It seems that the conflict between the Religious Society of Friends and the Jesus Christians is coming to a head:
It seems clear to me that membership of the Jesus Christians is fundamentally incompatible with membership of the Quakers. The bizarre, dogmatic beliefs and practices of Jesus Christians seem the antithesis of the Quaker Way. Similarly, the sneering hatred regularly expressed by certain Jesus Christians on their forum seems the antithesis of the positive, loving attitude to people that the Quakers promote.
I can well understand why an organization widely perceived as a cult would want to cloak itself in the mantle of Quaker respectability, to try and achieve a legitimacy, respectability and credibility that seems quite undeserved. David McKay goes on at great length about the supposed injustice of it all, but surely it's up to the Quakers to decide whether or not the beliefs and actions of some of its members are fundamentally incompatible with the true principles of Quakerism? If that's their conclusion, they're entirely justified in expelling all Jesus Christians and making it abundantly clear that there are no connections whatsoever between the two organizations.