as it seems to lead to you to make "bad judgements" quite often.

Zeus, are you secretly working FOR Dave? I mean that quite seriously. If you are not doing so deliberately, you certainly ARE by default. To me you represent Gandhi's "Himalayan blunder" in this debate. Your actions on this thread are comparable to extremist Islamic groups who say all kinds of wacko stuff, and by doing so have affected the lives of millions of moderate peace loving Moslems throughout the world due to the Islamophobia they have generated, which was their intention exactly. Your extremist statements are a major obstacle for others to overcome in dealing with Dave, as they have to focus their energy on damage control. If you have something go to the police, if not, please don't post such things.

Private eyes, good catching of Dave's doctoring of Jack's post. That sort of thing drives me nuts whenever I am communicating with him as it feels like you are living in a re-run of "one flew over the cuckoos nest" with all his lackeys simply going along with it due to mental laziness... which is interesting since Casey has shown he can add up big numbers.

Heavens no, I am not working for David.

My intuition tells me that before it is all said and done, somebody is going to die because of DM's malignant influence.

If DM told a die-hard JC member to go into some public place with a bomb strapped to their chest, they'd probably do it. If the JCs ruled the world, it'd be like living under the Christian Taliban. And somehow I am the wacko one for standing up and saying so? You are comparing me to a crazy Islamic militant? Better to err on the side of over-asserting my point, I say. The people need to be stopped. It cannot be overstated. Simple as that.

That's it, I am retitiring from this board. No more posts for me. I have had enough. I have said what I needed to say and any more would be counter-productive, it is true. It's not in my hands. I need to rest and recuperate and forget about these people for a while. The palpable evil that the JCs represent, the real threat to the public welfare, and the fear and loathing that I feel when thinking of the JCs has overtaken my better judgment, and has brought out the worst in me. If it's something I fault myself for, it's having an abundance of conscience and panicking as a result of my panic. This panic was a mistake. I am banning myself from these boards.

I repeat: the end of the saga, the last chapter of the book, so to speak, will be somebody that somebody winds up dead because of DM's influence, not because I am a homicidal loony. Heaven's Gate type stuff. Though when that happens, DM will probably blame the tragedy on the people who "persecute" the JCs so. DM is using the kids like human shields, and knows that he has got them held like psychological hostages. I am not going to hurt anyone, and do not want anybody to get hurt, physically or otherwise. It all makes me so sad, so depressed, and so angry.

Goodbye everyone. Wish me well. Respectfully submitted,


Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
Eph 5:12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
Eph 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2008 09:32AM by zeuszor.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 16, 2008 09:35AM

Actually, I misspoke. I do not hate, nor am I afraid of the JCs. I think of those kids as victims. DM is the one that I believe to be the real evil. Goodbye.

Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 16, 2008 01:13PM

I am posting this as a kind of special request and then will sign off, at least for a a while. Who knows? I'll be back someday most likely, but need to stop for now for my sanity's sake.

This woman was born in Germany during WW2, and her father was a major Nazi. She is my friend, a second mother to me, and she once told me that DM is the most evil man that she has ever encountered. Coming from her, that's saying a lot.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2008 01:35PM by zeuszor.

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