Re: Universal medicine
Date: August 30, 2012 05:12AM

Actually correct me here if I'm wrong any UMer out there.

All the people with cancer have first been diagnosed and subsequently treated by the TRAINED teams of medical professionals? I don't in all honesty believe you can owe your being 'alive' now to Serge, because from what I gather there are a lot of poor people who have lost their lives due to his misdiagnosis, or would have if they had listened to him and other UM staff. What about the poor woman who worked for him as a counsellor, six feet under if my memory serves me correctly? Where was the 'Healers healer' then or do you have to be 'chosen' by the healer to live?

Working with ANY major illness requires a change in lifestyle, GOOD eating habits, exercise, GOOD music, fun, family, friends, dancing and persuing creative activities that brings you joy. Laughter IS the best medicine, not fear from the words of a madman!

I don't see too many happy faces on the UMers.

Treefern, she is re-incarnated as Serge's granddaughter, didn't you know?!- given a special dispensation not to spend the traditional 9 years between lives by Serge, and the rare privilege of an incarnation in the glorious Benhayon family.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: August 30, 2012 07:29AM

The following essay outlines the occult initiation system devised by Serge Benhayon which informs and drives all the 'loving changes' that UniMed students claim to be making in their lives by their own choice. Note that in all the blogs hastily set up by the non-cult members to defend Serge the non-cult leader, there is not a single reference to this occult belief system, instead the casual reader is left with the impression that there is nothing to UM beside common sense choices about taking better care of yourself.

It is not referred to on the official UM site and newcomers will hear no mention of it in the entry level healing workshops. In the interest of informing the potential fledgling UM student and the public at large I have reproduced it in full here. All credit goes to the author.


The Real World of Universal Medicine- 'the cult'
The Deceptions of Universal Medicine and it's followers as to the Cultist Nature of the Group.

Universal Medicine has been applying a titanic effort to normalise their appearance in the face of public scrutiny.

Many followers have emerged defending Serge and Universal Medicine by declaring in long dissertations, worded often as if from a template, how Universal Medicine is simply about making more loving choices.
Within each of these statements is the implied notion that  critics of the group as incapable of making correct choices or taking responsibility for themselves, or in some cases as abusive or lack the capacity for love.
Moreover, each of these defenders accuse the media or the critics of being deceptive and attempt in some way to discredit them.

What is interesting is that not a single follower has put their hand up to the real nature of Universal Medicine and the 'occult doctrine' which is clearly illustrated in his 'books'- These books, which they will all possess, speak sparsely about loving choices and a great deal about Serge's supernatural vision of the Universe. Serge uses heath issues ( primarily cancer rates and diabetes) as a 'false dilemma' and motivator of fear.
It is therefore apparent that the real and wholesale deception is on the side of Universal Medicine and Serge. 
La Grande Vision

Serge has borrowed many of his ideas from other sources. However, he has created a simple game of progression and digression in order to keep his followers in a state of tension. Moreover, within this game he has created rules such as controlling emotion and denying thoughts. A primary condition of the game is that the player ( student) must see the world as "bad" or " good" or "Pranic/Astral" or "Fiery/Soulful"

Serge is the Grande Master. He has already advanced sufficiently to be the sole arbitrator of the each other members place in the game. He is also the 'protector and defender" of the truth of the game and gives each member a game-card urging them to ignore the deceptive pull of people further down the game ladder or, as is the case with most people, outside of the game all together,as this pull and resistance increases inversely as you progress .

Following is from a document prepared by Natalie Benhayon and copywrited 2009 by Serge Benhayon.
The Rules of the 'Initiation Game'

The path of Initiation in the New Era is about LOVE and how much you actually have in your body, as well as your level of light. In the future the only true teachers will be  those who have fiery-love in their bodies.

It is is of great importance to know that just as the Hierarchy have an initiation scale so too does the Astral plan.... The Astral plan uses the measurement of how pranic power one can call in and then wield... the pranic initiation scale is 1-9, the lowest being 9. [It is therefore possible to digress in the initiates game if you allow yourself to make pranic choices or indulge pranic people]

In the New Era initiations are not fixed, it is possible to change positions very 3 months....according to the way we are living. We will go up or down according to our choices....this is the first time it is easier to initiate and easier to lose it.

There are markets of determine the level of initiation- love and light. It is your own relationship with God...the light of God in the body and felt in the lympathic system...or Love [in service] felt in the vascular system.

If they are means that they have made choices throughout their life ( and other lives) not to sell-out from their innermost, to make the constant choice to honour themselves and their relationship with God, to always to to love and do so in service for all.

If you are ever jealous of anothers level you are denying ...the choices you have made to be where you are at now. The camparios and reaction will immediately bury your undealth with issues that keep you bnack in the first place.

You cant personally 'do soemthing' to increase your level....if you try you actually decrease...just be love.

Observer how higher initiates you initiate, others do also....and you will inspire others with the same love.

Levels of the Game

1st Degree Initiate- This is about dealing with 'exoteric' [ day to day temporal ]choices...the initiate begins to consider that their way of of living is harming them.... and they self-initiate if they consider the possibility of stopping indulgences altogether and and..take a further step into ...initiation

[ This is the level that most of the Universal Medicine bloggers and Serge refers to and how the have santised the groups website]

2nd Degree Initiation- This is a very long initiation, as one has to deal with ones Karma and with all of ones undealt with emotions. Second degree initiates have to deal with....the energetic causes of [emotions] It is not until one deals with one's emotions that one can truly care about others. There is a lot of discarding in this phase.

[ this is the Level that most 'committed students are at, according to Serge. Here they are purging their emotions and feelings of sadness. It involves discarding Pranic relationships and pulls. They are warned that these energies will increase in order to pull them back to being less esoteric and more Pranic, bearing in mind the Pranic scale goes in reverse and it is possible to reach the lowest levels]

3rd Degree Initiation- they are mostly clear of the 1st and 2nd degree initiate woes ( emotions, karma) The comfort is a measure of doing the very least tht is required in service in order to 'just get by'....however on the new scale this is now longer not possible, they will drop their level of initiation if in truth they do not serve... At this point, they have dealt with all of their own emotions so they do not carry anger, sadness,e tc as the 1st and 2nd degree are still processing....[yet] they need to eventually swallowing a BIG humble pill and realize they are better than they used to be (clearer energetically) but they are 'not there yet' i.e. not a a full Ascended Master....It is usually only in the presence of a 4th degree or higher initiate that a 3rd is highlighted as doing very little in the real scheme of things.

4th Degree Initiation- They create heaven (Shamballa) on earth...[and]own graceful karma and Akasha and reincarnate to all that they have created from previous lives of the true fiery service, and thus all constellates back towards them... in the new era it is can be a 4.1, 4.2 etc degree initiate.

5th Degree Initiation. They bring Shamballa to earth...they can be in a physical body and be walking with the Masters at the same time. They leave 10 to 20 X 4th degree initiates when they pass-over and before they choose to Ascend and take their next serving position. 

[Serge is 5th Degree- clearly in this game around 10 to 20 of his follower are hoping to make it to being 4th Degree initiates before he decides to Ascend to look for something else to do]

6th Degree Initiation- Once one reaches this level of awareness.....does not come back to a physical body. 6th Degree initiated leave behind 10 X5th degree initiates and 50X 4th degree initiates.

The Playing Field

According to Serge, we have just entered the New Era which is the end and start of a 2600 year cycle. Because we are in the new era, the rules are altered and so are some of the conditions.

The soul's plane will be descending on the 26th June to the level of peoples knees....and will bring...fiery energy to the lower part of the body more than ever before on earth. The next drop on the 30th of November goes to the Earths surface thus making our entire way of  being accountable.

That means:  The decisions we have made will effect or initiation level depending on.
What we've committed to
What you have walked on, for or with in..
What you invested in to be a part of the world ( making pranic religion work/pranic movements/ideals/beliefs/etc etc)
How you have been with money ( eg: the pranic Charity and "Good" that have invested in, or making the Plan work on Earth)
What you have chosen to evolve ( eg: has it been love, or has it been for the self for purpose of eduction, bettering your life, etc)
Note: For the first time on earth, humanity is going to be accountable for the energy of the pranic version of 'GOOD" that they have invested in or put forth. People have used "GOOD" to hide selfishness, greed and to act for self-gain. and this there will be an enormous exposure for the many, many people. As a result, and aside from the many personal upheavals [you will experience] the charities that espouse/sell/market their called 'good' will be exposed and fall apart, as people will start to disclose what is going on behind the scenes (embezzlement/lifestyles and so on)

[ie- Giving money is pranic, if the organisation is 'outward/exoteric focused'- Universal Medicine also is a charity and is soliciting donations from living members and estates]

Investments- the way forward.
1. YOU- the 'true you'- into LOVE
2- those who you have regular interactivity ( not just blood family-friends, esoteric students, etc)
3. Humanity
4. The physical plan- temporal/physical investments- this includes houses, music, books/CDS's...anything that we create and support as a physical object...does it serve others to fond Soul or will it help keep the pranic spirits version of being....

this is not a time to be flippant/careless/slack/naive, or dismissive about your energy..and choices.

As usual Serges/the Hierarchy prediction swill come true.

The 5th Degree Initiated Ascended Master will teach Mankind the esoteric sciences and truths, but will also  prepare them with the remedy to counter the force that is already know and felt to be coming as retaliation that the Lords of Form will try to use to debase the students from what was just presented to them.


The Serge effect.
In Summary, Serge's vision can be likened to a Pyramid selling scheme. He is the Platinum Sales person and others are scrambling to replace him when he leaves the business. However, he gets to change the rules and even introduce increments in order to ensure no one reaches his level too fast.

He has introduced relativistic changes to key words such as good and choice and changed the goal posts by replacing key word meanings with new, loaded, meaning.  For example, Pranic, Soulful, Spiritual, and most importantly LOVE, which has become an empty word meaning more or less, "how you 'feel' relative to your conception of 'God" and your place in the "game"

This is the game that all the Universal Medicine Students are following. Not one of them has spoken or written off  it. It is implicit at each EDG, lecture, retreat and in all of Serge's written works and recordings.
Their current tactic of reducing Universal Medicine to simply an alternative healing outfit is limp in the face of the true nature of the business.

The business of obfuscating these facts is a grand deception the members all play together and personally, which is a marker of cult behavior. Their rationale, little doubt, is that is it is more complex than presented, and it will have a 'personal' meaning to them which gives it 'context'- nonetheless, it is the archetypal template of a cult movement.

Moreover, to anyone outside of the game its nature and absurdity is more than apparent. It is a relative game of moving rules, fantastic notions, non existent choices and levels ruled over by one man who has invented the game out of his own grandiose sense of himself.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 30, 2012 08:30PM

From the quoted material above:


The soul's plane will be descending on the 26th June to the level of peoples knees....and will bring...fiery energy to the lower part of the body more than ever before on earth. The next drop on the 30th of November goes to the Earths surface thus making our entire way of being accountable.

That means: The decisions we have made will effect or initiation level depending on.
What we've committed to
What you have walked on, for or with in..
What you invested in to be a part of the world ( making pranic religion work/pranic movements/ideals/beliefs/etc etc)
How you have been with money ( eg: the pranic Charity and "Good" that have invested in, or making the Plan work on Earth)

What you have chosen to evolve ( eg: has it been love, or has it been for the self for purpose of eduction, bettering your life, etc)
Note: For the first time on earth, humanity is going to be accountable for the energy of the pranic version of 'GOOD" that they have invested in or put forth. People have used "GOOD" to hide selfishness, greed and to act for self-gain. and this there will be an enormous exposure for the many, many people. As a result, and aside from the many personal upheavals [you will experience] the charities that espouse/sell/market their called 'good' will be exposed and fall apart, as people will start to disclose what is going on behind the scenes (embezzlement/lifestyles and so on)

[ie- Giving money is pranic, if the organisation is 'outward/exoteric focused'- Universal Medicine also is a charity and is soliciting donations from living members and estates]

A US Citizen's Speculative Hunch

Hmm...November 30th.

Let me offer some guesses

That is just before the winter holidays.

And one month before the end of the tax year 2012.

That last month is when many of us, regardless of our belief systems, ponder the impending end of the tax year and whether to do expenses that qualify as medical and charitable tax deductibles.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: August 31, 2012 09:25AM

The following piece was posted on a blog discussing another manipulative cult group. It perfectly describes the process of self-indoctrination that occurs when someone takes on the belief system of a cult. It's especially applicable to the followers of Universal Medicine, who don't think they're in a cult because 'nobody forces them to do anything'. Rather, they're presented with a dilemma (in this case, they are asked by Serge to admit that their lives are not working), then presented with a series of choices (good and evil, pranic and fiery), which they are then left to decide between if they are to advance in the new belief system (the initiation ladder devised by Serge). I have provided the link to the original blog in order to credit the source:


Addicted to inspiration?

The nature of cult mind control
'Mind Control' (aka 'Brainwashing' or 'Thought Reform') is a shorthand term for a complex process of mental and psychological manipulation, which occurs within a cult. It is a means of exercising undue influence over a person.
The most effective mind-control is the kind that isn't recognised by the victim as any kind of manipulation. You don't feel it, you think you are in control.
Briefly, this is how it works. A cult promotes its cultish belief system, and then believers control their own minds, as they train their minds and reform their personalities, in accordance with the tenets of their cultish new belief system.
Understanding the disorientating, drug-like nature of a cult belief system and worldview is the key to understanding cult mind control.
Cults promote a belief system which is utopian and idealistic, and also dualistic and bi-polar in nature. Dualistic, in the sense that they tend to see the world in terms of two opposite poles, such as pure good and evil, the saved and the fallen, the enlightened and the ignorant, etc.
Cult belief systems are also bi-polar in psychological terms, rather like Bi-polar disorder or manic-depression. Cults promote a vision of an ideal 'new life' or 'new self' ('the true individual' in FWBO terms), which members believe they can attain by following the cult teachings. E.g.:
'The central teaching of the Buddha is that we can change our lives. Buddhism offers clear and practical guidelines as to how men and women can realise their full potential for understanding and kindness. Meditation is a direct way of working on ourselves, to bring about positive change in our lives. We teach two simple and complementary meditations. One helps us develop a calm, clear, focused mind; the other transforms our emotional life, enabling us to enjoy greater self-confidence and positivity towards others.'
Cult belief systems are bi-polar because they encourage the aspirant to identify with this imagined ideal new self, and then, from the perspective of this new self, to see their old self as comparatively inferior and flawed. E.g:
'Bodhi [Enlightenment] is a state of insight, of wisdom, of awareness - to begin with, insight into one's own self. It consists in taking a very deep, clear, profound look into oneself, and seeing how, on all the different levels of one's being, one is conditioned, governed by the reactive mind, reacting mechanically, automatically, on account of past psychological conditionings of which only too often one is largely unconscious. It is seeing, moreover, the extent to which one is dominated, even against one's will, - often without ones knowledge, by the negative emotions.'
An inner tension or conflict is set up, between the 'positive' new self (the 'Stepford' personality), and the 'negative' old self. In effect, a split personality is created, with pride and hubris for the idealised new self, and shame and guilt for the unreformed old self.
All cults seem to be motivated by this bipolar mixture of hubris and guilt. Exactly what is considered 'positive' or 'negative', virtuous or sinful, may vary considerably, depending on the tenets of the particular belief system in question, but cult belief systems generally seem to have this same underlying hubris/guilt dynamic.
Cult members are entranced by the cult's beguiling 'fantasy of heroic virtue', which both inspires and traps them. As they try to practice the cult teachings for themselves, they tend to alternate between seeing themselves as fairly heroic in their efforts to achieve an ideal personality and to help bring about a ideal new world, or feeling guilty over their failure to overcome their recalcitrant old self, with all its supposed negativity and reactivity and sinfulness.
The hubris can either be a personal hubris, in the case of the cult's top hierarchy, or more usually, for rank and file members, it is a kind of projected hubris, or hubris-by-proxy - the hope and expectation that in due course, after diligent practice, they will attain the ideal for themselves, or at least make definite progress towards the ideal. This expectation can sometimes lead to a sort of collective hubris among established cult members. They see themselves as part of an elite, and tend to look down rather sniffily upon the mores and values of mainstream society.
To varying degrees, believers can experience a sort of refined mania of inspiration, almost like a drug high, when they are in the hubris phase, identifying with their imaginary idealised new self, with its enhanced understanding and kindness, etc. This inspiration is pleasant and even intoxicating in itself, and it may also be interpreted as a sign of spiritual progress, as a glimpse of a higher reality, or as evidence of the truth of the belief system. This is all part of the circular, solipsistic, self-validating nature of a cult belief system.
Besides tending to believe in the objective truth of the belief system, believers can also become psychologically addicted to the inspired state.This combination of faith and addiction can make a person very loyal to their group, and to the teachers and leaders who inspire and guide the group. In effect, they become dependent on the group and its leadership to guide their 'spiritual growth'. Of course, cult leaders can exploit this dependency in various ways.
If members fall out of favour, even temporarily, with the group's leadership, or if they begin to doubt if they can achieve the group's ideals, they may experience a sort of religious depression, in the form of anxiety or guilt over their seeming inability to free themselves from their negative 'old self', with all its bad habits and reactivity and lack of faith. This guilt or depression tends to reinforce their desire to return to the inspired state, and to reinforce their addiction to the inspiring vision of the cult belief system, so there can be a cumulative feedback process operating too - the more they cling to their inspiration, the more they are prone to depression once the inspiration wears off. And the more they experience depression, the more they crave inspiration. And so on.
At an extreme, believers fear they will become ill or fall into hell if they leave the group.
All this goes on within a cult members mind. A cult does not really control its members by using external coercion. It is the belief system/worldview itself which is the primary active agent in cult mind control. The actual controlling of mind is done by the person themselves, as they attempt to discipline their mind and reform their personality, in accordance with the tenets of their new belief system. Effectively, a cult, via its belief system, uses a person's own energy and aspirations against them.
It would be a mistake to assume that only weak-willed people join cults. On the contrary, it is often the more ambitious and strong-willed people who become the most committed cult members.
Of course, ordinary society can be a bit bi-polar as well, with its pressure to be 'successful', with an ideal physique, lifestyle, etc. The pressure is just more focused and sustained within a cult. A cult can play on both a person's anxieties and their aspirations at the same time. They (or rather their belief system) can potentially make a person feel both more guilty about their 'old self' with its normal human weaknesses, and simultaneously inspire them with an imaginary idealised vision of a wonderful new self and a new life. Very bi-polar.
In general, when you talk to a cult member, it can be helpful to understand which self, either the old self with its old set of beliefs, or the new self with its new set of cult beliefs, is more dominant at any particular time.
If you criticise a cult member, this may just encourage their tendency to see themselves (their old self) as flawed, and may push them further into the cult. If you criticise their church or group, the cult-member will go into cult-self mode and will see your criticisms as tending to confirm the cult's warnings about the outside world and its negative effects. A better approach may be to acknowledge and encourage a cult member's old self, without criticising or threatening the new cult self. If a cult member feels valued in themselves, and their old self does not feel devalued, then this weakens the cult's attraction for them.

Why do people join cults?
Obviously, no-one is forced to join a cult. No-one is forced to adopt a new belief system. Equally, however, no-one can really make an informed assessment of a group or its belief system in advance, without having first had some personal experience of it. You can't knock it if you haven't tried it.
The ideals and goals of a cult's belief system are such as to give the cult an inherent psychological advantage over its critics and doubters, because on the one hand the cult's ideals are attractive and inspiring, while on the other hand they are non-falsifiable - they can never be shown to be false or deluded, and indeed it can seem negative and reactionary even to question them.
In general, it can be difficult to know in advance whether it would be beneficial or not to follow the study and training opportunities offered by a particular group or organisation. The benefits, if any, of group involvement can only really be evaluated after a suitable period of time spent with the group. How long a suitable period of time might be, depends on the individual, and cannot be determined in advance. In other words, it can be very difficult to know from the outside whether a group is a cult or not, unless you are forewarned and have enough knowledge about cults to be able to spot the telltale signs.
The danger for someone who may unwittingly become involved with a cult is that they will be exposed to the cult belief system, which is psychoactive, like a drug. It can be addictive and disorientating, and dangerous even to experiment with. Once involved, it may not be all that easy for someone to escape from a cult belief system.
Cults will do their best to ensure initial apparent benefits for new members. A cult is rather like a card sharp, who will let a newcomer win the first few games, in order to take all their money in the long run. There is no problem, so long as a member is happy to continue their involvement with the group. However, should a member at some stage become unhappy with their involvement, or develop serious doubts about the belief system or the integrity of the group's leadership, then the process of disentanglement may not be all that straightforward.

Leaving a cult.
Rejecting the belief system in its entirety may not be easy, or even desirable. Even after physical contact with the group has ceased, elements of the cult belief system are likely to linger in the mind of an ex-member for some time, depending how deeply and for how long they were involved. They may experience feelings of anxiety and disorientation as they try to rid themselves of the unwanted remnants of the cult belief system and worldview, while simultaneously trying to regain some confidence either in their old, pre-cult belief system and ways of relating to the world, or alternatively, in some new, post-cult belief system.
In trying to rid their minds of the unwanted remnants of the cult belief system, an ex-member is effectively trying to use their own thought processes to disentangle their own thought processes. This is quite a difficult task, rather like trying to lift yourself up by your own shoelaces.
For a while, an ex-member may exist in a sort of limbo between the cult world and the outside world, unsure which to believe in. To the extent that the cult belief system retains any degree of respect or credibility within an ex-member's mind, then to that extent leaving the group will seem like abandoning the ideals and aspirations of the group's belief system, and therefore like a failure.
On the other hand, to the extent that the cult belief system fails to retain credibility and is eschewed, to that extent an ex-member will tend to feel shame at their foolishness and gullibility in having once adopted beliefs and aspired to ideals which they now regard as unrealistic.
So either they are a failure, or a gullible fool. Either way their self-confidence takes a knock, and they may find it difficult to have any faith in their own judgement, or in their ability to make sensible decisions. For a while, they may not know what to believe, or who to trust.
While an ex-member is in this process of disentangling themselves from the cult belief system and ways of thinking, it can be helpful to talk to other ex-members from various different cults, who have gone through a similar process of disentanglement. Additionally, there are professional 'exit-counselors', often former cult members themselves, who may be able to help unravel any psychological disorientation or damage resulting from cult involvement.
However, some caution is also necessary, because some so-called cult awareness networks are, ironically, actually run by cults, and some supposedly independent academic researchers are in effect cult apologists, whose research is sometimes indirectly funded by cults seeking a positive report for their own marketing and public relations purposes.

How do cults get away with it?
Mind control is an intangible thing. It is a complex psychological process which leaves no physical trace or evidence behind. Therefore it is virtually impossible to prove that mind control has occurred in any particular case, or even that it exists at all.
Mind control occurs as a result of an individual becoming involved with a cult and its belief system. Unfortunately, the workings of cult mind control are not widely understood by the general public. Consequently, cults are almost never held responsible for the beliefs they promote, or for the changes in an individual's behaviour that those beliefs may cause. The individual is held responsible for acting on those beliefs, but the cult is rarely if ever held responsible for promoting those beliefs in the first place.
No criticisms of the allegedly harmful effect that a cult's belief system may have had upon a member's mind or behaviour can ever be proved objectively, because the whole subject of personal belief is by nature largely subjective and intangible, and therefore unprovable either way.
Victims are left with the near-impossible task of proving the unprovable. A cult can simply say that its critics are motivated by personal resentment and negativity, or that they had hidden psychological problems before they became involved with the group. So long as the burden of proof remains with the critic, a cult can never lose. A cult can be a complete scam, and damaging to those who become involved, but nobody can actually prove it.
Therefore it is very difficult to expose a cult, or to prevent it from continuing to expand and to attract new recruits

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Eric Dobbs ()
Date: August 31, 2012 10:54AM

After 58 interesting and rewarding years I'm not sure if I could successfully define " Sanity". I do admit though at times I have danced around the perimeter of "Insanity" but I do think like most people I can recognize the signs of mental derangement and delusion in myself as well as in others ....
After reading the Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine expose in The GoodWeekend, SMH (sat 25th Aug) and The Rules of "The Initiation Game" published by Serge Benhayon and his daughter "Winston Churchill"( posted above by MacReady - thankyou) I've gotta say readers I don't think Serge has just one kangaroo in his top paddock, I think he has a MOB of kangaroos in his top paddock and they are kicking down his fences.This Cult and it's leader Serge I know are barking MAD in both the temporal and ESOTERIC worlds. Over and Out - Eric

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: John lazuras ()
Date: August 31, 2012 12:58PM

Thanks MacReady,

This article is correct and exactly what happens in the UM world.

They UM followers believe that they are not in a cult because they can come and go and they are not locked up in a compound….read the blogs it is all about LOVE and looking after self.

But reading this article is a TRUE representation on what happens in UM……………… you UM followers have a read of this and gain a understanding if you can think for yourself, that you are in fact a part of a CULT.

In time your existence with this UM will have an effect on your family (if it has not to date), personnel life, work life and kids ….but that is ok because you all socialise which each other and anyone the is not associated with the UM cult beliefs and behaviours are “pranic” people.

Everyone else can see UM and it leader for what is it.

Can someone call the white van and the men with the straight jacket and take this guy away to the funny farm .........those kangaroos are going CRAZY.

Oh sorry you may need to bring a big bus and many straight jackets and collect all the followers ...............dam it .............more money that Medicare will have to pay out to look after these followers.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 31, 2012 11:18PM

For purposes of comparison, here is how food (in this case fanatical and judgemental vegetarianism is used as the thin end of a wedge to cause family discord.

And how fear of lapsing from the diet keeps people in line.



In both ISKCON and with CB and his followers, the party line is that if you eat meat, this will affect your consciousness and degrade you to a point of not being able to understand anything spiritual.

They believe that the cruelty involved in animal slaughter hardens your heart and by eating meat you are cut off from g0d. But they are hypocrites because they are "hard hearted" towards meat eaters and have no compassion for them!

People who eat meat are looked down on and considered evil, not worthy of association. It is dogmatism. They are intensely intolerant. A devotee woman will "not kiss the lips of a man who eats meat." They will not eat out of the same pots or utensils that meat has been cooked. I call them "veggie fascists".

There is nothing inherently wrong in being a vegetarian. That is not the issue.

The harm comes from the fanatical attitudes towards others.

For example, their views created estrangements from family. CB (chris butler)cult members are taught that parents, siblings, grandparents who are meat eaters are incapable of understanding what they (followers) are doing, they can not ever advance spiritually unless they stop eating meat, are dangerous to associate with, and are lowly people who will drag you down. they are told that meat eaters are in the "mode of darkness and ignorance".

This is just another form of mind control over followers. I

t has caused a lot of pain to so many families.

The children come home for a visit and a fight ensues over food!

But underneath, the fight is really about the wedge that the cult has created between family members. This is, IMO, the real spiritual crime; to destroy once loving family relationships because of the cults intolerance.

In general, seeing everything in black and white is a chief characteristic of cults and fanatical religions.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: September 01, 2012 09:04PM

For you Serge:

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,
rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

The truth finds its own way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2012 09:10PM by COncerned Partner.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 02, 2012 11:01PM

If you think your posts are not getting through and being approved, contact Mr Rick Ross, moderator directly by PM.


If anyone PMs you and wants to know why your posts get approved and his or her posts are not getting through, give the above contact information.

Tell the person to contact the moderator directly and sort things out.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: September 03, 2012 09:01AM

The author of the following piece is strongly advised to thoroughly investigate Serge's past business dealings before recommending his teachings as the answer to the world's economic ills. She will find several people eager to catch up with Benhayon, and more than willing to testify to the true nature of his 'integrity' in financial matters:


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