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Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: spiritedangel ()
Date: April 05, 2012 01:50AM

I am continuing to heal from the mental torture inflicted on me by a man in Charleston, SC who had advertised his "services" on the internet. About a year ago I sought the help of a hypnotherapist to assist me in getting past some childhood abuse. In our first session this "God Nazi" told me he had something that worked faster and better than hypnotherapy. I trusted him as he had advertised on his web site that he had a PhD in counseling and had memberships in a number of reputable associations as well as training in A Course In Miracles/ACIM (at the time I was under the impression this was a spiritual movement that taught love and forgiveness). All our sessions were to be audio taped and after each session I was told I had to give him a full body hug so he could show his "love" for me. He also quoted (some "blah-blah" about love) from a man, Dr. Michael Ryce, who he stated was a good friend of his. He stated he was a teacher to Dr. Brian Weiss, the infamous regression hypnotherapist and author and he also told me he was regressed by Dr. Weiss and later went to Ireland and "found the gravesite" of one of his previous incarnations. He was a "friend of Robet Perry" who authors interpretations of ACIM, and described Mr. Perry as "a little ego." Over the course of about a year of 2X a month sessions each lasting about 2 hours at $150.00 per session, he went from a kind and caring person to a complete nut job who verbally and emotionally abused me. He told me his intent was to "brainwash" me like the Koreans did to soldiers during the war in an attempt to "remove everything you are NOT," to "lift the veil," to subdue my will and move me to God's will. His stories continued to be more and more outrageous until I finally recognized exactly what I was dealing with; a seeming narcissistic sociopath who I suspect is just scaring the crap out of people and taking their money in the process. I emailed all the agencies he stated he had memberships with. Only one, IACT knew who he was and stated he was not longer a member. They refused to give any other information as to why. Knowing that ACIM teaches love over fear, it was no longer an option for me to continue wasting my time and money to be abused by some loser. After contacting IACT and giving them his web site address, they must have asked him to remove the info from his website. Shortly after, he called me late one evening to threaten me; "You better cut this shit out. You have incriminated yourself on our taped sessions. I'm reporting you to the police for threatening to kill me." Knowing this was completely false, I played along with his game, apologizing and offering him his requested "forgiveness." The next day I contacted my local sheriff's office. Initially I was told to destroy everything associated with him because of the difficulty of completing a case involving a narcissist, but the next day an investigator called me back and told me to file charges against him for blackmail. I emailed Mr. God Nazi telling him of my disgust and intent to take him to his knees. He contacted a law office in FL and threatened to sue me for defamation of character. I had no witness to the phone call so was forced to withdraw charges. I have investigated everything about ACIM and found info that links him to a cult organization claiming to teach ACIM. They are located in the midwest. I am not using names or specifics here as this place has a history of retribution for telling the truth about them. I recently found and read a book by a man in Australia who was a member of this cult. Through reading it, I see their M.O. The name of the book is "Awake Among The Sleeping." It is written as fiction but is based on his experience with these wackos. They are still churning out wackos who use the internet to "sell themselves." Check out YouTube to witness this insanity at its best. I suspect at least 2 authors of books about "angels' and "spirit contact" to be graduates of this place. Another statement this God Nazi used frequently was, "Once I admitted I was a liar, I was no longer a liar." This freak continues to advertise on the internet but no longer states he has any memberships in specific organizations, nor does he now have a PhD in counseling. Instead, he has replaced those pages with directions on how to locate his office. Be very careful of anyone on the internet claiming to be "one of God's teachers" or who claim to have "temporary special privilege from God" to do whatever it takes for the "salvation of the universe." This is NOT someone who has the "Holy Spirit" speaking through them. Most likely it is the most evil thing imaginable. I know I need to forgive him to save my own sanity, but that does not mean I will forget this experience and I will do everthing within my power to prevent it from happening to anyone else. If there is anything I can do for anyone else who has experinced this, please feel free to contact me.

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Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: Mjpine ()
Date: December 13, 2018 12:11AM

Oh my, I know this is the same person that I spent 8 1/2 years (and a lot of money) with. He told me so many of the same things. My son and daughter in law still go to him and they no longer will have anything to do with me because I quit seeing him. They actually kicked me out of the business that we owned together and HE gave them the money to buy me out so he now owns part of MY business. They have shut out all relatives and friends because they say that they want "deeper relationships" and if you don't go to him they can't have them with you. My husband and I actually moved away because we were so uncomfortable being in the same town as them. My son sent me an email telling me that he wanted me permanently out of his life. He also told his friends to shun me. This guy is dangerous! This happened a little less than a year ago and I'm still trying to piece my life back together. I would love to get in contact with this person if at all possible even though it's been 6 years for them.

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Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: JackieB. ()
Date: December 20, 2018 02:06AM

So sorry. My prayers are with you.

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Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: Joseph703 ()
Date: July 12, 2020 06:44AM

I think my brother and his wife are being brainwashed by the same guy in Charleston.

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Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: July 15, 2020 02:41AM

Joseph703 Wrote:
> I think my brother and his wife are being
> brainwashed by the same guy in Charleston.

I'm sorry to hear that! This sounds like a dangerous man who has probably victimized many people and will continue to do so. Would you be willing to share his name? That might prevent some people falling victim to him, if they do a search for his name and this thread comes up.

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Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: chopper22 ()
Date: July 28, 2020 10:32PM

I am shocked to see this guy still appears to be in business. His name is Keith Sudano. His business is called A New Course in Charleston, S.C.

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Keith Sudano
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: July 29, 2020 04:45PM

Thanks for sharing his name, chopper22! I'll repeat some details below for the sake of findability:

Keith Sudano
A New Course LLC
Charleston, SC

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Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: light34 ()
Date: August 20, 2020 07:29PM

Sounds so bad, i do not know this person at all , but hope those who had experiences start to speak up .. I know this life coaching style my boyfriend is being trained and there are so many things off .. I hope you find peace and any proper therapy to help you.

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Re: Keith Sudano
Posted by: Birdgirl ()
Date: October 22, 2020 11:57PM

Thank you for having the courage to out him. I was too afraid of a lawsuit or having him kill me. He is the embodiment of evil, Satan's spawn. I previously went as spirtedangel on here but my account lapsed. If anyone knows the women who responded to my post in 2018, please let her know I've sent her a personal message. Thank you for helping me stand up against this man. He also does a Podcast and has produced an album entitled, The Biography Of Me, because it's all about ME,ME,ME,ME...HE'S A TOTAL NARCISSIST AND I SUSPECT HIS WIFE IS MENTALLY CHALLENGED OR TOO AFRAID TO LEAVE HIM.

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Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
Posted by: Birdgirl ()
Date: October 25, 2020 03:58AM

previously went by "spiritedangel." Keep me updated if you know anything more about this charlatan.He's also tried to contact me on a Facebook page about Edgar Cayce. Continued to blast me with his misogynistic, sociopathic language. Guess he's not getting anything from wifey....

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