Haivng not been a JC, I can't talk about the experiences of that group, so wanted to talk about my own experience,leaving my childhood group, and hope it might be relevant.
Those people who finally helped me see reality were kind and gentle.They let me talk about the good stuff in the group,and acknowledged that some stuff was good, and then helped me to look at everything else, at power, and at control. At who sacrificed, and who did not. At what the official rules were, and what the "real" rules were. At what we were allowed to disagree with , and what we weren't.
What you say is highly relevant to the JC's. Thank you so much. You are spot on about the sort of approaches that are likely to encourage people to exit. That is the problem I have with being over-combative when it comes to the JC's. We know that people hunker down together in the face of direct opposition. Look at unlikely alliances throughout history that formed because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" such as between the vehement anticommunist Churchill and Stalin. I know of no-one who ever left the JC's during a time of external persecution.