Yoga School Buenos Aires Protected by Powerful
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 07, 2022 07:36PM

(Ignore advertisements and scroll down to find news story)

The sect of horror: Pablo Salum tells how he entered, what he suffered and how he escaped from the Yoga School that still has his family

Ronald Payne
August 15, 2022


(Quote)After a procedure with many controversial alternatives –including a letter that, in May 1999, a group of 28 North American congressmen sent to the then president, Carlos Menem, to denounce alleged human rights violations and judicial harassment against Percowicz and other members of the EYBA, and a letter sent in 2002 to the government of former President Eduardo Duhalde by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and other well-known figures from the arc of Argentine human rights organizations–, the cause began to languish, despite that the file contained strong statements, such as, precisely, that of Pablo Salum.

"On his twitter @leyantisectas (that name also has its website and its Facebook and Instagram user), Salum – who dedicates his life to asking the State to advance in the fight against these organizations and works to unmask them from the organization freely said in 2018 that Judge Berges “I had never imagined meeting such powerful people linked to a pedophile sect: ministers of the national government, judges, trade unionists, all exposed”and that “Then the pressures began to circulate.”

"He added: “The #Sect moved your contacts in #USA, where he had powerful contacts, and managed to get the US Congress to send several members of Congress to pressure them to close the case; even its president, Bill Clinton, sent a memo to Menem”.

"After an episode in which a group of relatives of victims rebuked and attacked Percowicz and his wife in a restaurant in Belgrano, several human rights organizations mobilized to support him and ask for him.

“Immediately, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Pérez Esquivel, desperately calls the commissioner and shows up at the police station demanding that they release the pedophile “master”, the same one who ordered us to be abused,” added Salum in his Twitter thread. .

In dialogue with THE NATION, Salum emphasized that his fight is “non-partisan; no political colour. “It is not intentional. I am a victim who was robbed of his family, his life in a coercive organization. And that organization continued operating with impunity with the complicity of the powerful; because they finance campaigns, because they lend meeting places, because they make their supporters vote” (Unquote)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2022 07:43PM by corboy.

Re: Yoga School Juan Percowicz
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 11, 2022 02:34AM

Western Capitalistic Yoga & How To Challenge It


Re: Decolonizing Yoga Retreats
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: April 19, 2023 11:15PM

"It’s not like the yoga world has accelerated the carbon crisis, but it is poignant to consider that in the crucial decades in which something could have been done, an entire generation of liberals was encouraged to spend money on self care in environments designed to give the impression that everything was fine and the only real problem was mental hygiene" -- Matthew Remski

Listening to Survivors is a Survival Test (Or: Neoliberalism and Yoga Rise and Implode Together)

Matthew Remski 2019



t was Brian Culkin who first got me thinking in socio-economic terms about modern yoga. He talks about yoga as the de facto religion of neoliberalism: preaching individualistic empowerment through flexibility, adaptability, leaning-in to challenges, self-reliance, lowering expectations for structural support and change, and creating facsimiles of community where real communities used to be. Later, my thinking was bumped along by an amazing essay by Lavrence and Lozanski on how Lululemon, especially in earlier days, wove these themes into its athleisure fabrics and stitched it all up with random orientalist clichés.

Along this trajectory it became clear that yoga infrastructure was inseparable from urban gentrification.


The globalization/commercialization/complexification of modern yoga (and Buddhism, etc.) is not some sign of moral decay so much as a feature of globalization itself, which outsources both slavery and trash to the most marginalized while making those at the centre feel as though they are living a reasonable and ethical life. As you sit in retreat and meditate on When Things Fall Apart, you can enjoy some real psychological benefit. But you can also be really effectively closing your eyes to where and how things are *actually* falling apart. This reaches peak irony if you do it in Costa Rica.

While the world is catching fire, Gen Ys and millennials are asked to increase their levels of self-inquiry and self-work in an increasingly precariat landscape. Their efforts to pay off student loans with gigs and side hustles mute all kinds of news from the Global South, where their clothes are made, and Greenland, where the glaciers are calving. They use credit cards to pay for time on the hamster wheel of self-inquiry and self-improvement while their consumption of self-inquiry / self-improvement products is expanding their carbon debt.

Why I Stopped Teaching Yogi Bhajan Kundalini Yoga
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 15, 2023 02:56AM

Why I Stopped Teaching Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

Theresa Lyn Widmann December 2, 2020



I personally don’t feel that KYatbYB is a complete science as it’s sold to be. It most certainly made me feel better, but it didn’t always get to the root of what was causing me to suffer or struggle. It can help you move energy and release emotions and give you an adrenaline rush, but it won’t be truly effective if it’s used like a drug to mask what’s really going on deep within.

Bob often mocked therapy as a way of simply reliving the trauma versus getting rid of it which he promised KYatbYB would do. It seems pretty clear to me that many dedicated KYatbYB practitioners are unfortunately still stuck in their trauma so I just don’t buy it.

If you practice it, don’t let it become a distraction or a temporary fix that needs to be returned to over and over in order to feel good. That to me is not good medicine. Do the deeper work, however you feel called.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2023 02:58AM by corboy.

The Rat Infested House -A Yoga Retreat Ayahuasca Joe Dispenza
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 18, 2024 11:10PM

I Smell a Rat


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