Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: John lazuras ()
Date: August 28, 2012 06:11PM

Well said Corboy and 100% correct.

If UM did not interfere with our family life I may be able to accept some of their crap teachings……and spending the $ for this.

But they could not, they have pushed the boundaries with their wacky belief system onto our family life and divided great relationships between husbands and wife’s, children in the family, partners, mum and dads, brothers and sisters, family and friends……and it is this that I cannot accept.

We are branded as “abusive men” but let me tell you, I have never been abusive against my partner in any way and I am a very loving and caring person (and are known for these qualities by other people)……..and it is because of my love and caring nature that I have a concern about this group Universal Medicine beliefs and teachings has on a persons ability to THINK and ACT for their selves.

The only thing I may have failed on was giving my wife some attention while I worked hard to provide for her to do the UM courses and provide her with a very privilege and rewarding life.

This organisation is very destructive and dangerous to a family unit they look at isolating an individual from their LOVED ones…..why??????......... so UM can have control over them. I have seen it when an UMer is away from the cult group and have no contact they actually start to have some logical thinking and start to ACT normal again and they slowly assimilate in society again.

This is why Serge and his crew of practioners and music gurus keep bombarding the UM followers with emails, courses, EDG, EWG, music sessions and broadcasts so they keep the followers attached to the organisation (BRAINWASHING) so the followers of the group do not stray away from the beliefs of UM …..they have to feed the followers addiction to ensure they remain HOOKED on the drug of UM.

Also as a matter of interest I have printed off the Good Weekend article and gave it to various people to read at my work and everyone that read the article have all said that it is a cult or like a cult and many other things that I could not write here. (Note I did not give the people any of my own thoughts on the article) many of the readers also made comments on the relationship of “The One” and his current wife on how this came about and as one said “seems a little suspicious”.

How is it that all other non UMers that have read and understood the article and they have gained a understanding on UM and Serge and all these people came to the same conclusion about this CULT…….but yet the UMers can still defend UM and Serge beliefs and teachings…….this alone shows there level of thought.

And finally I feel for his current wife’s mother, all mothers have that motherly instinct and will always LOVE their children no matter what goes on and what they do. In this case we have a mother that LOVES her daughter but a daughter that does not want to communicate with her mother why?

As quoted from the Good Weekend article - Miranda Benhayon counters: "I don't actually have contact with her at all by choice, because it hasn't been love. When we started off [in] tennis, it was a family thing; it was all of us in it together. She pulled away from that and that's why I continue to have a relationship with my dad and continue to have an amazing relationship with Deborah and Serge."

I thought UM is all about LOVE and being together, helping relationships, trust, honesty.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: August 28, 2012 07:35PM

John lazuras
Well said Corboy and 100% correct.


As quoted from the Good Weekend article - Miranda Benhayon counters: "I don't actually have contact with her at all by choice, because it hasn't been love. When we started off [in] tennis, it was a family thing; it was all of us in it together. She pulled away from that and that's why I continue to have a relationship with my dad and continue to have an amazing relationship with Deborah and Serge."

I thought UM is all about LOVE and being together, helping relationships, trust, honesty.

Hi John


I had this thought tonight.

We have a different understanding of the word love than UM'ers as Serge has redefined it. We also have a different meaning of the word truth, because Serge has redefined that too.

Love according to normal people; softness, endurance, compassion, empathy, understanding- Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through ... Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things

Love according to Serge and his faithful flock; Love is without an ounce of emotion. Nothing else. []

Truth according to normal people: Goodness, equality, fairness, openness, transparency, communication.

Truth according to Serge and UM: "Don't be good, be true"- that is, truth is not necessarily good, it was you feel.

When people see perceive fundamental notions at diametric positions, it is little wonder they are cleaved apart.

When love is nothing and truth is relative, then life is also the same and everything is rendered meaningless.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: August 28, 2012 07:57PM

did you write this?

or one of your minion at your instruction?

Do you forget all the other material that is floating around out there in cyberspace? and now in the hands of the Lords of Form?
The only one putting a spin on is you my friend- can you think of a way to get that all back? think, think, think...
No it is not possible, and it all contradicts what you have written here and and the 'soft' spin you put on everything as the world unravels around you to expose what is really going on.

The truth has a way of finding its way to the surface and you know it is doing that right now, slowly and surely, bit by bit..
and soon it will be out in the full glare of the daylight for all to see.
What is the plan then?

We all wait to see how the 5th level master will stare that one down. With baited breath.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 28, 2012 10:39PM

I am going to break the quoted material into paragraphs for easier analysis-Corboy

Note the spelling and grammatical errors. I dont know if these are in the original text or not. Its interesting that some of the UM members who replied to the journalist articles also generate spelling and grammatical errors. Not all of them do this but enough that it is interesing.


From Concerned Partner:

On that note, I have seen a document from 2009 outlining the levels of initiation- the penny has dropped.

I now realize why anything we say is a conversation with ourselves and why the students rage in blind defense of UM and Serge.

The details can come later, but the short of it is:

As you climb the initiation levels ( which you know yourself, but Serge apparently graded them on anyway) you have to put aside emotion, your personality ( which is spirit/prana)

Sadness, strong feels, things that hold you back ( ie, relationships built on the 'wrong foundations') to get to level 2 initiate. You then spend a long time clearing Karma. You will have people, feelings, emotions ( prana, bad things) trying to pull you back but you must resist.

Then after a long time ( maybe lifetimes) you reach level 3 where you are emotionless but lazy, and could drop back to level 2 or even 1.

If you can go beyond that, you become in line with the fiery plan and can beat off the lords of form and astral/pranic attacks.

You need to help a certain amount of other people reach the next level, and then you can proceed in levels 4.1, 4.2 and so forth ( how do you count it- only Serge would know) till you get to level 5 where you are here to teach the world and reflect the light of the fiery plan and are in touch with, Serge.

Look at the contradiction.

"As you climb the initiation levels ( which you know yourself, but Serge apparently graded them on anyway) you have to put aside emotion, your personality ( which is spirit/prana) "

After reaching level 3 you "need to help a certain amount of other people" reach the next level, and then you can proceed in levels 4.1, 4.2 and so forth.

How can one 'help other a certain amount of other people' if one has 'put aside emotion and personality'?

If one is not to come across like an emotionless robot (which would give a very bad impression on those you're trying to 'help', maybe the solution is to create a mask personality--reject the pranic emotions and construct a fictional mask .

You relate to the public from behind this mask, a mask that is all gentleness---the better to attract other people to "help."

With the discord you generated at home, its going to take a lot of effort to present as 'gentle' to the outside work--but thats more strife that proves your worthiness and makes you feel you are working hard as an aspirant climbing the initiatic ladder.

Hmmm....'help a certain amount of other people'?

So could this be the reason why UM believers simultenously reject family members emotionally and sexually (to ensure their own progress up the ladder of initiation) and at the same time think they are 'helping' by turning into ESO coaches at home--imposing changes on diet for the entire household, ordering their non UM partners to give up activities that partner prefers because it brings bad energy into the household?

All this 'helping' is ultimately selfish--to keep moving up the initiatic ladder.

Other people are treated as means to an end

*If they oppose you, other people generate opposition, which proves how special you are and gives you opportunities for UM heroism and brownie points on the intiatic ladder.

* If people obey your orders and submit to letting the household be turned into an ESO environment, you gain points as a magician by exorcising bad energy from your household.

*If you recruit other people into UM by using the gentle mask facade, you get mega points and go up the initiatic ladder.

But all this reduces other people, even your UM companions, to means to an end.

You, the UM initiate risk being used as a means to an end, too--by your UM buddies.

Other bad gnostic systems abuse other people.

For comparison here is what Carlos Castaneda did.

Here is an essay on Erasing Personal History and Other Sorceric Techniques, written by someone who survived being a member of Castanedas group.

The entire thing is well worth reading.


Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: August 29, 2012 05:25AM

The most laughable aspect of Serge's initiation system is the prospect that the higher the initiate, the less ideals and beliefs are held. Nothing could be further from the truth. As you climb the ladder of Serge's psychotic delusion, the student merely replaces any previously held beliefs and ideals with a far more complicated system of beliefs and ideals, regarding astral planes, lords of form, 'Glamour', 'Maya', service to mankind... ad nauseum. The indoctrinated UM devotee is as weighed down with illogical belief and supernatural ideals as any fundamentalist of the three Abrahamic faiths.

And, indeed, "where does this imposing arrogance come from?"

Not a 5th degree initiate. Not 'The Heirarchy'. Not Shamballa. It comes from the narcissistic, delusional ego of Serge Benhayon. Just another self-invented, new age guru with a God-complex.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: August 29, 2012 06:35AM

"I know more than any scientist in my inner heart ... I know everything about the universe and how it works. I can answer any question about any mystery in the world, any mystery in the universe." - Serge Benhayon

Yet he clearly doesn't have a clue when it comes to diagnosing clients. Otherwise he would know that people looking to him for healing have cancer, as opposed to a nasty case of possession by entities.

Despite this, we're assured by the faithful that the world needs to look to Serge if cancer and disease rates are to


"Is Universal Medicine being attacked because it is pointing out the obvious? Are those that complain just too comfortable with the way things are, and lack the courage to make self-loving changes to their lives? "

No. The obvious is just that. Obvious. Serge has no monopoly on it and millions of people make positive lifestyle choices without his, or any other guru's help. UM is being exposed because Serge's claims to supernatural knowledge and abilities are ridiculous, outrageous and in when it comes to the well-being of his patients, downright dangerous.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: treefern ()
Date: August 29, 2012 08:49AM

Actually correct me here if I'm wrong any UMer out there.

All the people with cancer have first been diagnosed and subsequently treated by the TRAINED teams of medical professionals? I don't in all honesty believe you can owe your being 'alive' now to Serge, because from what I gather there are a lot of poor people who have lost their lives due to his misdiagnosis, or would have if they had listened to him and other UM staff. What about the poor woman who worked for him as a counsellor, six feet under if my memory serves me correctly? Where was the 'Healers healer' then or do you have to be 'chosen' by the healer to live?

Working with ANY major illness requires a change in lifestyle, GOOD eating habits, exercise, GOOD music, fun, family, friends, dancing and persuing creative activities that brings you joy. Laughter IS the best medicine, not fear from the words of a madman!

I don't see too many happy faces on the UMers.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: August 29, 2012 08:59AM

"I know more than any scientist in my inner heart ... I know everything about the universe and how it works. I can answer any question about any mystery in the world, any mystery in the universe." - Serge Benhayon

Yet he clearly doesn't have a clue when it comes to diagnosing clients. Otherwise he would know that people looking to him for healing have cancer, as opposed to a nasty case of possession by entities.

Despite this, we're assured by the faithful that the world needs to look to Serge if cancer and disease rates are to


"Is Universal Medicine being attacked because it is pointing out the obvious? Are those that complain just too comfortable with the way things are, and lack the courage to make self-loving changes to their lives? "

No. The obvious is just that. Obvious. Serge has no monopoly on it and millions of people make positive lifestyle choices without his, or any other guru's help. UM is being exposed because Serge's claims to supernatural knowledge and abilities are ridiculous, outrageous and in when it comes to the well-being of his patients, downright dangerous.

"These statistics are appalling, and other than Universal Medicine, who else has taken notice? How about a new subject on the curriculum called, “Looking after Yourself”! Are we not taking notice of the above facts because it is just too scary to admit that something about the way we live is not right? Is Universal Medicine being attacked because it is pointing out the obvious? Are those that complain just too comfortable with the way things are, and lack the courage to make self-loving changes to their lives? With self-awareness comes responsibility – this is, understandably, a challenging road to take.

However, is illness and disease random, or do we create it through our own choices and emotions? If it is the latter, then surely we need to listen to the ‘listen to your body’, commonsense approach to self-care that Serge Benhayon advocates"

Hi MacReady
How arrogant of this person to think that Universal Medicine has a patent on concern for Cancer victims and implying no one else is lifting a hand to do anything about it.

How stupid to use cancer rates as an argument for Universal Medicine- disease rates dont make universal medicine right or Serge sane. It is just a disease rate.

How revealing that students believe Serge has a way of mitigating cancer or an answer to it, when Serge is defending himself from the accusation that he ever said " He can cure or help with cancer"

And how deceitful is it, as you point out, to keep on about this, when we all know Universal Medicine is really about astral planes, shamballa, then new era, lords of form, Initiation levels, Serge being a stage 5 master, Hierarchies,
dis-incarnated spirits, entities getting into your bodies and minds--- and of course, driving a wedge between men and women via incessant messages of 'love- that dont have an ounce of emotion'

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: HowDoesItHappen ()
Date: August 29, 2012 08:22PM

Just a quick idea I've had about fear and the way it is used in UM, and probably countless other cults. Forgive me if this subject matter has already been covered, there's just so much content in this thread now that it's hard to keep up!

If you look at fear as being one of the most powerful emotions in humans you wonder what it's purpose is. To use the example of a fear of sharks. Most people have a healthy fear of sharks. That fear is useful because it stops you from swimming in water where you can see a shark, like in a shark enclosure or at a shark infested beach. When we go for a swim at a patrolled beach where there are shark nets or at the very least life savers who can look out for sharks we feel comfortable swimming because our LOGICAL part of the brain tells us that we won't get eaten by a shark with those things in place.

What happens when we are convinced that the logical part of our brain is actually evil and under the influence of evil, other-worldly entities and that side of the brain must be ignored. Instead we should FEEL into the situation. Well, our initial fears of sharks have no barrier to take over our thoughts. Suddenly the possibility of being attacked by a shark is as real to you as it would be to someone watching a shark swim at them.

What's scariest about that is that UM followers are taught to FEEL into everything in this world. Can you imagine having no barriers ffor every single fear in your head? What an absolutely horrible proposition! The only thing that could comfort these poor people is Serge's reassuring words that as long as they follow his teachings etc. they will be ok.

Add to that the thousands of extra things Serge gives them to fear (bad energies, evil entities, etc etc), and it's no wonder these poor people are unable to break free of the nonsense!

Anyway, that's just an amateur psychologist's view of the situation. Take it or leave it.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: August 30, 2012 04:46AM

Hello Howdoesithappen,

Despite all the talk of self-loving choices and 'not being told what to do' etc, fear is the controlling factor in most of Serge's teachings. He can gift wrap it in passive-aggressive, reverse psychology 'everyone is free to choose' rhetoric all he wants, but it's still using fear to control the followers.

For example, Serge assures the 'students' that every choice you make, literally every thing you do each day is a potential entry point for pranic energy or possibly entities to enter and control you. You could follow his teachings 99% to the letter, but you will be you'll be assured that the 1% is keeping you from being 'truly esoteric'.

He essentially uses guilt mechanisms like, 'you think you can get away with that one thing because you're doing everything else right, but you can't'. So you might follow the teachings to the letter but still, for example, eat the occasional piece of chocolate, or enjoy watching a game of competitive sport. These transgressions are 'the gateways through which the evil energies will allegedly enter you.

If you listen to the new era interview, Serge goes so far as to say that the energy in which you move your body has the potential to harmfully impact not only people all over the world, but also life on other planets. So if you're not moving your body gently enough, you're creating pranic ripples that affect life throughout the universe.

While the students may be told they are 'free to choose', if they want to ascend Serge's mythical initiation ladder, which is the course outline for the 'education' program they're enrolled in, there is no choice but to comply.

Serge can talk about love and joy all he likes, but his use of fear and guilt as a control mechanism matches that of
any hellfire and brimstone fundamentalist.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2012 04:58AM by MacReady.

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