Heaven's Gate was a group that believed that Marshall Applewhite ("Do") was an alien who had been inhabiting the body of the person that we call Jesus, and who had reincarnated on Earth 2000 years later in an effort to locate and evacuate with the other aliens/angels before the Earth was destroyed.
The woman in this clip was named Yvonne. She was a member of Heaven's Gate for
less than six months when she was convinced to "exit her vehicle" (kill herself, commit suicide) so that she could board the spacecraft that had come to pick up "the class" and take them to The Kingdom of God. The group cultivated/recruited her via the Internet.
Less than six months! That is the potency that this "snapping" phenomenon can have.
That is how powerfully persuasive that these cult mind-control dynamics can be in the right circumstances! THAT is what makes McKay dangerous. A small group, for the most part cut off from mainstream society, nomadic, semi-communal living, a psychotic leader teaching potentially volatile doctrine, equals recipe for disaster. How many people had heard of Heaven's Gate before they all would up dead? We cannot trivialize or marginalize the JCs or DM because of their lack of numbers and high defection rate over the years.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2007 03:59AM by zeuszor.